

此文档由会员 小丑88 发布
The laser strengthening technology is covered with intense laser radiation on metal surface constrained layer and the coating are high power, short pulse, dynamic generation of laser induced shock wave peak pressure is greater than the yield strength of the material, the material surface tissue dislocation structure dense, uniform and stable, the plastic deformation in metal surface, and residual compressive stress formed on the metal surface layer, so as to improve the mechanical properties of metal parts. Thus, the laser strengthening shot peening, technology and traditional cold extrusion technology has a certain similarity, but also has the very big difference. In the aluminum alloy holes in this paper strengthen the laser strengthening technology, by using the method of simulation optimization research and exploration hole reinforcement distribution using the residual stress in technology, aims to make theoretical foundation for improving the fatigue life of optimization of plate material. In this paper, the main work and results are as follows:
(1) Based on the finite element software ABAQUS as a platform, the finite element model is established under the high strain rate of laser shock processing.
(2) The impact range, power density, impact frequency, laser pulse width as the research object, simulation and analysis of these factors in a separate change, laser shock on the sheet surface, thickness, hole wall under the influence of surface residual stress distribution.
Keywrods:Aluminum alloy;Small hole with laser shock processing;Residual stress;Optimization
第一章 绪论 6
1.1引言 6
1.2传统孔强化技术 7
1.2.1机械喷丸技术 7
1.2.2 冷挤压技术 9
1.3激光冲击强化技术 10
1.3.1激光冲击强化原理 10
1.3.2 激光冲击强化的特点 12
1.3.3激光冲击小孔强化的研究现状 13
1.4残余应力的研究现状 16
1.4.1残余应力的分类 16
1.4.2残余应力的测试方法 17
1.4.3激光冲击强化残余应力分布研究现状 18
1.5本课题的主要研究内容 19
第二章 激光冲击强化的建模与残余应力场的形成 20
2.1引言 20
2.2有限元模型的建立 20
2.2.1激光冲击有限元模拟的理论基础 20
2.2.2单元类型的选择和网格划分 21
2.2.3边界条件的处理 23
2.2.4材料高应变率下的动态本构关系 24
2.2.5冲击波压力的加载 25
2.3激光冲击强化残余应力场的形成 28
2.3.1激光冲击波加载下材料表层的塑性变形过程 28
2.3.2激光冲击波加载下材料中残余应力的产生机理 31
2.4本章小结 33
第三章 不同工艺参数对残余应力分布规律的影响 34
3.1引言 34
3.2有限元数值仿真 34
3.2.1搭接冲击处理方法与搭接率 34
3.2.2开孔过程模拟 35
3.3不同冲击范围对残余应力分布的影响 37
3.4不同功率密度对残余应力分布的影响 40
3.5不同冲击次数对残余应力分布的影响 43
3.6不同脉宽对残余应力分布的影响 46
3.7本章小结 49
第四章 全文总结 51
致谢 53
参考文献 54
The laser strengthening technology is covered with intense laser radiation on metal surface constrained layer and the coating are high power, short pulse, dynamic generation of laser induced shock wave peak pressure is greater than the yield strength of the material, the material surface tissue dislocation structure dense, uniform and stable, the plastic deformation in metal surface, and residual compressive stress formed on the metal surface layer, so as to improve the mechanical properties of metal parts. Thus, the laser strengthening shot peening, technology and traditional cold extrusion technology has a certain similarity, but also has the very big difference. In the aluminum alloy holes in this paper strengthen the laser strengthening technology, by using the method of simulation optimization research and exploration hole reinforcement distribution using the residual stress in technology, aims to make theoretical foundation for improving the fatigue life of optimization of plate material. In this paper, the main work and results are as follows:
(1) Based on the finite element software ABAQUS as a platform, the finite element model is established under the high strain rate of laser shock processing.
(2) The impact range, power density, impact frequency, laser pulse width as the research object, simulation and analysis of these factors in a separate change, laser shock on the sheet surface, thickness, hole wall under the influence of surface residual stress distribution.
Keywrods:Aluminum alloy;Small hole with laser shock processing;Residual stress;Optimization
第一章 绪论 6
1.1引言 6
1.2传统孔强化技术 7
1.2.1机械喷丸技术 7
1.2.2 冷挤压技术 9
1.3激光冲击强化技术 10
1.3.1激光冲击强化原理 10
1.3.2 激光冲击强化的特点 12
1.3.3激光冲击小孔强化的研究现状 13
1.4残余应力的研究现状 16
1.4.1残余应力的分类 16
1.4.2残余应力的测试方法 17
1.4.3激光冲击强化残余应力分布研究现状 18
1.5本课题的主要研究内容 19
第二章 激光冲击强化的建模与残余应力场的形成 20
2.1引言 20
2.2有限元模型的建立 20
2.2.1激光冲击有限元模拟的理论基础 20
2.2.2单元类型的选择和网格划分 21
2.2.3边界条件的处理 23
2.2.4材料高应变率下的动态本构关系 24
2.2.5冲击波压力的加载 25
2.3激光冲击强化残余应力场的形成 28
2.3.1激光冲击波加载下材料表层的塑性变形过程 28
2.3.2激光冲击波加载下材料中残余应力的产生机理 31
2.4本章小结 33
第三章 不同工艺参数对残余应力分布规律的影响 34
3.1引言 34
3.2有限元数值仿真 34
3.2.1搭接冲击处理方法与搭接率 34
3.2.2开孔过程模拟 35
3.3不同冲击范围对残余应力分布的影响 37
3.4不同功率密度对残余应力分布的影响 40
3.5不同冲击次数对残余应力分布的影响 43
3.6不同脉宽对残余应力分布的影响 46
3.7本章小结 49
第四章 全文总结 51
致谢 53
参考文献 54