中介语在对外汉语教学中的使用研究,11400字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引 言1一、中介语1二、中介语在对外汉语教学中的使用现状2(一)语音方面31.声调的偏误32.声母方面的偏误43.韵母方面的偏误44.音节方面的偏误45.语调和语流音变的偏误5(二)词汇方面5(三)语法方面5三...
此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
引 言 1
一、中介语 1
二、中介语在对外汉语教学中的使用现状 2
(一)语音方面 3
1.声调的偏误 3
2.声母方面的偏误 4
3.韵母方面的偏误 4
4.音节方面的偏误 4
5.语调和语流音变的偏误 5
(二)词汇方面 5
(三)语法方面 5
三、僵化现象 6
(一)僵化特点 7
(二)僵化成因 7
四、对外汉语教学中僵化现象的对策 11
结 语 12
参考文献 13
摘要 所谓中介语就是介于母语和目标语之间的一种过渡性语言,并且随着语言输入的不断增加逐渐向标准目标语靠拢。留学生在学习汉语的过程中会产生多种偏误,主要可分为三大类,即语音、词汇、语法方面的偏误,这些问题如果得不到及时的纠正,日积月累就会产生僵化现象。实践表明,绝大部分外语学习者的外语水平达到一定程度后就会出现上述现象,这在很大程度上阻碍了学习者语言水平的提升。为了减少僵化现象的发生,就要求对外汉语教师在教学中要正确对待中介语、增加正迁移、提高自身语言素质、正确对待学习者的错误,进而从根本上避免此类现象的发生,更好地提高汉语教学的水平。
关键词:中介语 僵化 对外汉语教学
The Use of Interlanguage and the Existing Problems in TCFL
Abstract The so-called interlanguage is between mother tongue and target language, and the more language input the more closer to target language. Students in the process of learning Chinese will make many errors, which can be divided into three categories:speech errors,vocabulary errors and syntax errors. If this situation can’t be corrected immediately, if things go on like this ,it will produce fossilization. Practice shows that, the vast majority of foreign language learners will appear afore-mentioned phenomena, which prevent the development of foreign language. To reduce fossilization, Chinese as a foreign language teacher should deal with intermediaries correctly, increasing positive transfer, improve the quality of their own language and treat learner errorshus correctly,so that we can avoid the occurrence of such phenomena fundamentally , and we can improve teaching quality.
Key words:Interlanguage Fossilization Teaching Chinese as a foreign language
目 录
引 言 1
一、中介语 1
二、中介语在对外汉语教学中的使用现状 2
(一)语音方面 3
1.声调的偏误 3
2.声母方面的偏误 4
3.韵母方面的偏误 4
4.音节方面的偏误 4
5.语调和语流音变的偏误 5
(二)词汇方面 5
(三)语法方面 5
三、僵化现象 6
(一)僵化特点 7
(二)僵化成因 7
四、对外汉语教学中僵化现象的对策 11
结 语 12
参考文献 13
摘要 所谓中介语就是介于母语和目标语之间的一种过渡性语言,并且随着语言输入的不断增加逐渐向标准目标语靠拢。留学生在学习汉语的过程中会产生多种偏误,主要可分为三大类,即语音、词汇、语法方面的偏误,这些问题如果得不到及时的纠正,日积月累就会产生僵化现象。实践表明,绝大部分外语学习者的外语水平达到一定程度后就会出现上述现象,这在很大程度上阻碍了学习者语言水平的提升。为了减少僵化现象的发生,就要求对外汉语教师在教学中要正确对待中介语、增加正迁移、提高自身语言素质、正确对待学习者的错误,进而从根本上避免此类现象的发生,更好地提高汉语教学的水平。
关键词:中介语 僵化 对外汉语教学
The Use of Interlanguage and the Existing Problems in TCFL
Abstract The so-called interlanguage is between mother tongue and target language, and the more language input the more closer to target language. Students in the process of learning Chinese will make many errors, which can be divided into three categories:speech errors,vocabulary errors and syntax errors. If this situation can’t be corrected immediately, if things go on like this ,it will produce fossilization. Practice shows that, the vast majority of foreign language learners will appear afore-mentioned phenomena, which prevent the development of foreign language. To reduce fossilization, Chinese as a foreign language teacher should deal with intermediaries correctly, increasing positive transfer, improve the quality of their own language and treat learner errorshus correctly,so that we can avoid the occurrence of such phenomena fundamentally , and we can improve teaching quality.
Key words:Interlanguage Fossilization Teaching Chinese as a foreign language