
清代“宋诗派”发展脉络浅析,13800字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引言 1一.清代“宋诗派”的分期3(一)清初宋诗派3(二)道咸宋诗派4(三)“同光体”派 5二.清代“宋诗派”的理论内涵 8(一)性情论、不俗论与学问至上8(二)诗体论9(三)汇通唐宋论9三.清代“宋诗派”的代表诗人...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
引言 ……………………………………………………………………………………………1
(二)道咸宋诗派 …………………………………………………………………………4
(三)“同光体”派 …………………………………………………………………………5
二.清代“宋诗派”的理论内涵 ………………………………………………………8
(一)田雯 …………………………………………………………………………………11
(二)曾国藩 ………………………………………………………………………………12
(三)陈衍 …………………………………………………………………………………12
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………15
摘 要 : “宋诗派”是清代诗坛中影响最为深远的诗歌流派,其发展进程贯穿整个清代,影响着整个清代,当前学界对“宋诗派”的发展过程及其分期各有看法,但大体上都可以归纳为三个阶段,即:清初宋诗派、道咸宋诗派和“同光体”派。这三个阶段分别代表着“宋诗派”发展过程中的三个高峰:“宋诗派”兴起并第一次神奇地与考据学结合、“宋诗运动”的开展以及“同光体”诗人的努力,同时也是“宋诗派”兴起、发展至衰弱的分水岭。纵观整个“宋诗派”的发展历程,可以发现“宋诗派”的发展与清代的社会发展、政治事件、学术思想以及文人群体密切相关,尤其是“宋诗派”的诗学理念和思想面貌的发展一定程度上代表了清代社会主流思想的发展历程。纵向研究“宋诗派”的发展脉络及其理论体系并对其进行分析整理归纳,可以更加清晰的展现“宋诗派”的发展历程及其理论体系的发展变化,了解其文人群体、思想面貌、诗学理念以及对当时社会乃至后世的影响。
关键词:宋诗派 发展脉络 清初宋诗派 道咸宋诗派 同光体 理论体系
A detailed analysis in "Song poem school" development sequence in the Qing dynasty
Abstract: "Song poetry" is the most profound impact in Qing dynasty poetry genre, its development process throughout the Qing dynasty and influenced the Qing dynasty, the current academic circles for the development of the "song poetry" and its stages have different views, but in general can be divided into three stages, namely: Qing dynasty poetry and song poetry, and song "with light body". The three stages respectively represent the "song poetry" in the development of three peak: "song poetry" rise and first magically combined with textology, carry out "song poetry movement", and "with the light body" the poet's efforts, is also the "song poetry" rise, development and weak watershed. Throughout the "song poetry" development, the development of the "song poetry" can be found with the social development in the Qing dynasty, is closely related to the political events, academic thoughts and literati, especially the "song poetry" poetics concept and idea of development to a certain extent on behalf of the Qing dynasty the development of the social mainstream. Longitudinal study of the development of the "song poetry" context and its theoretical system and carries on the analysis of induction, can more clearly show the "song poetry" and its theoretical system of the development process of the development and changes, understand its literati concept, idea, poetics and its influence to the society at that time and even the later generations.
Key words: Song poem school development sequence
Song poem school at the beginning of the Qing dynasty
Dao Xian Song poem school Tong Guang school The theoretical system
目 录
引言 ……………………………………………………………………………………………1
(二)道咸宋诗派 …………………………………………………………………………4
(三)“同光体”派 …………………………………………………………………………5
二.清代“宋诗派”的理论内涵 ………………………………………………………8
(一)田雯 …………………………………………………………………………………11
(二)曾国藩 ………………………………………………………………………………12
(三)陈衍 …………………………………………………………………………………12
参考文献 ……………………………………………………………………………………15
摘 要 : “宋诗派”是清代诗坛中影响最为深远的诗歌流派,其发展进程贯穿整个清代,影响着整个清代,当前学界对“宋诗派”的发展过程及其分期各有看法,但大体上都可以归纳为三个阶段,即:清初宋诗派、道咸宋诗派和“同光体”派。这三个阶段分别代表着“宋诗派”发展过程中的三个高峰:“宋诗派”兴起并第一次神奇地与考据学结合、“宋诗运动”的开展以及“同光体”诗人的努力,同时也是“宋诗派”兴起、发展至衰弱的分水岭。纵观整个“宋诗派”的发展历程,可以发现“宋诗派”的发展与清代的社会发展、政治事件、学术思想以及文人群体密切相关,尤其是“宋诗派”的诗学理念和思想面貌的发展一定程度上代表了清代社会主流思想的发展历程。纵向研究“宋诗派”的发展脉络及其理论体系并对其进行分析整理归纳,可以更加清晰的展现“宋诗派”的发展历程及其理论体系的发展变化,了解其文人群体、思想面貌、诗学理念以及对当时社会乃至后世的影响。
关键词:宋诗派 发展脉络 清初宋诗派 道咸宋诗派 同光体 理论体系
A detailed analysis in "Song poem school" development sequence in the Qing dynasty
Abstract: "Song poetry" is the most profound impact in Qing dynasty poetry genre, its development process throughout the Qing dynasty and influenced the Qing dynasty, the current academic circles for the development of the "song poetry" and its stages have different views, but in general can be divided into three stages, namely: Qing dynasty poetry and song poetry, and song "with light body". The three stages respectively represent the "song poetry" in the development of three peak: "song poetry" rise and first magically combined with textology, carry out "song poetry movement", and "with the light body" the poet's efforts, is also the "song poetry" rise, development and weak watershed. Throughout the "song poetry" development, the development of the "song poetry" can be found with the social development in the Qing dynasty, is closely related to the political events, academic thoughts and literati, especially the "song poetry" poetics concept and idea of development to a certain extent on behalf of the Qing dynasty the development of the social mainstream. Longitudinal study of the development of the "song poetry" context and its theoretical system and carries on the analysis of induction, can more clearly show the "song poetry" and its theoretical system of the development process of the development and changes, understand its literati concept, idea, poetics and its influence to the society at that time and even the later generations.
Key words: Song poem school development sequence
Song poem school at the beginning of the Qing dynasty
Dao Xian Song poem school Tong Guang school The theoretical system