
基于mifare的非接触式ic卡设计,基于mifare的非接触式ic卡设计1.76万字自己原创的毕业设计,今年最新的,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目 录第1章非接触式ic卡11.1概述11.2非接触式ic卡的优点11.3非接触式ic卡的种类21.4非接触式ic卡的一些关键技术21.5非接触式ic卡的发展趋势3第2章非接触式ic卡技术52.1射频识别技术5...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
第1章 非接触式IC卡 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 非接触式IC卡的优点 1
1.3 非接触式IC卡的种类 2
1.4 非接触式IC卡的一些关键技术 2
1.5 非接触式IC卡的发展趋势 3
第2章 非接触式IC卡技术 5
2.1 射频识别技术 5
2.2 非接触IC卡工作过程 6
2.3 非接触式IC卡中射频技术的实现 6
2.4 非接触式IC卡射频技术的应用及发展 7
2.5 LEGIC技术和MIFARE技术的比较 8
第3章 MIFARE技术 9
3.1 MIFARE 1非接触式IC卡的特点 9
3.2 MIFARE 1非接触式IC卡的功能组成模块 10
3.3 MFCM200读写器介绍 11
第4章 非接触式IC卡读写器硬件设计 15
4.1 结构框图 15
4.2 单片机选择 15
4.3 RS232通信电路选择与设计 16
4.4 MFCM200接口电路设计 18
4.5 蜂鸣器驱动电路设计 21
4.6 LED状态显示电路设计 21
4.7 天线设计 22
4.8 电源供应电路设计 25
第5章 非接触式IC卡读写器的软件设计 26
5.1 MFCM200对IC卡的操作流程 26
5.2 MFCM200的指令和软件设计 27
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录1 控制电路图 37
摘要 非接触式IC卡又称为射频IC卡、感应IC卡。它是近些年发展起来的一项新技术,它成功地把IC卡技术和射频识别技术结合起来,解决了无源(卡中无源)和免接触的难题,成为电子器件领域的一大突破。它具有抗干扰性强、操作快捷、安全性高、工作距离远、便于“一卡多用”等特点,在自动收费、身份识别和电子钱包等领域具有接触式IC卡所无法相比的优越性,市场前景非常广阔。非接触式IC卡读写器是非接触式IC卡应用系统的关键设备之一。基于实际应用项目的需求,此次毕业设计课题开发了一种非接触式IC卡读写器,其读写距离为25mm。
论文首先概述了非接触式IC卡,介绍了其优点、种类和一些关键技术等,且介绍了非接触式IC卡的技术:射频识别技术。对当前国际上具有代表性的两大非接触式IC卡技术:MIFARE技术和LEGIC技术进行比较。基于MIFARE技术重点介绍了Philips公司的MIFARE 1非接触IC卡读写器芯片MCM200的主要特性、引脚功能、内部物理功能寄存器和基本指令集。在此基础上,论文首先详细阐述了非接触式IC卡读写器的软硬件设计,给出了所有部分的实际电路图和应用程序。由于读写器的硬件设计包含电源供应电路、蜂鸣器驱动电路、LED状态显示电路、RS232通信电路、MCU的连接、MFCM200接口电路和读写器天线等部分,所以读写器硬件设计还包括MFCM200和MCU接口电路的设计、电源接口电路设计与天线射频接口电路设计等三部分。最后论文详细介绍了电路的设计过程。软件主要对MFCM200应用程序的设计。
关键词 IC卡 非接触 射频识别 读写器
A design of Non-contact IC card based on MIFARE Technology
Abstract Non-contact IC card, also called RF IC card or Induction IC card. developed a new technology In recent years, it will be the success of IC card technology and radio frequency identification technology together to solve the passive (passive card) and free access to this difficult problem, become a major breakthrough in the field of electronic devices. It has strong anti-interference, quick operation, safety, working distance;easy "one card" and other features, in the automatic fare collection, identification, electronic wallets and other fields of contactless IC card can not match the superiority. The market prospect is very broad. On-contact IC card reader is one of the key equipment of non-contact IC card application system. Based on the needs of the practical application of the project, this project has developed a non-contact IC card reader, which read and writes distance is 25mm.
This paper begins with an overview of the non-contact IC card, introduces its advantages, types, and some key technologies. And introduces non-contact IC card technology: radio frequency identification technology. A representative of the international community on the current two non-contact IC card technologies: MIFARE technology and LEGIC technology for comparison. Based on Philips MIFARE Technology Company focuses on the main features of MIFARE 1 non-contact IC card reader chip MCM200, the pin functions, internal physical function registers and basic instruction set. On this basis, the paper elaborated on the non-contact IC card reader hardware and software design, gives the actual circuit and all parts of the application. Reader hardware design includes power supply circuit, buzzer driver circuit, LED status display circuit design, RS232 communication circuit, MCU connections, MFCM200 interface circuit and the reader antenna and other parts, as well as MFCM200 and MCU interface circuit design, and power interface circuit design with RF interface circuit and antenna design in three parts. Finally the thesis introduces in detail the design process of the electric circuit.The main software is applications for MFCM200 design.
