《三国演义》中王允形象浅析,15000字原创毕业论文,本站独家销售,大家放心下载参考使用目 录引 言1一、王允在小说中的形象2(一)计除董卓前21.忠君爱国,忧国忧民..2 2.足智多谋,深谋远虑....................................................2 3.四两拨千斤,冷...
此文档由会员 qs_ek1ew4 发布
目 录
引 言 1
一、王允在小说中的形象 2
(一)计除董卓前 2
(二)计除董卓后 ……………….……………………..9
1.心胸狭小,贪权慕名 顽固不化,腐朽世俗.................................................................9
2.胸无远略,斤斤计较 私心作祟,自以为是.................................................................10
1.心怀天下,临危不惧 气节高尚,忠肝义胆………………………………………..11
二、史料中的王允形象 12
1.忍辱负重,治国干才 小人得志,反复无常 清正廉洁,大公无私.....................12
2.王佐之才,无畏权贵 文武兼备,正气浩然..............................................................13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
摘 要:《三国演义》中的司徒王允,在小说故事发展中具有承前启后的重要地位,对其形象进行系统研究是极其必要的。通过对小说中王允人物形象系统而又完整地分析,可以分析出王允人物形象的复杂性:既有正直不阿的一面,又有其迂腐不堪的一面;既有机智多谋的一面,又有愚昧至极的一面;既有嫉恶如仇的一面,又有圆滑世故的一面等等。简单参照正史,不难看出小说中的王允形象与史实中的基本一致,符合罗贯中先生小说中“七分真,三分虚”原则。通过对王允人物形象的分析可以更好地指导我们当代大学生今后的工作和生活,让我们得到莫大的益处。
关键词:人物形象 王允 真实
A Tentative Analysis on the image of Wang Yun in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Abstract: In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Situ Wang Yun who held one of the three top positions played an important role in the past and the story in the nove.he was also have a role from the late Han Dynasty to the early Three Kingdoms, studying the image of Wang Yun is extremely necessary . In this paper ,we analyzed Wang Yun's character image systemly and completely .We find his image is complex :He is not only very honest ,but also very pedantry .He is not only clever ,but also dull .He is not only goodness ,but also slick and sly ,and so on .while ,compare to the real history briefly ,the image of Wang Yun in the novel fits on the real history ,fits on Luo Guanzhong's principle "70% is real,30% is false ".According to analy the image of Wang Yun, it can better guide how to live ,and get more benefits.
Key words: the mage of characters Wang Yun real
目 录
引 言 1
一、王允在小说中的形象 2
(一)计除董卓前 2
(二)计除董卓后 ……………….……………………..9
1.心胸狭小,贪权慕名 顽固不化,腐朽世俗.................................................................9
2.胸无远略,斤斤计较 私心作祟,自以为是.................................................................10
1.心怀天下,临危不惧 气节高尚,忠肝义胆………………………………………..11
二、史料中的王允形象 12
1.忍辱负重,治国干才 小人得志,反复无常 清正廉洁,大公无私.....................12
2.王佐之才,无畏权贵 文武兼备,正气浩然..............................................................13
结 论 15
参考文献 16
摘 要:《三国演义》中的司徒王允,在小说故事发展中具有承前启后的重要地位,对其形象进行系统研究是极其必要的。通过对小说中王允人物形象系统而又完整地分析,可以分析出王允人物形象的复杂性:既有正直不阿的一面,又有其迂腐不堪的一面;既有机智多谋的一面,又有愚昧至极的一面;既有嫉恶如仇的一面,又有圆滑世故的一面等等。简单参照正史,不难看出小说中的王允形象与史实中的基本一致,符合罗贯中先生小说中“七分真,三分虚”原则。通过对王允人物形象的分析可以更好地指导我们当代大学生今后的工作和生活,让我们得到莫大的益处。
关键词:人物形象 王允 真实
A Tentative Analysis on the image of Wang Yun in Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Abstract: In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Situ Wang Yun who held one of the three top positions played an important role in the past and the story in the nove.he was also have a role from the late Han Dynasty to the early Three Kingdoms, studying the image of Wang Yun is extremely necessary . In this paper ,we analyzed Wang Yun's character image systemly and completely .We find his image is complex :He is not only very honest ,but also very pedantry .He is not only clever ,but also dull .He is not only goodness ,but also slick and sly ,and so on .while ,compare to the real history briefly ,the image of Wang Yun in the novel fits on the real history ,fits on Luo Guanzhong's principle "70% is real,30% is false ".According to analy the image of Wang Yun, it can better guide how to live ,and get more benefits.
Key words: the mage of characters Wang Yun real
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