

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘要 随着我国医疗保险事业的不断发展,群众的医疗卫生需求得到了初步的保障,但群众对重大疾病医疗费用负担重的问题依然严重。实行城乡居民重大疾病保险工作,基本医疗得到保障的条件下,对群众患上需要支付巨大医疗费用的重大疾病时提供的补充性保障制度,其宗旨是减轻群众重大疾病医疗负担防止因重大疾病导致贫困,使绝大部分人不会再因为疾病陷入经济困境。在具体的实施过程中存在着重大疾病医疗保险概念的界定不同,经办主体服务能力不足,保障水平有差异,筹资机制缺乏长效性,等一系列问题。本文进一步对城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险的的定义界定、经办机构、筹资机制、基金管理、和保障水平方面的现状和存在的问题进行分析,并介绍国内外重大疾病医疗保险总结先进经验。最后,根据问题提出完善重大疾病医疗保险制度建议:①重大疾病门诊按病种界定;②住院按医疗费用界定大病;③提高经办机构服务能力;④完善筹资机制;⑤完善重大疾病医疗保险的制度体系。
关键词:重大疾病 医疗保险 现状 对策
Abstract In recent years, With the establishment of universal health care system, the people have a basic guarantee of medical treatment, but the people's burden of catastrophic medical expenses reflect still more strongly. Urban and rural residents to carry out the work of serious illness insurance, basic medical insurance is based on the high medical costs of illness in patients given a further guarantee of institutional arrangements, The purpose is to address the strong masses "poverty caused by illness" issue, so most people will not be financial hardship due to illness. There is a definition of the concept of critical illness health insurance is different from handling the subject is not clear, there are differences in the level of protection, lower overall level, not on the funding criteria, deductibles, payment ratio and other key issues in the implementation process to give a specific uniform clearly defined, from serious illness insurance pay-line design is not reasonable and serious illness insurance is not reasonable pricing mechanism and other issues. Current situation and problems of the further definition of urban residents medical insurance critical illness definition, agencies, funding mechanisms, fund management, and the level of protection aspects are analyzed in this article, and introduces major disease advanced experience at home and abroad health insurance summary Finally, according to the issues raised major diseases to improve the medical insurance system suggested: ① major diseases clinic as defined by disease; ② inpatient medical expenses as defined by illness; ③ improve agency service capabilities; ④ improve financing mechanisms; ⑤ improve critical illness health insurance institutional system.
Keywords: Major illness Medical Insurance Current situation
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1 研究目的 1
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 国内外综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2 国内研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 4
2.1 基本概念 4
2.1.1医疗保险 4
2.1.2重大疾病 4
2.1.3 重大疾病医疗保险 5
2.2相关理论 5
2.2.1 供需理论 5
2.2.2 公共产品理论 6
第3章 城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险制度的现状分析 6
3.1基本情况 6
3.1.1 重大疾病医疗保险的由来和发展 6
3.1.2 筹资机制 7
3.1.3 经办机构 7
3.1.3 保障水平 8
3.2 存在的问题 9
3.2.1 重大疾病医疗保险的界定混乱 9
3.2.2 缺乏专业化人才队伍 9
3.2.3 缺乏筹资长效机制 10
3.2.4 保障水平较低且有差异 11
3.3存在问题的原因分析 11
3.3.1 法律法规不健全 11
3.3.2 缺乏监管机制 12
3.3.3客观条件差异性 12
第4章 美、英两国重大疾病医疗保险制度实践及借鉴 13
4.1 美国重大疾病医疗保险制度 13
4.2 英国重大疾病保险制度 13
4.3借鉴意义 14
第5章 完善城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险制度的对策建议 15
5.1统一重大疾病的定义 15
5.2加快专业化人才队伍建设 15
5.3 完善筹资机制 16
5.3.1明确筹资标准 16
5.3.2 建立独立的重大疾病医疗保险筹资渠道 16
5.4 完善重大疾病医疗保险的制度体系 17
5.4.1 健全相关法律法规 17
