

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



关键词:xx 供应商质量管理 管理体系

The analysis and improvement of supplier quality management for Ningbo Innolux
Abstract In the operation process of today's enterprises, it emphasizes the whole supply chain, outsourcing, outsourcing products accounted for the proportion of the cost usually accounts for more than half of the total cost or higher. The supplier not only affects the cost, also determines the product quality and output rate of the process. How to through effective management to improve the quality of suppliers becomes the challenge that today's enterprises must face.
In this paper, Innolux for example, taking the basic theories of quality management of suppliers under supply chain as a starting point, based on the present situation of Innolux supplier, discusses the importance of supplier quality management in supply chain management system, supplier quality management is discussed detailed, in-depth, a detailed analysis of the whole process of supplier quality management. To study on how to manage the supplier from quality, implement supplier dynamic management, to ensure that the final product competitive advantage. According to the present situation of Innolux supplier quality management, according to their own experience and combined with the professional knowledge and put forward the corresponding suggestions and opinions on the weak links Innolux supplier quality management system, and has carried on the detailed discussion.
Key words: Innolux supplier quality management management system

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的和意义 1
1.3 国内外供应商质量管理研究现状 2
1.4 主要研究内容 3
第2章 供应商质量管理相关基础理论 4
2.1 供应商质量管理基本理论 4
2.2 供应商质量管理常见的实施流程 5
2.3 PDCA戴明环持续改进理论 6
第3章 xx供应商质量管理现状分析 9
3.1 xx所处行业背景介绍 9
3.2 xx简介 9
3.3 xx供应商质量管理的现状 10
3.3.1 供应商选择 10
3.3.2 供应商稽核 12
3.3.3 对供应商的绩效管理实施 13
3.4 xx供应商质量管理存在的问题 15
3.4.1 供应商评审中出现的问题 15
3.4.2 供应商分类不明确 16
3.4.3 与供应商的关系定位不明确 16
3.4.4 缺乏持续改进体系 16
第4章 xx供应商质量管理的改进方案 17
4.1 供应商评审改进方案 17
4.2 供应商分类管理 18
4.3 建立互赢互利的合作关系 19
4.4 持续改善 20
第5章 结论与展望 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23