

论唐诗中芍药意象的接受,16000字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引言1第一章 芍药在中国的接受史略3(一)药用价值的接受3(二)饮食价值的接受4(三)情感价值的接受5第二章 芍药在唐诗中的接受9(一)“绣带芙蓉帐,金钗芍药花”——初唐文人笔下绮丽多姿的芍药花9(二)“浩态狂香昔未逢,...
分类: 论文>文学/哲学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



目 录
引 言 1
第一章 芍药在中国的接受史略 3
(一)药用价值的接受 3
(二)饮食价值的接受 4
(三)情感价值的接受 5
第二章 芍药在唐诗中的接受 9
(一)“绣带芙蓉帐,金钗芍药花”——初唐文人笔下绮丽多姿的芍药花 9
(二)“浩态狂香昔未逢,红灯烁烁绿盘笼——韩愈对芍药物色美的拓展传播 10
(三)“石竹金钱何细碎,芙蓉芍药苦寻常”——现实主义诗人白居易赋予芍药历史厚重感 12
(四)“披香殿下樱桃熟,结绮楼前芍药开”——晚唐温庭筠对芍药的花间情缘 15
第三章 芍药在唐诗接受史中的影响 17
结 论 18
参考文献 19

摘 要: 国学大师王国维曾说过:一代有一代之文学,唐代文学的代表无疑是诗歌。唐代是我国古典诗歌创作的巅峰时期,唐诗更是中华文化不可分离的璀璨夺目的艺术瑰宝。而芍药作为尊贵的“花中之相”,赞颂它的诗歌不胜枚举。但是唐人逐牡丹富贵而轻芍药之风流,导致对于唐诗中芍药的研究处于薄弱阶段。本文采用以诗证史的方法,以《全唐诗》中74篇涉及芍药的诗歌为依据,结合其他关于芍药的材料,采用接受美学的研究方法彰显芍药在唐诗中的独特地位,弥补我们在芍药诗歌历史上研究的空缺。本文主要从三大方面来阐释唐诗中的芍药的接受历史。一是简介芍药在中国历史上的接受述略,上从三代,下至明清,着重介绍不同时代芍药的接受重点;二是重点分析芍药在唐诗中的接受情况,从初唐文人到中唐的韩愈、白居易,晚唐的温庭筠等大家着手分析,结合相关史学资料,移步换景的突出芍药在其诗歌史的地位;三是分析芍药接受史对唐代当时以及后世的影响。通过本篇论文研究,希冀可以证求芍药在唐诗中承上启下的重要地位,并且结合园艺学,植物学,药理学,社会人文学等帮助我们更深入的体察唐代社会的风土民情。
关键词:芍药 意象 唐诗 接受美学

On Peony’s Acceptance in the Tang Poems
Abstract:Great Masters Guowei Wang once said: certain times has certian literature.The literature is undoubtedly representative of the Tang Dynasty poetry. Tang Dynasty is the peak period of Chinese classical poetry , Tang Chinese culture is inseparable dazzling artistic treasures. The noble peony as "Flower in the phase" , praising its poetry abound. But by Tang Peony peony rich and romantic light , the cause for the peony Tang stage research is weak . In this paper, the history of poetry certificate ways to "Full Tang " in the 74 poems involve peony as the basis , in combination with other materials on the peony , using accepted research methods highlight the aesthetics peony in a unique position in the Tang , make up our peony the poetry of historical research vacancies. This article from the three main aspects to explain the peony Tang accepted history. First Introduction In an interview with Chinese peony Brief history on from three generations , down to the Ming and Qing dynasties , highlighting different times peony accept focus ; Second focused analysis of peony in Tang acceptance from the Tang Dynasty to the Tang literati Han Yu , Bai , and so we started late Tang 's Tingyun analysis, combined with relevant historical data , the venue for King 's prominent position in its history peony poetry ; Thirdly, the analysis time and the impact of peony accepted the later history of the Tang Dynasty . Through this thesis , hope you can find peony card in an important position in the nexus of Tang and combine horticulture, botany , pharmacology , social and human literature help us better appreciate the people and culture of the Tang Dynasty
Key words:Peony Imagery Acceptance the Tang poems Aesthetics of Reception