
并网逆变器控制系统硬件设计,个人原创毕业设计,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 人类社会的发展,伴随着经济的发展,科技的进步,而与这些相伴的则是能源的消耗。随着国家发展的步伐逐渐加快,非再生资源的利用也随着增加,随着而来的是环境污染在加重。太阳能作为一种绿色能源,不仅具有无污染,而且取之不尽用之不竭,对太阳能的开发利用...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要 人类社会的发展,伴随着经济的发展,科技的进步,而与这些相伴的则是能源的消耗。随着国家发展的步伐逐渐加快,非再生资源的利用也随着增加,随着而来的是环境污染在加重。太阳能作为一种绿色能源,不仅具有无污染,而且取之不尽用之不竭,对太阳能的开发利用越来越多,伴随着相关的技术研究也越来越深入。并网逆变器作为发电系统与电网接口的设备,其控制系统的设计越发显得重要,已成为各国努力发展的技术之一。
关键词 并网逆变器,SVPWM,坐标变换,硬件设计
Abstract Development of human society, along with economic development, technological advances, are accompanied by energy consumption .With the gradually accelerating the pace of national development , the use of non-renewable resources also increases , as from the environmental pollution worse. As a green energy, solar energy is not only non-polluting, but also inexhaustible, so development and utilization of solar energy are more and more, relevant technical has become increasingly in-depth research. Grid-connected inverter as a interface of power generation system and grid has become one of technology countries try to develop.
The subject of this article is about inverter control system hardware design, the main contents are: Firstly, An analysis of the development background, current situation, and purpose of the grid-connected inverter, making a brief introduction to the general content of each chapter. Then, an analysis of the basic principles of grid-connected inverter, making a brief analysis of the mathematical model and explaining SPWM control technology. Secondly, An analysis of grid- inverter overall structural and its main parameters, the external parameters and working principle of boost circuit, set filter parameters. Finally , inverter hardware design is the core of the system, the choice of components is introduced, the main circuit , the detection circuit such as DC detection, AC detection are described, then there is a power grid phase , fault circuit ,and over- protection circuit for a detailed description.
Key words grid-connected inverter, SPWM control, coordinate transformation, the hardware design
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 并网逆变器的研究现状及发展概况 2
1.3 本文主要研究内容及章节安排 4
第二章 并网逆变器的理论分析 5
2.1 并网逆变器的基本原理 5
2.1.1 单相逆变器基本原理 5
2.1.2 三相逆变器基本原理 5
2.2 并网逆变器的数学模型 7
2.2.1 三相静止坐标下的数学模型 7
2.2.3 两相旋转坐标下的数学模型 9
2.3 逆变器的控制策略 11
2.4 SPWM原理及实现 12
2.5 本章小结 15
第三章 并网逆变器控制系统总体设计 16
3.1 并网逆变器控制系统的总体设计 16
3.2 逆变器主电路及外围电路参数设计 16
3.2.1 主电路参数的选取 16
3.2.2 前级 BOOST 电路设计 17
3.3 并网滤波电路设计 19
3.4 本章小结 21
第四章 并网逆变器的控制硬件设计 22
4.1 DSP主芯片简介 22
4.2 主电路设计 23
4.2.1 直流侧电容设计 23
4.2.2 功率开关管的选择及接口电路设计 23
4.3 控制电路的设计 25
4.3.1 信号检测电路设计 25
4.3.2 故障保护电路的设计 27
4.3.3 电网电压相位检测电路 28
4.4 ADC误差校正 28
4.5 DSP主芯RS232通信电路的设计 29
4.6 LCD人机界面硬件电路设计 30
4.7 本章小结 30
第五章 总结与展望 31
致谢 32
参考文献: 33
摘 要 人类社会的发展,伴随着经济的发展,科技的进步,而与这些相伴的则是能源的消耗。随着国家发展的步伐逐渐加快,非再生资源的利用也随着增加,随着而来的是环境污染在加重。太阳能作为一种绿色能源,不仅具有无污染,而且取之不尽用之不竭,对太阳能的开发利用越来越多,伴随着相关的技术研究也越来越深入。并网逆变器作为发电系统与电网接口的设备,其控制系统的设计越发显得重要,已成为各国努力发展的技术之一。
关键词 并网逆变器,SVPWM,坐标变换,硬件设计
Abstract Development of human society, along with economic development, technological advances, are accompanied by energy consumption .With the gradually accelerating the pace of national development , the use of non-renewable resources also increases , as from the environmental pollution worse. As a green energy, solar energy is not only non-polluting, but also inexhaustible, so development and utilization of solar energy are more and more, relevant technical has become increasingly in-depth research. Grid-connected inverter as a interface of power generation system and grid has become one of technology countries try to develop.
The subject of this article is about inverter control system hardware design, the main contents are: Firstly, An analysis of the development background, current situation, and purpose of the grid-connected inverter, making a brief introduction to the general content of each chapter. Then, an analysis of the basic principles of grid-connected inverter, making a brief analysis of the mathematical model and explaining SPWM control technology. Secondly, An analysis of grid- inverter overall structural and its main parameters, the external parameters and working principle of boost circuit, set filter parameters. Finally , inverter hardware design is the core of the system, the choice of components is introduced, the main circuit , the detection circuit such as DC detection, AC detection are described, then there is a power grid phase , fault circuit ,and over- protection circuit for a detailed description.
Key words grid-connected inverter, SPWM control, coordinate transformation, the hardware design
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 并网逆变器的研究现状及发展概况 2
1.3 本文主要研究内容及章节安排 4
第二章 并网逆变器的理论分析 5
2.1 并网逆变器的基本原理 5
2.1.1 单相逆变器基本原理 5
2.1.2 三相逆变器基本原理 5
2.2 并网逆变器的数学模型 7
2.2.1 三相静止坐标下的数学模型 7
2.2.3 两相旋转坐标下的数学模型 9
2.3 逆变器的控制策略 11
2.4 SPWM原理及实现 12
2.5 本章小结 15
第三章 并网逆变器控制系统总体设计 16
3.1 并网逆变器控制系统的总体设计 16
3.2 逆变器主电路及外围电路参数设计 16
3.2.1 主电路参数的选取 16
3.2.2 前级 BOOST 电路设计 17
3.3 并网滤波电路设计 19
3.4 本章小结 21
第四章 并网逆变器的控制硬件设计 22
4.1 DSP主芯片简介 22
4.2 主电路设计 23
4.2.1 直流侧电容设计 23
4.2.2 功率开关管的选择及接口电路设计 23
4.3 控制电路的设计 25
4.3.1 信号检测电路设计 25
4.3.2 故障保护电路的设计 27
4.3.3 电网电压相位检测电路 28
4.4 ADC误差校正 28
4.5 DSP主芯RS232通信电路的设计 29
4.6 LCD人机界面硬件电路设计 30
4.7 本章小结 30
第五章 总结与展望 31
致谢 32
参考文献: 33