晚清循吏王仁堪儒家思想研究,11900字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,内容完整,推荐下载目 录引 言1一、王仁堪儒家思想的成因21.官宦家庭的儒学教育22.科举考试的儒教熏染33.晚清儒学发展大环境影响4二、王仁堪儒家思想的体现61.王仁堪以孝为本的儒家思想体现62.王仁堪忠君爱国的儒家思想体现7三、王仁堪儒...
此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
引 言 1
一、王仁堪儒家思想的成因 2
1.官宦家庭的儒学教育 2
2.科举考试的儒教熏染 3
3.晚清儒学发展大环境影响 4
二、王仁堪儒家思想的体现 6
1.王仁堪以孝为本的儒家思想体现 6
2.王仁堪忠君爱国的儒家思想体现 7
三、王仁堪儒家思想的践行 8
1.王仁堪对儒家教育思想的践行 8
2.王仁堪对儒家经世致用思想的践行 10
结 语 12
参考文献 13
摘 要:晚清循吏王仁堪一生勤政廉政,遗爱在民,真正做到了鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。特别是他任职镇江及苏州期间,坚持以实心行实政,在执政治要、兴教办学等很多方面取得了卓越的政绩,颇有古循吏之风。而这一切,究其本源就是他对儒家以孝为本、忠君爱国、经世致用等思想的良好践行。
关键词:王仁堪 儒家思想 晚清 教育 践行
Study of late Qing Dynasty official Wang Renkan Confucianism
Abstract: In the late Qing Dynasty official Wang Renkan is very diligent and honest, he devoted all his life to his career, truly be loyal and devoted by people to the last. Especially during his tenure in Zhenjiang and Suzhou, he adhere to the solid line of practical politics, has made outstanding achievements in the politic, education and so on, his performance was just like an ancient official. And all this, its origin is his study of Confucian filial piety-oriented, patriotic loyalty, and other ideas of statecraft good practice.
Key words: Wang Renkan Confucianism late Qing education practice
目 录
引 言 1
一、王仁堪儒家思想的成因 2
1.官宦家庭的儒学教育 2
2.科举考试的儒教熏染 3
3.晚清儒学发展大环境影响 4
二、王仁堪儒家思想的体现 6
1.王仁堪以孝为本的儒家思想体现 6
2.王仁堪忠君爱国的儒家思想体现 7
三、王仁堪儒家思想的践行 8
1.王仁堪对儒家教育思想的践行 8
2.王仁堪对儒家经世致用思想的践行 10
结 语 12
参考文献 13
摘 要:晚清循吏王仁堪一生勤政廉政,遗爱在民,真正做到了鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。特别是他任职镇江及苏州期间,坚持以实心行实政,在执政治要、兴教办学等很多方面取得了卓越的政绩,颇有古循吏之风。而这一切,究其本源就是他对儒家以孝为本、忠君爱国、经世致用等思想的良好践行。
关键词:王仁堪 儒家思想 晚清 教育 践行
Study of late Qing Dynasty official Wang Renkan Confucianism
Abstract: In the late Qing Dynasty official Wang Renkan is very diligent and honest, he devoted all his life to his career, truly be loyal and devoted by people to the last. Especially during his tenure in Zhenjiang and Suzhou, he adhere to the solid line of practical politics, has made outstanding achievements in the politic, education and so on, his performance was just like an ancient official. And all this, its origin is his study of Confucian filial piety-oriented, patriotic loyalty, and other ideas of statecraft good practice.
Key words: Wang Renkan Confucianism late Qing education practice