
我国上市公司现金股利政策问题研究,——以钢铁业上市公司为例13200字我自己的毕业论文,确保原创,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心下载使用摘要 股利政策是上市公司最重要的三大财务决策之一,它直接影响到上市公司长期稳定的发展,还影响到投资者的自身利益。它不仅反映出上市公司过去一段时间的经营水平,还预示着企业未来的发展潜力和经营战...

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
摘要 股利政策是上市公司最重要的三大财务决策之一,它直接影响到上市公司长期稳定的发展,还影响到投资者的自身利益。它不仅反映出上市公司过去一段时间的经营水平,还预示着企业未来的发展潜力和经营战略,影响公司的市场价值、筹资能力,受到股东和利益相关者的高度重视。而现金股利作为各国股利政策中最普遍、最重要的一种方式,在企业的股利分配制度中起着举足轻重的作用。
关键词:上市公司 股利政策 现金股利
The research on cash dividend policy of listed companies in China
——illustrated by the example of steel
ABSTRACT : The dividend policy is one of the listed company's three most important financial decisions , it is not only a direct impact on the long -term and stable development of the listed companies , but also directly affect the interests of investors. The cash dividend policy of listed companies is the strategy of the rational allocation of the company 's net profit between the shareholder and the company retention,the company’s future development , investment and trade- offs between the financing plan and capital structure . And the cash dividend as a way of the dividend policy in the most common, most important, play a decisive role in the dividend distribution system of enterprise.
This paper firstly introduces the concept and types of my listing Corporation's dividend policy, the concept and influencing factors of cash dividend policy. And then combined with the development status of iron and steel industry listing Corporation, in China's iron and steel industry listing Corporation shareholders cash, cash dividend policy and financing cash dividend policy influence, capriciousness is big, big shareholders control problem is serious. Then in-depth analysis of its causes, mainly due to profitability is not strong, the unreasonable equity structure, the lack of supervision of the listing Corporation, a unique phenomenon, influence the shareholder personal intention. Finally proposed consummates our country listing Corporation cash dividend policy, improve the relevant legal system of cash dividend policy, strengthen the cash dividend policy of listing Corporation disclosure regulation, guide rational investment of investors, pay attention to protect the interests of small investors, the listing Corporation to increase dividends consciousness, optimizing equity structure of the listing Corporation.
For listing Corporation, the cash dividend policy specification is an effective measure to guarantee the interests of investors, to improve the overall level of cash dividend policy, to stimulate the enthusiasm of investors, injection power for the rapid development of listing Corporation.
Key words: Listed companies Dividend policy Cash dividends
引言 1
第一章 股利政策理论概述 2
1.1 股利政策的概念及种类 2
1.1.1 股利政策的概念 2
1.1.2 股利政策的种类 3
1.2 现金股利政策的概念 3
1.3 现金股利政策的影响因素 3
1.3.1 外部因素 3
1.3.2 内部因素 4
第二章 我国钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策现状及存在问题 5
2.1 钢铁业上市公司的发展概况 5
2.2 钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策的现状 5
2.2.1 关于上市公司派现家数的统计分析 5
2.2.2 关于上市公司现金股利发放水平的统计分析 6
2.2.3 关于上市公司现金股利政策稳定性的统计分析 7
2.3 存在的问题 8
2.3.1 存在大股东套现现象 8
2.3.2 现金股利政策受再筹资影响较大 8
2.3.3 现金股利政策的随意性较大 9
2.3.4 大股东操纵现象严重,中小股东利益被漠视 9
第三章 钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策存在问题的原因分析 9
3.1 盈利能力不强,缺乏现金流量 9
3.2 股权结构不合理 10
3.3 钢铁业上市公司外部监管不力 10
3.4 一股独大现象的存在 11
3.5 股东个人意愿的影响 11
第四章 完善我国上市公司现金股利政策的建议 12
4.1 政策方面 12
4.1.1 完善相关法律制度,规范上市公司派现行为 12
