

论常州词派的创作理论,12300字自己的毕业论文,原创的,仅在本站独家提交,推荐下载目录引言1一、常州词派崛起的因素 2(一)时代因素2(二)词自身因素2二、常州词派的创作理论 3(一)尊体说3(二)统绪论5(三)创作论7(四)鉴赏论 10结论11参考文献13摘要: 常州词派是晚清一大重要词派,其开创者张惠言编《词选》为...
分类: 论文>文学/哲学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



引言 1
一、常州词派崛起的因素 2
(一)时代因素 2
(二)词自身因素 2
二、常州词派的创作理论 3
(一)尊体说 3
(二)统绪论 5
(三)创作论 7
(四)鉴赏论 10
结论 11
参考文献 13

摘要: 常州词派是晚清一大重要词派,其开创者张惠言编《词选》为其崛起标志。常州词派以张惠言的理论为基础,从张惠言的“意内言外”再到周济的“有寄托、无寄托”经历了开创、修正和完善的过程。张惠言的词论因太过注重词的政治教化作用而备受争议,但在经过周济的修改后被词学界所接受和推崇。虽然此二人的词学理论依旧有瑕疵,但是他们为词学的贡献是无法忽略的,对后世词学的影响重大而深远。此后,谭献、周颐、陈延焯等人又不断进行新的探索和创新使得常州词派在词坛上长盛不衰。
关键词:常州词派 张惠言 周济 创作理论

The theory of Changzhou School of the Ci Creation
Abstract: Changzhou School of Ci is one of the most important Ci school in the late Qing Dynasty, its creator Zhang Huiyan made “Compilation of Ci” for the rise of signs. In the base of Zhang Huiyan’s theory, from Zhang’s theory “the implied meaning” to Zhou’s “have sustenance, without sustenance” has gone through a process of create, revise and improve. The theory of Zhang has always been highly controversial because of too much political enlightenment on Ci, it has been accepted and respected after Zhou’s revise, however. Although theories of Zhang Huiyan and Zhou Ji have some flaws, their contributions couldn’t been forgotten. After that Tan Xian, Zhou Yi, Chen Yanchao and other people continue to explore and create to make Chang Zhou School of Ci become more evergreen in the history of Ci.
Key wards: Changzhou School of the Ci Zhang Huiyan Zhou Ji The theory of creation