

分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 小丑88 发布



目前,随着汽车及轻工业的迅速发展,模具设计制造日益受到人们的广泛关注,已成为一个行业。将高新技术应用于模具设计与制造,已成为快速制造优质模具的有力保证:1)、CAD/CAE/CAM的广泛应用,显示了用信息技术带动和提升模具工业的优越性。在欧美,CAD/CAE/CAM已成为模具企业普遍应用的软件。本模具设计,该零件左、右对称,生产精度要求为IT14级。综合运用本专业所学的理论与实践经验,进行一次冷冲压模设计的实际训练,从而提高我们的独立工作能力。 巩固复习四年以来所学的各门学科的知识,以致能融会贯通,进一步了解从模具设计到模具制造的整个工艺流程。 掌握模具设计的基本技能,如工艺参数计算、绘图、查阅设计资料和手册,熟悉标准和规范等。


At present, along with the automobile and the light industry rapid development, the mold design manufacture receives people's widespread attention day by day, has become a profession. Applies the high technology and new technology in the mold design and the manufacture, has become the fast manufacture high quality mold the powerful guarantee: 1)The CAD/CAE/CAM widespread application, had demonstrated uses the information technology impetus and the promotion mold industry superiority。In Europe and America, CAD/CAE /CAM has become the mold enterprise universal application the technology。This mold designs a contact strip, this components left and right symmetry, the production precision request is the IT14 level。The synthesis utilizes the theory and the production know-how which this specialty studies, carries on actual training which a time cold stamping mold designs, thus sharpens our independent working ability。Since consolidated reviews various discipline knowledge which four years have studied, so that can achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of a subject, further understood designs the entire technical process from the mold which make to the mold。Grasps basic skill which the mold designs, like computation, cartography, consult design material and handbook, familiar standard and standard and so on。
Key words: Stamping die; Mold Design; Mold

第1章 绪 论 - 5-
第2章 工件的工艺性分析 - 6 -
2.1冲压件的工艺性分析 - 7 -
2.2 确定工艺方案 - 8 -
第3章 主要工艺参数计算 - 9 -
3.1 计算毛坯尺寸 - 9 -
3.2 画排样图 - 9 -
3.3搭边 - 10 -
3.4条料宽度的确定 - 11 -
3.5步距的确定 - 11 -
3.6 材料利用率计算 - 12 -
3.7 计算冲压力 - 12 -
3.8 计算压力中心 - 13 -
3.9 选择冲压设备 - 14 -
第4章 主要工作部分尺寸计算 - 15 -
4.1落料模尺寸计算 - 15 -
4.2冲孔口尺寸计算 - 16 -
4.3弯曲部分尺寸计算 - 16 -
第5章 模具主要零件及结构设计 - 18 -
5.1凹模和凸模外形尺寸 - 18 -
5.2凹模刃口形式的确定 - 19 -
5.3选取卸料板和凸模的尺寸 - 20 -
5.4模架的选择 - 20 -
5.5推件装置的选择 - 20 -
5.6模柄的选用 - 20 -
5.7定位装置的选择 - 21 -
第6章 绘制零件图和装备图 - 22 -
6.1 绘制装备图 - 22 -
第7章 校核压力机安装尺寸及总结 - 23 -
7.1 校核压力机安装尺寸 - 23 -
7.2 总结 - 24 -
致谢: - 25 -
参考文献: - 26 -