我国票据市场的现状及对策研究,1.6万字原创毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目录摘要1abstract2引言3第1章 我国票据市场发展现状分析41.1 市场规模快速发展41.2 区域性票据市场逐渐形成5第2章 我国票据市场发展存在的问题及原因92.1 票据市场基础设施建设落后92.2 交易品种和交易主体单一102...
此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
引言 3
第1章 我国票据市场发展现状分析 4
1.1 市场规模快速发展 4
1.2 区域性票据市场逐渐形成 5
第2章 我国票据市场发展存在的问题及原因 9
2.1 票据市场基础设施建设落后 9
2.2 交易品种和交易主体单一 10
2.3 票据信用基础薄弱 11
2.4 缺乏统一完善的票据市场 12
第3章 境外票据市场发展经验借鉴 13
3.1 美国票据市场发展简介 13
3.2 英国票据市场发展简介 14
3.3 日本票据市场发展经验简介 16
3.3境外票据市场发展经验总结 17
第4章 推动我国票据市场发展的政策建议 19
4.1 完善票据市场基础法律框架 19
4.2 丰富交易品种扩大市场主体 19
4.3 建立票据信用体系 20
4.4 建立全国统一的票据市场,完善市场服务体系 21
结束语 23
参考文献 24
[摘要] 票据市场是指以实质交易为基础的,以自偿性为保证的短期资金交易或融资活动,是货币市场中最基础和交易主体最广泛的组成部分。票据市场作为货币市场的一个重要的组成部分,对于我国的金融经济的发展有着不可忽视的作用,因此我们必须重视票据市场的发展。近年来,我国票据市场已初具规模,对缓解企业流动资金紧张、改善商业银行资产结构和流动性状况、促进社会信用的发展发挥了日益重要的作用。但是,目前我国票据市场存在着信用基础薄弱、市场不够完善和规范、交易品种单一、交易方式落后等问题。因此本论文旨在分析我国票据市场的现状与存在的问题,通过对国内外票据市场发展的现状研究,借鉴国外发达票据市场的成功经验,提出加快我国票据市场发展的对策和建议。
[关键词] 票据市场;发展现状;对策
Study on the Status and Strategies in China’s bill Market Development
Abstract : The bill market refers to the essence of transaction based, with self liquidating the short-term fund transaction or financing activities, and it is part of the most basic and main trading in the money market. The bill market is an important part of the currency market, has a role can not be ignored for the development of financial economy in China, so we must attach importance to the development of the bill market. In recent years, China's bill market has begun to take shape, playing an increasingly important role in the development of enterprises to ease the tight liquidity, improve the commercial bank assets structure and liquidity situation, promoting the social credit. But, at present, our bill market exist many problems ,such as the credit foundation is weak, the market is not perfect and standardize, trading varieties of a single, transaction way backward, etc. This thesis aims at the problem analysis of the present situation of our bill market and the existence, by domestic and foreign research status quo of bill market development, learning from the successful experience of foreign developed market, and puting forward to accelerate the development of our bill market.
Keywords : Bill market; Development status; Countermeasure
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 2
引言 3
第1章 我国票据市场发展现状分析 4
1.1 市场规模快速发展 4
1.2 区域性票据市场逐渐形成 5
第2章 我国票据市场发展存在的问题及原因 9
2.1 票据市场基础设施建设落后 9
2.2 交易品种和交易主体单一 10
2.3 票据信用基础薄弱 11
2.4 缺乏统一完善的票据市场 12
第3章 境外票据市场发展经验借鉴 13
3.1 美国票据市场发展简介 13
3.2 英国票据市场发展简介 14
3.3 日本票据市场发展经验简介 16
3.3境外票据市场发展经验总结 17
第4章 推动我国票据市场发展的政策建议 19
4.1 完善票据市场基础法律框架 19
4.2 丰富交易品种扩大市场主体 19
4.3 建立票据信用体系 20
4.4 建立全国统一的票据市场,完善市场服务体系 21
结束语 23
参考文献 24
[摘要] 票据市场是指以实质交易为基础的,以自偿性为保证的短期资金交易或融资活动,是货币市场中最基础和交易主体最广泛的组成部分。票据市场作为货币市场的一个重要的组成部分,对于我国的金融经济的发展有着不可忽视的作用,因此我们必须重视票据市场的发展。近年来,我国票据市场已初具规模,对缓解企业流动资金紧张、改善商业银行资产结构和流动性状况、促进社会信用的发展发挥了日益重要的作用。但是,目前我国票据市场存在着信用基础薄弱、市场不够完善和规范、交易品种单一、交易方式落后等问题。因此本论文旨在分析我国票据市场的现状与存在的问题,通过对国内外票据市场发展的现状研究,借鉴国外发达票据市场的成功经验,提出加快我国票据市场发展的对策和建议。
[关键词] 票据市场;发展现状;对策
Study on the Status and Strategies in China’s bill Market Development
Abstract : The bill market refers to the essence of transaction based, with self liquidating the short-term fund transaction or financing activities, and it is part of the most basic and main trading in the money market. The bill market is an important part of the currency market, has a role can not be ignored for the development of financial economy in China, so we must attach importance to the development of the bill market. In recent years, China's bill market has begun to take shape, playing an increasingly important role in the development of enterprises to ease the tight liquidity, improve the commercial bank assets structure and liquidity situation, promoting the social credit. But, at present, our bill market exist many problems ,such as the credit foundation is weak, the market is not perfect and standardize, trading varieties of a single, transaction way backward, etc. This thesis aims at the problem analysis of the present situation of our bill market and the existence, by domestic and foreign research status quo of bill market development, learning from the successful experience of foreign developed market, and puting forward to accelerate the development of our bill market.
Keywords : Bill market; Development status; Countermeasure