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目 录
引 言 1
(一)典故成语的研究现状 1
(二)研究意义与具体方法 3
一、典故成语的误读 5
(一)误读类型 5
(二)减少误读的建议 8
二、典故成语的活用 10
(一)活用类型 10
(二)典故成语产生多义的原因 12
三、典故成语的语义变迁 13
(一)语义变迁类型 13
(二)对待语义变迁的态度 15
结 语 17
参考文献 18

摘 要:成语,是汉语中定型的词组或短句,是汉语词汇系统的重要组成部分之一。成语是从古代继承发展下来的,它表示了一个故事或典故,往往从古代经典著作、历史故事和人们的口头语中诞生,意义精炼,不是其构成成分意义的简单相加,是隐藏于字面意义之中,具有整体性。汉语成语典故多、含义深、形式雅,正确运用成语能够增强表达语言语句的效果;但随意错用成语、擅自篡改成语会对成语的纯洁性造成严重破坏,有害于语言词汇系统的健康发展。本文在展示了典故成语研究现状后,从现实出发探讨了典故成语语义发展至今的三种情况:误读、活用与变迁,并分别选取具有代表性的典故成语,依据本义与引申义,进行举例对比分析,逐一探讨了合适的处理方式。提出了减少误读的建议,分析了产生多义的原因,以及表达了对待语义变迁的合适态度。

关键词:典故 成语 误读 活用 语义变迁

On Misuse, Flexible Use & Semantic Change of the Allusive Idioms

Abstract:Idioms, phrases or sentences setting in Chinese, is one of the important part of Chinese lexical system. Idioms are inherited from the ancient China, which represent stories, often come from the classics, ancient history and people's oral language. Instead of the simple sum of its components significance, the meanings of allusive idioms have the characteristics of wholeness. Chinese idioms have large numbers, deep meanings and elegant forms. Use idioms properly can strengthen the effect of expression of the language; or else will cause serious damage. In this paper, with the allusive idioms study situation, it discussed three kinds of idioms development: misuse, flexible use and semantic change. Then select representative allusive idioms, which on the basis of the original meaning and extended meaning, analyzed the suitable ways. It made suggestions on misusing, analyzed the causes of flexible meanings, and expressed the right attitude towards the semantic change.

Key words:Allusive Idiom Misuse Flexible Use Semantic Change