4.1.2 加强上市公司现金股利政策披露监管 12
4.2 市场方面 13
4.2.1 引导投资者理性投资 13
4.2.2 重视对中小投资者利益的保护 13
4.3 公司方面 14
4.3.1 上市公司要提升分红意识 14
4.3.2 优化上市公司的股权结构 14
结论 14
致谢 16
参考文献 17
摘要 股利政策是上市公司最重要的三大财务决策之一,它直接影响到上市公司长期稳定的发展,还影响到投资者的自身利益。它不仅反映出上市公司过去一段时间的经营水平,还预示着企业未来的发展潜力和经营战略,影响公司的市场价值、筹资能力,受到股东和利益相关者的高度重视。而现金股利作为各国股利政策中最普遍、最重要的一种方式,在企业的股利分配制度中起着举足轻重的作用。
关键词:上市公司 股利政策 现金股利
The research on cash dividend policy of listed companies in China
——illustrated by the example of steel
ABSTRACT : The dividend policy is one of the listed company's three most important financial decisions , it is not only a direct impact on the long -term and stable development of the listed companies , but also directly affect the interests of investors. The cash dividend policy of listed companies is the strategy of the rational allocation of the company 's net profit between the shareholder and the company retention,the company’s future development , investment and trade- offs between the financing plan and capital structure . And the cash dividend as a way of the dividend policy in the most common, most important, play a decisive role in the dividend distribution system of enterprise.
This paper firstly introduces the concept and types of my listing Corporation's dividend policy, the concept and influencing factors of cash dividend policy. And then combined with the development status of iron and steel industry listing Corporation, in China's iron and steel industry listing Corporation shareholders cash, cash dividend policy and financing cash dividend policy influence, capriciousness is big, big shareholders control problem is serious. Then in-depth analysis of its causes, mainly due to profitability is not strong, the unreasonable equity structure, the lack of supervision of the listing Corporation, a unique phenomenon, influence the shareholder personal intention. Finally proposed consummates our country listing Corporation cash dividend policy, improve the relevant legal system of cash dividend policy, strengthen the cash dividend policy of listing Corporation disclosure regulation, guide rational investment of investors, pay attention to protect the interests of small investors, the listing Corporation to increase dividends consciousness, optimizing equity structure of the listing Corporation.
For listing Corporation, the cash dividend policy specification is an effective measure to guarantee the interests of investors, to improve the overall level of cash dividend policy, to stimulate the enthusiasm of investors, injection power for the rapid development of listing Corporation.
Key words: Listed companies Dividend policy Cash dividends
引言 1
第一章 股利政策理论概述 2
1.1 股利政策的概念及种类 2
1.1.1 股利政策的概念 2
1.1.2 股利政策的种类 3
1.2 现金股利政策的概念 3
1.3 现金股利政策的影响因素 3
1.3.1 外部因素 3
1.3.2 内部因素 4
第二章 我国钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策现状及存在问题 5
2.1 钢铁业上市公司的发展概况 5
2.2 钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策的现状 5
2.2.1 关于上市公司派现家数的统计分析 5
2.2.2 关于上市公司现金股利发放水平的统计分析 6
2.2.3 关于上市公司现金股利政策稳定性的统计分析 7
2.3 存在的问题 8
2.3.1 存在大股东套现现象 8
2.3.2 现金股利政策受再筹资影响较大 8
2.3.3 现金股利政策的随意性较大 9
2.3.4 大股东操纵现象严重,中小股东利益被漠视 9
第三章 钢铁业上市公司现金股利政策存在问题的原因分析 9
3.1 盈利能力不强,缺乏现金流量 9
3.2 股权结构不合理 10
3.3 钢铁业上市公司外部监管不力 10
3.4 一股独大现象的存在 11
3.5 股东个人意愿的影响 11
第四章 完善我国上市公司现金股利政策的建议 12
4.1 政策方面 12
4.1.1 完善相关法律制度,规范上市公司派现行为 12
4.1.2 加强上市公司现金股利政策披露监管 12
4.2 市场方面 13
4.2.1 引导投资者理性投资 13
4.2.2 重视对中小投资者利益的保护 13
4.3 公司方面 14
4.3.1 上市公司要提升分红意识 14
4.3.2 优化上市公司的股权结构 14
结论 14
致谢 16
参考文献 17