Key words IC card non-contact frequency identification card reader
目 录
第1章 非接触式IC卡 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 非接触式IC卡的优点 1
1.3 非接触式IC卡的种类 2
1.4 非接触式IC卡的一些关键技术 2
1.5 非接触式IC卡的发展趋势 3
第2章 非接触式IC卡技术 5
2.1 射频识别技术 5
2.2 非接触IC卡工作过程 6
2.3 非接触式IC卡中射频技术的实现 6
2.4 非接触式IC卡射频技术的应用及发展 7
2.5 LEGIC技术和MIFARE技术的比较 8
第3章 MIFARE技术 9
3.1 MIFARE 1非接触式IC卡的特点 9
3.2 MIFARE 1非接触式IC卡的功能组成模块 10
3.3 MFCM200读写器介绍 11
第4章 非接触式IC卡读写器硬件设计 15
4.1 结构框图 15
4.2 单片机选择 15
4.3 RS232通信电路选择与设计 16
4.4 MFCM200接口电路设计 18
4.5 蜂鸣器驱动电路设计 21
4.6 LED状态显示电路设计 21
4.7 天线设计 22
4.8 电源供应电路设计 25
第5章 非接触式IC卡读写器的软件设计 26
5.1 MFCM200对IC卡的操作流程 26
5.2 MFCM200的指令和软件设计 27
结 论 34
致 谢 35
参考文献 36
附录1 控制电路图 37
摘要 非接触式IC卡又称为射频IC卡、感应IC卡。它是近些年发展起来的一项新技术,它成功地把IC卡技术和射频识别技术结合起来,解决了无源(卡中无源)和免接触的难题,成为电子器件领域的一大突破。它具有抗干扰性强、操作快捷、安全性高、工作距离远、便于“一卡多用”等特点,在自动收费、身份识别和电子钱包等领域具有接触式IC卡所无法相比的优越性,市场前景非常广阔。非接触式IC卡读写器是非接触式IC卡应用系统的关键设备之一。基于实际应用项目的需求,此次毕业设计课题开发了一种非接触式IC卡读写器,其读写距离为25mm。
论文首先概述了非接触式IC卡,介绍了其优点、种类和一些关键技术等,且介绍了非接触式IC卡的技术:射频识别技术。对当前国际上具有代表性的两大非接触式IC卡技术:MIFARE技术和LEGIC技术进行比较。基于MIFARE技术重点介绍了Philips公司的MIFARE 1非接触IC卡读写器芯片MCM200的主要特性、引脚功能、内部物理功能寄存器和基本指令集。在此基础上,论文首先详细阐述了非接触式IC卡读写器的软硬件设计,给出了所有部分的实际电路图和应用程序。由于读写器的硬件设计包含电源供应电路、蜂鸣器驱动电路、LED状态显示电路、RS232通信电路、MCU的连接、MFCM200接口电路和读写器天线等部分,所以读写器硬件设计还包括MFCM200和MCU接口电路的设计、电源接口电路设计与天线射频接口电路设计等三部分。最后论文详细介绍了电路的设计过程。软件主要对MFCM200应用程序的设计。
关键词 IC卡 非接触 射频识别 读写器
A design of Non-contact IC card based on MIFARE Technology
Abstract Non-contact IC card, also called RF IC card or Induction IC card. developed a new technology In recent years, it will be the success of IC card technology and radio frequency identification technology together to solve the passive (passive card) and free access to this difficult problem, become a major breakthrough in the field of electronic devices. It has strong anti-interference, quick operation, safety, working distance;easy "one card" and other features, in the automatic fare collection, identification, electronic wallets and other fields of contactless IC card can not match the superiority. The market prospect is very broad. On-contact IC card reader is one of the key equipment of non-contact IC card application system. Based on the needs of the practical application of the project, this project has developed a non-contact IC card reader, which read and writes distance is 25mm.
This paper begins with an overview of the non-contact IC card, introduces its advantages, types, and some key technologies. And introduces non-contact IC card technology: radio frequency identification technology. A representative of the international community on the current two non-contact IC card technologies: MIFARE technology and LEGIC technology for comparison. Based on Philips MIFARE Technology Company focuses on the main features of MIFARE 1 non-contact IC card reader chip MCM200, the pin functions, internal physical function registers and basic instruction set. On this basis, the paper elaborated on the non-contact IC card reader hardware and software design, gives the actual circuit and all parts of the application. Reader hardware design includes power supply circuit, buzzer driver circuit, LED status display circuit design, RS232 communication circuit, MCU connections, MFCM200 interface circuit and the reader antenna and other parts, as well as MFCM200 and MCU interface circuit design, and power interface circuit design with RF interface circuit and antenna design in three parts. Finally the thesis introduces in detail the design process of the electric circuit.The main software is applications for MFCM200 design.
Key words IC card non-contact frequency identification card reader