

婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素研究,17000字摘要 近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,婚纱摄影逐渐进入“新人”们的视野并且被接受。但影楼在如何看待服务、服务质量与企业长期稳定的发展观上,存在明显的不足,导致对婚纱影楼服务的投诉频频发生。为了使得婚纱影楼在新一轮的残酷竞争中脱颖而出,必须提高婚纱影楼的服务...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 qs_ek1ew4 发布



摘要 近年来,随着社会经济的不断发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,婚纱摄影逐渐进入“新人”们的视野并且被接受。但影楼在如何看待服务、服务质量与企业长期稳定的发展观上,存在明显的不足,导致对婚纱影楼服务的投诉频频发生。为了使得婚纱影楼在新一轮的残酷竞争中脱颖而出,必须提高婚纱影楼的服务质量。因此,研究婚纱影楼服务质量的影响因素具有现实意义。

关键字:高淳“上花轿” 婚纱影楼 服务质量 影响因素

The research on Influence Factors of Wedding Photography Service Quality
——with the ShangHuaJiao Wedding Photography of GaoChun for example

ABSTRACT In recent years, with the continuous improvement of social economy and people’s living standard, wedding photography also has been more concerned by the marring people. But on how to treat service, service quality and business long-term development, wedding photography has an obvious shortage. Complaints on service quality have occurred frequently. To make the wedding photography stand out in the new round of brutal competition, we have to improve the service quality of the wedding photography. Therefore, studying the factors that affect the service quality of the wedding photography has practical significance.
However, there are many factors that can affect service quality of wedding photography, involving wide and complicated, which of them is the main factor or the secondary factor has very important practical significance for wedding photography to strengthen the ascension of main influence factors and raise service quality. This topic takes the ShangHuaJiao wedding photography of GaoChun as an example, based on Multiple linear regression model to analyze factors may affect the service quality of wedding photography, and concludes that the main influence factors and influence degree. In addition, the investigation and analysis result can help this wedding photography understand its own problems in improving service quality and based on the result, constructive suggestions are put forward.

Keywords: ShangHuaJiao, wedding photography, service quality, influence factors

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 研究方法和思路 2
第2章 婚纱影楼发展现状及存在的问题 3
2.1 婚纱影楼发展现状 3
2.2 婚纱影楼存在的问题 4
2.3 高淳“上花轿”婚纱影楼简介 5
第3章 婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素理论分析 6
3.1服务质量的界定及量表分析 6
3.2婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素指标体系 7
3.3 婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素判别方法 8
第4章 婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素的实证研究 12
4.1 问卷设计与调查 12
4.2 数据处理及分析 13
4.3 婚纱影楼服务质量影响因素的回归检验 18
第5章 高淳“上花轿”婚纱影楼服务质量改善建议 21
5.1加强服务人员的管理 21
5.2 完善影楼服务质量监督管理系统 21
5.3加强卫生管理 22
5.4完善价格管理机制 23
第6章 结论及不足之处 24
6.1结论和启示 24
6.2不足之处和研究展望 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录 27