新型农村合作医疗重大疾病保障水平研究,1.66万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目录第1章 绪论11.1研究背景11.2研究目的和意义21.2.1研究目的21.2.2研究意义21.3国内外研究综述31.3.1国外研究综述31.3.2国内研究综述41.3.3文献评述41.4研究内容4第2章 新农合重大...
此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 3
1.3.1国外研究综述 3
1.3.2国内研究综述 4
1.3.3文献评述 4
1.4研究内容 4
第2章 新农合重大疾病保障的基本概念及理论基础 5
2.1相关基本概念 5
2.1.1重大疾病 5
2.1.2重大疾病保险 6
2.1.3重大疾病保障的属性 6
2.1.4重大疾病保障的目标定位 6
2.2理论基础 7
2.2.1福利经济学理论 7
2.2.2公共产品理论 7
2.2.3风险管理理论 7
第3章 十堰市新农合重大疾病保障的现状分析 8
3.1十堰市社会经济环境和基本医疗保障制度概况 8
3.2十堰市新农合重大疾病保障的现状 9
3.2.1运行模式 9
3.2.2筹资标准 9
3.2.3保障范围 9
3.2.4补偿标准 9
3.3十堰市重大疾病保障存在的问题 10
3.3.1缺乏长效的筹资机制 10
3.3.2保障范围小,保障水平低 10
3.3.3农民参与不积极 11
3.3.4合作机制不完善 11
3.4十堰市重大疾病保障存在问题的成因 11
3.4.1缺乏立法保护 11
3.4.2政府财政投入不足 11
3.4.3宣传不到位 12
3.4.4专业化程度低,管理水平低 12
第4章 国内外重大疾病保障经验及借鉴 12
4.1国外重大疾病保障基本情况 12
4.1.1英国——全民医疗保险 12
4.1.2德国——法定医疗保险 13
4.1.3美国——私人医疗保险 13
4.1.4新加坡——健保双全计划 13
4.2国内其他省市大病保险运营情况 14
4.2.1“江阴模式”——委托管理型 14
4.2.2“太仓模式”——全额转保型 14
4.3借鉴启示 15
4.3.1坚持政府主导 15
4.3.2 注重预防保健 15
4.3.3引入市场竞争 15
第5章 提高十堰市新农合重大疾病保障水平的策略 16
5.1加强顶层设计,完善大病保障制度 16
5.2建立科学合理可行的筹资机制 16
5.3合理控制医疗费用,提高基金保障绩效 16
5.4加强监管,促进大病保险业务规范发展 16
5.5提高经办机构服务能力 17
5.6 积极推进大病保险城乡统筹 17
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献: 20
摘要 健康是人最基本、最重要的权益,是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。以人为本,在一定意义上说,首先要以人的健康为本。重大疾病通常是指严重威胁人们生命和健康,并且极易带来患者家庭沉重的经济负担的疾病。新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称“新农合”)在设立之初就强调了对农民高额医疗费用的分摊补偿作用。但多年实践证明,对于一些重大疾病,新农合的保障补偿作用有限, 参合农民的经济负担仍较为沉重,“因病致贫”与“因病返贫”现象时有发生。
关键词:新农合 重大疾病 大病保险 保障水平
Research on Serious Disease Security Level of the New Rural
Cooperative Medical System in ShiYan City
Abstract Health is the most basic, the most important rights and interests, an inevitable requirement of promoting people's overall development. People-oriented, in a certain sense, is regarded health as the fundamentality. Serious disease usually refers to diseases that seriously threat to people's lives and health, and easy to bring heavy economic burden of disease to patients and families. The New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NCMS), at the beginning of the establishment, emphasized the role of sharing the compensation effect of farmers’ high medical expenses. But years of practice has proved that for some serious diseases, the guarantee of NCMS compensates the function is limited, participating farmers’ economic burden of disease is still relatively heavy. Some time happen such things as peasants who become poor and return to be poor because of illness.
In this context ,this paper bases on the overall social economic development in ShiYan City ,through the analysis of the background of severe disease insurance of the New Rural Cooperative System ,Based on comprehensive literature and practice ,clearly defines the concept of serious diseases、the property and targeting of severe disease insurance ,summarizes the development and problems of NCMS severe disease insurance in ShiYan City : Lacking of long-term financing mechanisms; low level guarantees, little range guarantees; farmers' impositive participation, etc. And we also make recommendations to improve the level of NCMS severe disease insurance of ShiYan City ,combined with the typical foreign countries and domestic severe disease insurance pilot experience ,for instance :Strengthening the top-level design ,Perfecting the security mechanism of severe disease insurance; Establishing a scientific ,reasonable and feasible financing mechanisms; reasonably controlling medical costs , improving the performance of fund guarantee; strengthening supervision ,Promoting the standard development of severe disease insuran..
