
混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构的指数趋近率滑模控制,2.54万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 目前,汽车涂装作为提高汽车耐腐蚀和装饰性最经济而有效的方法被各大汽车厂广泛应用,输送设备的性能好坏和控制方法直接影响着车身的表面预处理质量,混联式电泳涂装输送机构可以将并联机构和传统输送机构的串联机构的优...

此文档由会员 曹操55 发布
摘要 目前,汽车涂装作为提高汽车耐腐蚀和装饰性最经济而有效的方法被各大汽车厂广泛应用,输送设备的性能好坏和控制方法直接影响着车身的表面预处理质量,混联式电泳涂装输送机构可以将并联机构和传统输送机构的串联机构的优点集于一身,混联机构即有并联机构刚度好的优点,又有串联机构工作空间大的优点,运用其构造的机器人、机床,具有刚度高、工作空间大、机构尺寸小等优点,具有广阔的应用前景。
Exponential Reaching Law Sliding Mode Control of Hybrid Mechanism for Automobile Electro- Coating Conveying
Abstract At present, automobile coating so as to improve the corrosion resistance and decoration of the car the most economic and effective methods are applied to each big automobile factory.The performance and control method of conveying equipment directly affects the quality of body surface pretreatment.The hybrid electro-coating conveying mechanism can be advantages in series parallel mechanism and traditional conveying mechanism of collection in a body.Hybrid mechanism is a parallel mechanism has the advantages of good rigidity,and has the advantages of large institutions series work space. Using the structure of the robot, machine tool, has the advantages of high rigidity,large working space, small size, and has broad application prospects.
As the hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism is highly nonlinear, strong coupling, multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, it has important application value and high theoretical to study its control strategies and the control methods. It is far from satisfying at the beginning when we used the routine methods that the each branch of the hybrid mechanism was treated as a fully independent system, such as PID. So it is still difficult and hot in the control area of hybrid mechanism to seek a good control theory and algorithms of high reliability, robustness, self-adaptability, intelligence and user-friendly to meet the control needs of such complex systems.
In this paper, A new hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism based on, considering sliding mode variable structure control can deal with the non-linear system and provide better robustness for any parameters variety and external disturbances, so this paper decide to apply the sliding model control. As for the chatter of the routine control, a exponential reaching law sliding mode control is designed to complete the algorithm design, proof of stability theory and simulation based on MATLAB. And finally the simulation results show that this control system has a good performance in tracking and anti-interference and can achieve fast and accurate control control of the hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism.
Keywords electro-coating, hybrid delivery mechanism, sliding mode control, chattering,
exponential reaching law
摘要 目前,汽车涂装作为提高汽车耐腐蚀和装饰性最经济而有效的方法被各大汽车厂广泛应用,输送设备的性能好坏和控制方法直接影响着车身的表面预处理质量,混联式电泳涂装输送机构可以将并联机构和传统输送机构的串联机构的优点集于一身,混联机构即有并联机构刚度好的优点,又有串联机构工作空间大的优点,运用其构造的机器人、机床,具有刚度高、工作空间大、机构尺寸小等优点,具有广阔的应用前景。
Exponential Reaching Law Sliding Mode Control of Hybrid Mechanism for Automobile Electro- Coating Conveying
Abstract At present, automobile coating so as to improve the corrosion resistance and decoration of the car the most economic and effective methods are applied to each big automobile factory.The performance and control method of conveying equipment directly affects the quality of body surface pretreatment.The hybrid electro-coating conveying mechanism can be advantages in series parallel mechanism and traditional conveying mechanism of collection in a body.Hybrid mechanism is a parallel mechanism has the advantages of good rigidity,and has the advantages of large institutions series work space. Using the structure of the robot, machine tool, has the advantages of high rigidity,large working space, small size, and has broad application prospects.
As the hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism is highly nonlinear, strong coupling, multi-variable, multi-degree of freedom, it has important application value and high theoretical to study its control strategies and the control methods. It is far from satisfying at the beginning when we used the routine methods that the each branch of the hybrid mechanism was treated as a fully independent system, such as PID. So it is still difficult and hot in the control area of hybrid mechanism to seek a good control theory and algorithms of high reliability, robustness, self-adaptability, intelligence and user-friendly to meet the control needs of such complex systems.
In this paper, A new hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism based on, considering sliding mode variable structure control can deal with the non-linear system and provide better robustness for any parameters variety and external disturbances, so this paper decide to apply the sliding model control. As for the chatter of the routine control, a exponential reaching law sliding mode control is designed to complete the algorithm design, proof of stability theory and simulation based on MATLAB. And finally the simulation results show that this control system has a good performance in tracking and anti-interference and can achieve fast and accurate control control of the hybrid automobile electro-coating conveying mechanism.
Keywords electro-coating, hybrid delivery mechanism, sliding mode control, chattering,
exponential reaching law
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 汽车电泳涂装概述 1
1.2 机构学的发展和汽车电泳涂装输送机的选择 1
1.2.1 机构学的发展 1
1.2.2 汽车电泳涂装输送机的发展概况 3
1.3 混联式汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制策略概述 5
1.4 本文研究的主要内容 6
第二章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制系统的硬件系统 8
2.1 引言 8
2.2 汽车电泳涂装输送系统的组成和控制原理 8
2.2.1 汽车电泳涂装输送控制系统试验平台 8
2.2.2 汽车电泳涂装输送平台的硬件构成 8
2.2.3 汽车电泳涂装输送系统的控制原理 9
2.3 混联式三自由度输送机 10
2.3.1 混联式三自由度输送机的空间结构 10
2.3.2 混联式三自由度输送机构的结构参数 11
2.3.3 机构简化单元的划分 12
2.4 硬件模块的选择和应用 12
2.4.1 工控机IPC 12
2.4.2 UMAC运动控制器 12
2.4.3 伺服系统的选择及装置 14
2.4.4 位置检测元件 15
2.5 本章小结 15
第三章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析及动力学建模 16
3.1 引言 16
3.2 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的运动学分析 16
3.2.1 位姿表示与齐次坐标变换 16
3.2.2 位置正解分析 19
3.2.3 位置反解分析 20
3.2.4 雅可比矩阵 20
3.3 汽车电泳涂装输送机构的动力学建模 22
3.3.1 动力学建模的方法概述 22
3.3.2 Lagrange 动力学建模原理 25
3.3.3 动力学模型的建立 26
3.4 本章小结 33
第四章 汽车电泳涂装输送机构控制策略设计 34
4.1 引言 34
4.2 滑模变结构控制概述 34
4.2.1 滑模控制系统的特点 34
4.2.2 滑模变结构控制原理 35
4.2.3 滑模变结构控制设计的一般过程 37
4.3 滑模变结构控制的抖振问题 38
4.3.1 抖振产生原因 38
4.3.2 削弱抖振的常用方法 39
4.4 汽车电泳涂装输送机构指数趋近率滑模变结构控制器的设计 40
4.4.1 指数趋近率滑模控制的选择 40
4.4.2 指数趋近率滑模控制的参数调节原理 41
4.4.3 指数趋近率滑模控制器设计 42
4.5 本章小结 44
第五章 混联式输送机构指数趋近率滑模控制系统仿真 45
5.1 引言 45
5.2 构建仿真模型 45
5.3 期望位姿与参数设定 45
5.4 仿真结果及其分析 46
5.5 本章小结 51
结 论 52
致 谢 53
参考文献 54