
广告语言的不规范现象及对策,1万字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引 言1一、广告语言概况1二、广告语言的不规范现象2(一)社会文化的缺失与误读31.违背传统文化42.违背常人的思维方式5(二)语言文字的误用61.错别字连篇,误用词语62.滥用谐音、双关语、成语名句,违背语法原则73.滥...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
引 言 1
一、广告语言概况 1
二、广告语言的不规范现象 2
(一)社会文化的缺失与误读 3
1.违背传统文化 4
2.违背常人的思维方式 5
(二)语言文字的误用 6
1.错别字连篇,误用词语 6
2.滥用谐音、双关语、成语名句,违背语法原则 7
3.滥用外语、方言 8
三、广告语言不规范的原因 9
四、规范广告语言的对策 10
(一)加强广告市场的管理 10
1.强化政府部门监管力度 10
2.强化行业内部自我监管 10
(二)提升素养 10
1.提升广告从业者的专业素养和职业道德素养 10
2.提升广告受众的鉴赏能力和判断能力 11
(三)加强社会舆论宣传监督 11
结 语 11
参考文献: 13
摘要:凭借着传媒发达的优势,当代广告语言改变着语音、语词、语义和语境,呈现出前所未有的新面貌、新气象。不容忽视的是,由于社会文化的缺失与误读,语言文字的误用,当今媒体中仍然存在着大量的不规范的广告语言。对社会大众造成了不良影响。规范广告语言应加强广告市场的管理, 提升广告从业者自我素养, 加强社会舆论监督。引导广告语言健康发展,纯洁语言用字环境,促进我国语言文字规范工作进一步持续有效地发展。
关键词:广告语言 不规范现象 解决对策
Analysis of non-standard advertising language phenomenon
and its countermeasures
Abstract: With developed media, contemporary advertising language is changing the voice, the words, the semantic and the context. It also made unprecedented new look and development appearing in contemporary advertising language. But it is important to remember that nowadays there is still a large amount of non-standard advertising language in media, which cause some adverse effects on the community. These problems only can be solved by series of in-depth investigations and researches of abnormal phenomenon in advertising language. Besides, it has to report the status of non-standard advertising language, summarize in terms of words, grammar, rhetoric, foreign languages and dialects. There are still some left, it has to explore the various factors. Only by these ways, the problem can be solved.
Key Words: advertising language; abnormal phenomenon; solution
目 录
引 言 1
一、广告语言概况 1
二、广告语言的不规范现象 2
(一)社会文化的缺失与误读 3
1.违背传统文化 4
2.违背常人的思维方式 5
(二)语言文字的误用 6
1.错别字连篇,误用词语 6
2.滥用谐音、双关语、成语名句,违背语法原则 7
3.滥用外语、方言 8
三、广告语言不规范的原因 9
四、规范广告语言的对策 10
(一)加强广告市场的管理 10
1.强化政府部门监管力度 10
2.强化行业内部自我监管 10
(二)提升素养 10
1.提升广告从业者的专业素养和职业道德素养 10
2.提升广告受众的鉴赏能力和判断能力 11
(三)加强社会舆论宣传监督 11
结 语 11
参考文献: 13
摘要:凭借着传媒发达的优势,当代广告语言改变着语音、语词、语义和语境,呈现出前所未有的新面貌、新气象。不容忽视的是,由于社会文化的缺失与误读,语言文字的误用,当今媒体中仍然存在着大量的不规范的广告语言。对社会大众造成了不良影响。规范广告语言应加强广告市场的管理, 提升广告从业者自我素养, 加强社会舆论监督。引导广告语言健康发展,纯洁语言用字环境,促进我国语言文字规范工作进一步持续有效地发展。
关键词:广告语言 不规范现象 解决对策
Analysis of non-standard advertising language phenomenon
and its countermeasures
Abstract: With developed media, contemporary advertising language is changing the voice, the words, the semantic and the context. It also made unprecedented new look and development appearing in contemporary advertising language. But it is important to remember that nowadays there is still a large amount of non-standard advertising language in media, which cause some adverse effects on the community. These problems only can be solved by series of in-depth investigations and researches of abnormal phenomenon in advertising language. Besides, it has to report the status of non-standard advertising language, summarize in terms of words, grammar, rhetoric, foreign languages and dialects. There are still some left, it has to explore the various factors. Only by these ways, the problem can be solved.
Key Words: advertising language; abnormal phenomenon; solution