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 2
1.2.1研究目的 2
1.2.2研究意义 2
1.3国内外研究综述 3
1.3.1国外研究综述 3
1.3.2国内研究综述 4
1.3.3文献评述 4
1.4研究内容 4
第2章 新农合重大疾病保障的基本概念及理论基础 5
2.1相关基本概念 5
2.1.1重大疾病 5
2.1.2重大疾病保险 6
2.1.3重大疾病保障的属性 6
2.1.4重大疾病保障的目标定位 6
2.2理论基础 7
2.2.1福利经济学理论 7
2.2.2公共产品理论 7
2.2.3风险管理理论 7
第3章 十堰市新农合重大疾病保障的现状分析 8
3.1十堰市社会经济环境和基本医疗保障制度概况 8
3.2十堰市新农合重大疾病保障的现状 9
3.2.1运行模式 9
3.2.2筹资标准 9
3.2.3保障范围 9
3.2.4补偿标准 9
3.3十堰市重大疾病保障存在的问题 10
3.3.1缺乏长效的筹资机制 10
3.3.2保障范围小,保障水平低 10
3.3.3农民参与不积极 11
3.3.4合作机制不完善 11
3.4十堰市重大疾病保障存在问题的成因 11
3.4.1缺乏立法保护 11
3.4.2政府财政投入不足 11
3.4.3宣传不到位 12
3.4.4专业化程度低,管理水平低 12
第4章 国内外重大疾病保障经验及借鉴 12
4.1国外重大疾病保障基本情况 12
4.1.1英国——全民医疗保险 12
4.1.2德国——法定医疗保险 13
4.1.3美国——私人医疗保险 13
4.1.4新加坡——健保双全计划 13
4.2国内其他省市大病保险运营情况 14
4.2.1“江阴模式”——委托管理型 14
4.2.2“太仓模式”——全额转保型 14
4.3借鉴启示 15
4.3.1坚持政府主导 15
4.3.2 注重预防保健 15
4.3.3引入市场竞争 15
第5章 提高十堰市新农合重大疾病保障水平的策略 16
5.1加强顶层设计,完善大病保障制度 16
5.2建立科学合理可行的筹资机制 16
5.3合理控制医疗费用,提高基金保障绩效 16
5.4加强监管,促进大病保险业务规范发展 16
5.5提高经办机构服务能力 17
5.6 积极推进大病保险城乡统筹 17
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献: 20
摘要 健康是人最基本、最重要的权益,是促进人的全面发展的必然要求。以人为本,在一定意义上说,首先要以人的健康为本。重大疾病通常是指严重威胁人们生命和健康,并且极易带来患者家庭沉重的经济负担的疾病。新型农村合作医疗制度(以下简称“新农合”)在设立之初就强调了对农民高额医疗费用的分摊补偿作用。但多年实践证明,对于一些重大疾病,新农合的保障补偿作用有限, 参合农民的经济负担仍较为沉重,“因病致贫”与“因病返贫”现象时有发生。
关键词:新农合 重大疾病 大病保险 保障水平
Research on Serious Disease Security Level of the New Rural
Cooperative Medical System in ShiYan City
Abstract Health is the most basic, the most important rights and interests, an inevitable requirement of promoting people's overall development. People-oriented, in a certain sense, is regarded health as the fundamentality. Serious disease usually refers to diseases that seriously threat to people's lives and health, and easy to bring heavy economic burden of disease to patients and families. The New Rural Cooperative Medical System (NCMS), at the beginning of the establishment, emphasized the role of sharing the compensation effect of farmers’ high medical expenses. But years of practice has proved that for some serious diseases, the guarantee of NCMS compensates the function is limited, participating farmers’ economic burden of disease is still relatively heavy. Some time happen such things as peasants who become poor and return to be poor because of illness.
In this context ,this paper bases on the overall social economic development in ShiYan City ,through the analysis of the background of severe disease insurance of the New Rural Cooperative System ,Based on comprehensive literature and practice ,clearly defines the concept of serious diseases、the property and targeting of severe disease insurance ,summarizes the development and problems of NCMS severe disease insurance in ShiYan City : Lacking of long-term financing mechanisms; low level guarantees, little range guarantees; farmers' impositive participation, etc. And we also make recommendations to improve the level of NCMS severe disease insurance of ShiYan City ,combined with the typical foreign countries and domestic severe disease insurance pilot experience ,for instance :Strengthening the top-level design ,Perfecting the security mechanism of severe disease insurance; Establishing a scientific ,reasonable and feasible financing mechanisms; reasonably controlling medical costs , improving the performance of fund guarantee; strengthening supervision ,Promoting the standard development of severe disease insuran..