5.4.2 建立监管机制 18
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20
摘要 随着我国医疗保险事业的不断发展,群众的医疗卫生需求得到了初步的保障,但群众对重大疾病医疗费用负担重的问题依然严重。实行城乡居民重大疾病保险工作,基本医疗得到保障的条件下,对群众患上需要支付巨大医疗费用的重大疾病时提供的补充性保障制度,其宗旨是减轻群众重大疾病医疗负担防止因重大疾病导致贫困,使绝大部分人不会再因为疾病陷入经济困境。在具体的实施过程中存在着重大疾病医疗保险概念的界定不同,经办主体服务能力不足,保障水平有差异,筹资机制缺乏长效性,等一系列问题。本文进一步对城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险的的定义界定、经办机构、筹资机制、基金管理、和保障水平方面的现状和存在的问题进行分析,并介绍国内外重大疾病医疗保险总结先进经验。最后,根据问题提出完善重大疾病医疗保险制度建议:①重大疾病门诊按病种界定;②住院按医疗费用界定大病;③提高经办机构服务能力;④完善筹资机制;⑤完善重大疾病医疗保险的制度体系。
关键词:重大疾病 医疗保险 现状 对策
Abstract In recent years, With the establishment of universal health care system, the people have a basic guarantee of medical treatment, but the people's burden of catastrophic medical expenses reflect still more strongly. Urban and rural residents to carry out the work of serious illness insurance, basic medical insurance is based on the high medical costs of illness in patients given a further guarantee of institutional arrangements, The purpose is to address the strong masses "poverty caused by illness" issue, so most people will not be financial hardship due to illness. There is a definition of the concept of critical illness health insurance is different from handling the subject is not clear, there are differences in the level of protection, lower overall level, not on the funding criteria, deductibles, payment ratio and other key issues in the implementation process to give a specific uniform clearly defined, from serious illness insurance pay-line design is not reasonable and serious illness insurance is not reasonable pricing mechanism and other issues. Current situation and problems of the further definition of urban residents medical insurance critical illness definition, agencies, funding mechanisms, fund management, and the level of protection aspects are analyzed in this article, and introduces major disease advanced experience at home and abroad health insurance summary Finally, according to the issues raised major diseases to improve the medical insurance system suggested: ① major diseases clinic as defined by disease; ② inpatient medical expenses as defined by illness; ③ improve agency service capabilities; ④ improve financing mechanisms; ⑤ improve critical illness health insurance institutional system.
Keywords: Major illness Medical Insurance Current situation
第1章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.2.1 研究目的 1
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 国内外综述 2
1.3.1国外研究综述 2
1.3.2 国内研究综述 3
第2章 基本概念及相关理论 4
2.1 基本概念 4
2.1.1医疗保险 4
2.1.2重大疾病 4
2.1.3 重大疾病医疗保险 5
2.2相关理论 5
2.2.1 供需理论 5
2.2.2 公共产品理论 6
第3章 城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险制度的现状分析 6
3.1基本情况 6
3.1.1 重大疾病医疗保险的由来和发展 6
3.1.2 筹资机制 7
3.1.3 经办机构 7
3.1.3 保障水平 8
3.2 存在的问题 9
3.2.1 重大疾病医疗保险的界定混乱 9
3.2.2 缺乏专业化人才队伍 9
3.2.3 缺乏筹资长效机制 10
3.2.4 保障水平较低且有差异 11
3.3存在问题的原因分析 11
3.3.1 法律法规不健全 11
3.3.2 缺乏监管机制 12
3.3.3客观条件差异性 12
第4章 美、英两国重大疾病医疗保险制度实践及借鉴 13
4.1 美国重大疾病医疗保险制度 13
4.2 英国重大疾病保险制度 13
4.3借鉴意义 14
第5章 完善城镇居民重大疾病医疗保险制度的对策建议 15
5.1统一重大疾病的定义 15
5.2加快专业化人才队伍建设 15
5.3 完善筹资机制 16
5.3.1明确筹资标准 16
5.3.2 建立独立的重大疾病医疗保险筹资渠道 16
5.4 完善重大疾病医疗保险的制度体系 17
5.4.1 健全相关法律法规 17
5.4.2 建立监管机制 18
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20