

xx公司仓储管理现状分析及对策研究,1.54万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要: 我国无论是国民经济领域还是企业经济领域,物流成本都高居不下,在宏观层次上表现为物流成本占gdp的比重过高,在微观层次上表现为物流成本位居企业成本项目的首位。所以一个企业要想获得更多的盈利,除了营业额这方面要提高外,...
分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



摘要: 我国无论是国民经济领域还是企业经济领域,物流成本都高居不下,在宏观层次上表现为物流成本占GDP的比重过高,在微观层次上表现为物流成本位居企业成本项目的首位。所以一个企业要想获得更多的盈利,除了营业额这方面要提高外,降低物流成本也是一个很重要很好的途径。而物流成本中,库存成本占主导地位。而库存成本受仓储管理的正确性和有效性影响。仓储管理在整个物流系统中起着不可或缺的重要作用,是企业日常管理的重要环节,它关系到企业的生产运营、日常成本控制等各个环节。对仓储进行管理,主要是为了使仓库空间的利用与库存货品的处置成本实现平衡。它是降低仓储物流成本的重要途径之一。通过高效率的仓储活动,可使商品仓储在最有效的时间段发挥作用,创造商品仓储的“时间价值”和“空间价值”。


Abstract: Both China's national economy and enterprise economy, logistics costs are not high, the performance at the macro level, logistics costs account for high proportion of GDP, at the micro level on the performance of the logistics cost in the enterprise cost the first place of project. So an enterprise to get more profit, in addition to this aspect to improve the turnover, reduce the cost of logistics is a very important way to very good. While the cost of logistics, inventory costs dominate. But the inventory cost by the correctness and effectiveness of the influence of storage management. Warehouse management plays an important role in the whole logistics system, is an important part of the daily management of the enterprise, it is related to the enterprise's production and operation, the daily cost control and other aspects. To the warehouse management, mainly is to make the warehouse space use and inventory goods disposal cost balance. It is one of the important ways to reduce logistics cost. Through the efficient warehousing activities, can make commodity warehousing plays a role in the most effective time, create commodity warehousing "value of time" and "space value".
So Kunshan branch of Linde explains the importance of the enterprise warehouse management, warehouse management companies then put forward the problems, and finally proposed to solve these problems to strengthen the enterprise storage management strategies.
Finally, through the previous analysis, optimization of the current situation Linde warehouse management, reduce storage costs Linde, reducing the waste of its materials, while the implementation of China's manufacturing industry derived warehouse management and comprehensive consideration of the relevant aspects and factors Conclusion; also hope this article can provide a reference for our industry in the implementation of a decision of warehouse management.
Keywords: warehouse management;status;problem;countermeasure

第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 2
1.3 国内外现状综述 3
1.4本文的主要研究内容、思路和方法 4
第2章 仓储管理相关理论基础 5
2.1 仓储管理的概念及目的 5
2.2 仓储管理的主要研究内容 5
2.2.1库存最优控制 5
2.2.2仓储管理作业内容 7
2.2.3仓储管理的任务 7
2.2.4 仓储管理的基本原则 7
2.2.5仓储管理的保管原则 7
第3章 xx叉车昆山分公司仓储管理现状分析 9
3.1 xx叉车昆山分公司简介 9
3.2 xx叉车昆山分公司仓储管理现状 9
3.3 xx叉车昆山分公司仓储管理中出现的问题 10
3.3.1 仓库布局利用不合理 10
3.3.2 呆滞件积压过多,信息传递效率低 11
3.3.3 工作效率低 12
3.3.4 常出现库存过多或缺货现象 12
第4章 xx叉车昆山分公司仓储管理发展对策 13
4.1建立健全合理科学的仓储管理制度,不断提高仓储管理水平 13
4.2控制合理库存,加速资金周转 13
4.3 完善硬件设施配备 16
4.4 合理规划仓库布局 17
4.5 重视人才的培养,提高员工仓储管理能力 19
4.6 实行5S管理 20
结论与展望 21
致谢 22
参考文献: 23