
浅析宋词中的“落花”意象,15000字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引 言1一、宋词中的“落花”意象分类2(一)闲情词中的“落花”.....2(二)爱情词中的“落花”.3(三)仕途失意词中的“落花”...4(四)民族灾难与流落之悲词中的“落花”.......5(五)离愁别恨词中的“落花...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
引 言 1
一、宋词中的“落花”意象分类 2
二、宋词“落花”意象与文人命运的联系 7
结 语 .16
参考文献 .17
摘要 关于“宋词落花意象”这一命题的探讨,过去学术界从具体文人入手探究“落花”意象的情感内蕴,而后分析情感内蕴与文人命运的联系。笔者经过研究,“落花”意象发展脉络曲折,情感内蕴丰富,仅从文人命运判定“落花”意象的某些情感内蕴略有不妥,应该首先对“落花”意象进行总括概述。因此,笔者从意象的意义入手,详细分析了“落花”意象的五种情感内蕴,之后从宋词家庭传承和女性词作的角度深刻剖析“落花”意象的继承性及其与文人命运的联系。
关键词:落花意象 文人命运 父子词人 女性词人
Only the Falling Flowers Realize the Affection
----------Researches on the Images of Falling Flower in Songci
Abstract: About the proposition of “the image of falling flowers in Songci, academic circles in the past have probed into the affection of falling flowers from special literati, and then analyzed the relations between these affections with literati’s life. After my study, I find the development of the images of falling flowers is of twists and turns, the affections are also abundant. To define the affection only from literati’s life is not appropriate, what to do is to get a summary of the images of falling flowers. As a result, I have analyzed five different affections of the images of the falling flowers in detail from the meaning of these images. Then I have probed into the relations between the inheritance of the images of the falling flowers and literati’s life from the angle of family heritage and female poets in Songci.
Key words: Images of falling flowers Literati’s life Father and son poets Female’s poets
目 录
引 言 1
一、宋词中的“落花”意象分类 2
二、宋词“落花”意象与文人命运的联系 7
结 语 .16
参考文献 .17
摘要 关于“宋词落花意象”这一命题的探讨,过去学术界从具体文人入手探究“落花”意象的情感内蕴,而后分析情感内蕴与文人命运的联系。笔者经过研究,“落花”意象发展脉络曲折,情感内蕴丰富,仅从文人命运判定“落花”意象的某些情感内蕴略有不妥,应该首先对“落花”意象进行总括概述。因此,笔者从意象的意义入手,详细分析了“落花”意象的五种情感内蕴,之后从宋词家庭传承和女性词作的角度深刻剖析“落花”意象的继承性及其与文人命运的联系。
关键词:落花意象 文人命运 父子词人 女性词人
Only the Falling Flowers Realize the Affection
----------Researches on the Images of Falling Flower in Songci
Abstract: About the proposition of “the image of falling flowers in Songci, academic circles in the past have probed into the affection of falling flowers from special literati, and then analyzed the relations between these affections with literati’s life. After my study, I find the development of the images of falling flowers is of twists and turns, the affections are also abundant. To define the affection only from literati’s life is not appropriate, what to do is to get a summary of the images of falling flowers. As a result, I have analyzed five different affections of the images of the falling flowers in detail from the meaning of these images. Then I have probed into the relations between the inheritance of the images of the falling flowers and literati’s life from the angle of family heritage and female poets in Songci.
Key words: Images of falling flowers Literati’s life Father and son poets Female’s poets