

采摘机器人果实夜间自动识别技术研究,1.85万字自己的毕业设计,原创,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 随着工业科技日新月异的发展,农业也开始走上现代化道路,传统农业耗费的人力物力都过于巨大,因此农业自动化的实现迫在眉睫。果实目标的识别与定位是农业自动化领域中一种非常重要的技术,而今在该领域国内外已经取得巨大的成就,但...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



摘要 随着工业科技日新月异的发展,农业也开始走上现代化道路,传统农业耗费的人力物力都过于巨大,因此农业自动化的实现迫在眉睫。果实目标的识别与定位是农业自动化领域中一种非常重要的技术,而今在该领域国内外已经取得巨大的成就,但是人们已经不仅仅满足于白天进行果实采摘活动。人们发现夜晚进行机器采摘活动不仅能避开白天炎热的天气,还能缩短采摘周期,减少果实来不及采摘而腐烂等问题,能够更好的提高机器采摘的效率。然而如何在夜间条件下准确的识别仍然是该领域的一个经典难题,它涉及面广,是农业机器人视觉系统功能的主要分支。
关键词:夜间 果实目标 识别 图像处理

The fruit picking robot automatic identification technology research at night
Abstract With the rapid development of industrial technology,agriculture also embarked on the road of modernization,traditional agriculture costs too much in human and material,so the realization of agricultural automation is imminent. Fruit and vegetable identification and location of the target is a very important technology in the field of automation of agriculture research in the field,although at home and abroad have achieved certain results,people have not only satisfied with the fruit picking activities during the day. It was found that picking activities in night can not only avoid the hot weather during the day,but also shorten the harvest period,reduce the fruit rot for late picking and other issues. However,how to accurate identification and location is still a classic problem in the field it involves a wide range of the main branches of the agricultural robot vision system functions.
We were studied and analyzed for the nighttime identification and location of the above three aspects of the fruit and vegetable target in this paper. At the first,in the image processing to remove noise in the link,we compared the average filtering,median filtering and wavelet denoising. Eventually,we choosed median filtering which is more relatively suitable for the system. Secondly,the method of Histogram equalization was attempted to used in the nighttime image,and we also compared the Directly contrast enhancement method with the Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization method,we finally choosed the third one. At last,in the Image segmentation of ripe fruit at night, we adopted a I1I2I3 color space based on I2 color factor under the dynamic OTSU threshold segmentation method for initial segmentation,and connected the regional segmentation method of threshold value area expunction method for segmentation based on the research of threshold segmentation and region segmentation. After that,in order to remove the noise further,we did the mathematical morphology processing at the segmentation image,got a more clear ideal image,ultimately realized the accurate identification of the ripe fruit of nighttime conditions.
Key words:Nighttime fruit target recognition image processing

目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1课题研究意义 1
1.2果实采摘机器人概述及特点 1
1.3国内外研究现状 2
1.4 研究的内容和目标 4
1.5 论文的体系结构 4
第二章 夜间果实图像去噪处理 5
2.1 噪声来源及去噪的意义 5
2.2 噪声的分类及其特点 5
2.3 图像中的噪声 6
2.4 滤波去噪法 6
2.4.1 均值滤波 7
2.4.2 小波变换 8
2.4.3 中值滤波 8
2.5 本章小结 10
第三章 夜间图像增强处理 12
3.1 图像增强的含义与意义 12
3.2 图像增强算法及分类 13
3.2.1 基于空域的算法 13
3.2.2 基于频域的算法 13
3.3 常用的图像增强算法 13
3.3.1 直方图均衡化 13
3.3.2 直接对比度增强算法 15
3.3.3 对比度受限自适应直方图均衡化(CLAHE) 16
3.4 本章小结 17
第四章 果实图像分割及数学形态学处理 18
4.1 图像分割基本概念 18
4.1.1 图像分割的定义 18
4.1.2 图像分割法分类 19
4.2 阈值分割法 19
4.2.1 灰度阈值分割法 20
4.2.2 直方图阈值分割法 20
4.3 区域分割法 27
4.3.1 阈值面积消去法 27
4.4 数学形态学处理 28
4.4.1 腐蚀 28
4.4.2 膨胀 28
4.4.3 开运算 29
4.4.4 闭运算 29
4.4.5 已成熟的芒果图像形态处理 30
4.5 本章小结 31
第五章 总结与展望 32
5.1 论文工作总结 32
5.2 展 望 32
致 谢 34
附 录38