
赛珍珠小说《母亲》中的“变”与“常”,14900字原创毕业论文,本站独家销售,大家放心下载参考使用目 录引言1一、变与常:一体两面的命运哲学1二、变——个人命运中的时代书写2(一)婚变:个人尊严的言说3(二)情变:女性意识的觉醒4(三)家变:母性使命的复归6三、常——时代风云下的天命不易7(一)等待:母性与女性的无奈8(...

此文档由会员 qs_ek1ew4 发布
目 录
引言 1
一、变与常:一体两面的命运哲学 1
二、变——个人命运中的时代书写 2
(一)婚变:个人尊严的言说 3
(二)情变:女性意识的觉醒 4
(三)家变:母性使命的复归 6
三、常——时代风云下的天命不易 7
(一)等待:母性与女性的无奈 8
(二)敬畏:庇佑与救赎的可能 10
(三)哭泣:宣泄与解脱的途径 11
四、 变与常——个人命运的交响 13
结语 16
参考文献 18
关键词:母亲; 命运; 时代; 悲剧
Destiny—The Concept of Change and Constancy in Pearl S. Buck’s novel Mother
Abstract: The novel named "Mother" from Pearl S. Buck published in 1934 describes a nameless mother who lived in 1920s and 30s with a realistic, romantic and sentimental lyrical strokes. Faced with the change and constancy of the times, the mother struggled and compromised in the end. During her lifetime, her husband left, lover betrayed her, the daughter and little son died young, but finally she disengaged. Pearl S. Buck presented a fortitude, selfless, open-minded Chinese mother for us.
Key Words: Mother; Destiny; Age; Tragedy
目 录
引言 1
一、变与常:一体两面的命运哲学 1
二、变——个人命运中的时代书写 2
(一)婚变:个人尊严的言说 3
(二)情变:女性意识的觉醒 4
(三)家变:母性使命的复归 6
三、常——时代风云下的天命不易 7
(一)等待:母性与女性的无奈 8
(二)敬畏:庇佑与救赎的可能 10
(三)哭泣:宣泄与解脱的途径 11
四、 变与常——个人命运的交响 13
结语 16
参考文献 18
关键词:母亲; 命运; 时代; 悲剧
Destiny—The Concept of Change and Constancy in Pearl S. Buck’s novel Mother
Abstract: The novel named "Mother" from Pearl S. Buck published in 1934 describes a nameless mother who lived in 1920s and 30s with a realistic, romantic and sentimental lyrical strokes. Faced with the change and constancy of the times, the mother struggled and compromised in the end. During her lifetime, her husband left, lover betrayed her, the daughter and little son died young, but finally she disengaged. Pearl S. Buck presented a fortitude, selfless, open-minded Chinese mother for us.
Key Words: Mother; Destiny; Age; Tragedy