此文档由会员 即刻启程 发布
摘 要:政府职能转变有利于社会主义市场经济体制的完善和和谐社会的构建以及党执政能力的提升。然而,目前政府在职能定位和履行过程中仍存在着一定程度的缺位和越位现象。因此,有必要深层次剖析政府转变职能的难点,从准确定位政府职能、优化政府组织结构、简政放权等方面入手,实现政府职能的根本转变。
关键词: 社会主义;市场经济;政府职能;转变
The Thinking of the Government Functions Transformation Under the Socialist Market Economy
Abstract: Transformation of the government functions is beneficial to the improvement of the socialist market economic system and the construction of a harmonious society as well as the ascension of the ability of administration of the party. However, there are still absence and offside in the function orientation and performance. So it is necessary to analyze the difficulties of government functions in deep, then achieving the fundamental shift of government functions from the following three aspects: accurate positioning of government functions, optimizing the structure of government organization, including streamlining administration and delegating power.
Key words: socialism; market economy; government functions; transformation
摘 要:政府职能转变有利于社会主义市场经济体制的完善和和谐社会的构建以及党执政能力的提升。然而,目前政府在职能定位和履行过程中仍存在着一定程度的缺位和越位现象。因此,有必要深层次剖析政府转变职能的难点,从准确定位政府职能、优化政府组织结构、简政放权等方面入手,实现政府职能的根本转变。
关键词: 社会主义;市场经济;政府职能;转变
The Thinking of the Government Functions Transformation Under the Socialist Market Economy
Abstract: Transformation of the government functions is beneficial to the improvement of the socialist market economic system and the construction of a harmonious society as well as the ascension of the ability of administration of the party. However, there are still absence and offside in the function orientation and performance. So it is necessary to analyze the difficulties of government functions in deep, then achieving the fundamental shift of government functions from the following three aspects: accurate positioning of government functions, optimizing the structure of government organization, including streamlining administration and delegating power.
Key words: socialism; market economy; government functions; transformation
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