

分类: 论文>管理学论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



第1章绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.3国内外研究综述 2
第2章基本概念及相关理论 3
2.1相关基本概念 3
2.2相关理论 3
2.2.1生命健康权 3
2.2.2大数法则 3
第3章我国医疗责任保险现状分析 4
3.1基本情况 4
3.1.1医疗责任保险在我国起源及发展历程 4
3.1.2医疗责任保险的主体 5
3.1.3医疗责任险的实施模式和组织模式 5
3.1.4医疗责任保险的参保情况 6
3.1.5医疗责任保险的保费和保险范围 6
3.1.6医疗责任保险的理赔情况 7
3.2存在问题 7
3.2.1参保率不足 7
3.2.2保险公司保费厘定不合理 8
3.2.3保险公司经营医疗责任保险困难 9
3.2.4医疗纠纷处理困难 9
3.3存在问题的原因分析 9
3.3.1自愿性投保对医疗责任保险的阻碍作用 9
3.3.2医疗机构及医务人员对医疗责任险认识不足 10
3.3.3保险范围、期限不合理 10
3.3.4风险评估缺少数据积累 10
3.3.5赔付率高 10
3.3.6缺少有公信力的鉴定及调解机构 11
第4章医疗责任保险国外实践及借鉴 11
4.1国外实践基本情况 11
4.1.1美国自保型医疗责任保险 11
4.1.2英国互助性医疗责任保险 12
4.1.3德国社会保障型医疗责任保险 12
4.2借鉴意义 12
4.2.1推行强制性医疗责任保险 12
4.2.2扩大保险范围,规定赔偿限额 12
4.2.3完善医疗纠纷第三方调解机构 13
第5章完善我国医疗责任保险对策 13
5.1加快医疗责任保险立法 13
5.2加强舆论对医疗责任险重要性的宣传 13
5.3加快医疗责任险人才培养 14
5.4保险公司建立风险数据库,保费厘定合理化 14
结论 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17

摘要 近年来我国医患关系紧张,医疗纠纷频发,每年上万起医疗纠纷,对社会产生了严重不良影响,尽快建立起一套适合我国国情的医疗责任保险制度,显得尤为重要。目前我国医疗责任险还很不完善,主要存在以下几方面问题:参保率不足、保险公司保费厘定不合理、保险公司经营医疗责任保险困难、医疗纠纷处理困难等。根据我国医疗责任保险的开展没有统一明确的法律支持又缺少专业复合型人才的情况,本文从以下几方面提出建议:一是加快医疗责任保险立法;二是加强舆论对医疗责任险重要性的宣传;三是加快医疗责任险人才培养;四是保险公司建立风险数据库,保费厘定合理化。
关键词 医疗责任保险;医疗纠纷;第三方调解

Present situation and countermeasures of medical liability insurance in our country
Abstract In recent years,There are tense relationship between doctors and patient,medical disputes occur frequently, every year tens of thousands of medical dispute, had a serious adverse impact on society . It is important for government to establish a set of medical liability insurance system suitable for our national conditions as soon as possible. At present the medical liability insurance of our country is not perfect and mainly has the following problems: the insured rate is insufficient, the insurance premium is not reasonable, the insurance companies manage medical liability insurance unreasonably, and it is too difficult to deal with medical disputes. According to the details that the development of medical liability insurance in China has no clear legal support and the lack of professional talents, this paper puts forward suggestions from the following aspects: the first one is to establish medical liability insurance legislation as soon as possible; the second one is to enhance opinion propaganda to medical liability insurance; the third one is to accelerate the cultivation of professional talent; the last one is to establish risk database, and make premium rate reasonable.
Keywords: medical liability insurance; medical dispute; mediation by a third party