

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布




关键词:流程改善; 中小型企业; ESIA法

With three decades of reforming and opening up of China, manufacturing industry undoubtedly has made remarkable achievements, but in the back of a significant increase in the total economy, we can still see large number of problems that exist in China's manufacturing enterprises, especially small and medium private enterprises. Along with economic globalization is such great competition pressure ,the need to improve the production technology of such enterprises is becoming increasingly urgent, and process improvement as an important production techniques is often used for such purposes. This paper take the case of Hansen Company, a private enterprise in Danyang City, Jiangsu Province, use the theory of process improvement to optimize its order fulfillment process. This paper first points out some problems in the operations of many issues in the company, analysis the necessity to optimize the process from two aspects , in the actual optimization process, the production process data is got by the author through study in the company , analysis the time consumed by each step, and put great attention in the steps that significantly influenced the process, using related methods such as ESIA to eliminate non-value steps , simplify the tedious steps, etc. to shorten the process time for the purpose, by optimizing, the time of purchasing process decreased by 35.71% and the production process time was reduced by 12.99%. Also, it is shown that the process improvement can play an important role in China's small and medium enterprises that want to improve operational efficiency and shorten production time, and is also an effective means for companies to face intense competition, to improve economic efficiency, and to improve their overall strength.
Key words: Process improving; Medium and Small enterprises; ESIA

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究意义 2
1.4.国内外研究综述 2
1.4.1国外研究综述 2
1.4.2国内研究现状 3
1.5 研究思路 4
第2章 流程管理的理论和方法 6
2.1 流程管理的内涵 6
2.2 流程管理的发展 6
2.2.1流程管理的起源 6
2.2.2流程管理的完善 6
2.3 流程管理的基本思想 7
2.4 流程管理所使用的方法或工具 7
2.4.1流程优化实施步骤 7
2.4.2流程节点的ESIA法介绍 10
第3章 公司订单完成流程现状分析 11
3.1公司简介 11
3.2公司订单完成状况的描述 11
3.2.1公司现有订单完成流程的现状 11
3.2.2公司现有订单完成流程图如图3-1所示 12
3.2.3xx公司热压片订单完成流程(优化前)节点说明 13
3.3对现存问题的分析 13
3.4 对现有订单完成流程进行优化的必要性 16
(3)来自同行的竞争压力 16
第四章 公司订单完成流程的分析与改善 18
4.1 流程优化的原则 18
4.2 对现有流程的分析 18
4.2.1 现有订单完成流程的时间分析 18
4.2.2.结合ESIA分析法,针对上述的几点因素,寻找导致这些原因 19
4.2.3.具体分析 19
4.3现有订单流程再设计 21
4.3.1 针对流程问题进行改善之后得出的流程图,如图4-3 所示 22
4.2.3成本分析 25
4.2.4风险分析 25
4.3 改善前后流程的对比 26
4.3.1流程时间的对比 26针对生产周期,对流程改善前后的加工时间进行对比 26 针对改善前后的物料采购时间进行对比 28
4.3.2对公司流程优化前后的在制品库存进行对比 30
第五章 结论与展望 31
5.1总结 31
5.2 展望 31
参考文献 33
致 谢 34