
xx机械公司仓储中心现状分析及改善对策研究,2.12万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘 要自从进入二十一世纪以来,现代科学技术发展迅速,为现代的物流技术发展提供了强有力的支持,使物流技术发展向着信息化、网络化、智能化的方向前进。同时,对仓储管理未来的发展迎来了新的机遇和巨大的挑战。仓储管理是物流的...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要
Since the 21st century, the rapid development of modern science and technology has provided a strong support for the development of modern logistics technology , which leads the development direction of logistics to information technology, networking, and intelligent. Development of Warehouse management is also facing new challenge and opportunity .
Storage management is one of the basic activities of logistics, is to ensure the smooth production supplies, is the last export product sales. A reasonable storage management is not only the symbol of excellent enterprise culture, can accelerate the enterprise commodity turnover, reduce capital occupied, ensure production smoothly. The existence of storage management in the enterprises to study the problem and put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement, has important significance to improve the enterprise warehouse management status.
In this paper, through the analysis of the current situation on warehouse center of Zhenjiang Zhongfoma company ,including the space layout, facilities and equipment conditions, warehouse working process ,warehouse management.Through the analysis, there are some problems as fellows: warehouse center dose not reasonable, labor working effciency needs to be improved, warehouse management is inadequate. Application of ABC analysis, ant-style management method, and the basic theory of storage strategies and method. After the implementation of optimization plan, the utilization of warehouse space is higher, the efficiency of the working operations, storage management and the quality of service has been prompt into a higher level.
This thesis studies the Zhenjiang Zhongfoma company and similar enterprises have a high reference value and the reference to the general business of the implementation of Warehouse management improvement have a theoretical value of the role and methods of guidance.
KEY WORDS Warehouse management warehouse layout warehouse center
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2仓储国内外研究现状及国内发展趋势 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 1
1.2.3我国仓储发展趋势 2
1.3研究内容及意义 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究意义 3
1.4研究方法 3
1.5研究论文框架 5
第二章 仓储方面理论知识及介绍 6
2.1 仓储概念 6
2.1.1仓储布局的原则 6
2.1.2 仓储设施的选择及特点 6
2.1.3仓储保管原则 6
2.2 ABC分析法 7
2.2.1概念及由来 7
2.2.2 基本原理 7
2.2.3储货策略 8
2.2.4实施步骤 9
2.3 储位管理 9
第三章 公司仓储中心现状及分析 12
3.1 公司及其仓库简介 12
3.2 仓储中心现状分析 12
3.2.1仓储中心布局及工作设备现状 12
3.2.2仓储作业现状 13
3.3 仓储中心存在的问题 14
第四章 仓储中心系统优化方案设计 18
4.1 仓储布局设计 18
4.2 设备选择优化 19
4.3 利用图标分析法优化盘点设计 19
4.4 优化效果分析 23
第五章 仓储中心优化方案运行和保障措施 24
5.1建立标准化机制 24
5.1.1仓储操作标准化 24
5.1.2 6S管理概念 24
5.1.3加强6S管理行动力 26
5.2 完善绩效考核制 26
5.2.1绩效考核的作用及意义 26
5.2.2绩效考核的实施 27
5.3建立标准信息共享平台 29
5.3.1信息平台的引进 29
5.3.2信息平台的实施应用 29
第六章 研究结论与展望 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
摘 要
Since the 21st century, the rapid development of modern science and technology has provided a strong support for the development of modern logistics technology , which leads the development direction of logistics to information technology, networking, and intelligent. Development of Warehouse management is also facing new challenge and opportunity .
Storage management is one of the basic activities of logistics, is to ensure the smooth production supplies, is the last export product sales. A reasonable storage management is not only the symbol of excellent enterprise culture, can accelerate the enterprise commodity turnover, reduce capital occupied, ensure production smoothly. The existence of storage management in the enterprises to study the problem and put forward reasonable suggestions for improvement, has important significance to improve the enterprise warehouse management status.
In this paper, through the analysis of the current situation on warehouse center of Zhenjiang Zhongfoma company ,including the space layout, facilities and equipment conditions, warehouse working process ,warehouse management.Through the analysis, there are some problems as fellows: warehouse center dose not reasonable, labor working effciency needs to be improved, warehouse management is inadequate. Application of ABC analysis, ant-style management method, and the basic theory of storage strategies and method. After the implementation of optimization plan, the utilization of warehouse space is higher, the efficiency of the working operations, storage management and the quality of service has been prompt into a higher level.
This thesis studies the Zhenjiang Zhongfoma company and similar enterprises have a high reference value and the reference to the general business of the implementation of Warehouse management improvement have a theoretical value of the role and methods of guidance.
KEY WORDS Warehouse management warehouse layout warehouse center
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2仓储国内外研究现状及国内发展趋势 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 1
1.2.3我国仓储发展趋势 2
1.3研究内容及意义 3
1.3.1研究内容 3
1.3.2研究意义 3
1.4研究方法 3
1.5研究论文框架 5
第二章 仓储方面理论知识及介绍 6
2.1 仓储概念 6
2.1.1仓储布局的原则 6
2.1.2 仓储设施的选择及特点 6
2.1.3仓储保管原则 6
2.2 ABC分析法 7
2.2.1概念及由来 7
2.2.2 基本原理 7
2.2.3储货策略 8
2.2.4实施步骤 9
2.3 储位管理 9
第三章 公司仓储中心现状及分析 12
3.1 公司及其仓库简介 12
3.2 仓储中心现状分析 12
3.2.1仓储中心布局及工作设备现状 12
3.2.2仓储作业现状 13
3.3 仓储中心存在的问题 14
第四章 仓储中心系统优化方案设计 18
4.1 仓储布局设计 18
4.2 设备选择优化 19
4.3 利用图标分析法优化盘点设计 19
4.4 优化效果分析 23
第五章 仓储中心优化方案运行和保障措施 24
5.1建立标准化机制 24
5.1.1仓储操作标准化 24
5.1.2 6S管理概念 24
5.1.3加强6S管理行动力 26
5.2 完善绩效考核制 26
5.2.1绩效考核的作用及意义 26
5.2.2绩效考核的实施 27
5.3建立标准信息共享平台 29
5.3.1信息平台的引进 29
5.3.2信息平台的实施应用 29
第六章 研究结论与展望 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34