
基于双向dc-dc变换器电动汽车研究,基于双向dc-dc变换器电动汽车研究2.23万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 石油资源枯竭和环境污染成为近年来国内外共同关注的重大问题,电动汽车的研发工作在全世界如火如荼地展开,电动汽车是用电池代替传统的汽油作为车载能源,在很大程度减小对石油资源的依赖,而蓄电池及其充放电技术是制约电动汽车发...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘要 石油资源枯竭和环境污染成为近年来国内外共同关注的重大问题,电动汽车的研发工作在全世界如火如荼地展开,电动汽车是用电池代替传统的汽油作为车载能源,在很大程度减小对石油资源的依赖,而蓄电池及其充放电技术是制约电动汽车发展的关键技术 之一,本文采用双向DC/DC变换器进行能量流动的双向控制,实现充放电一体化,优化电动汽车的控制结构的同时提升了整车的运行效率及性能。
关键词 电动汽车 双向DC/DC变换器 拓扑 效率和损耗 仿真
Research on double closed loop control bidirectional DC-DC converter based on electric vehicle
Abstract Petroleum resource delpletion and environmental pollution has become the major issues of common concern at home and abroad in recent years. Eectricse vehicle research and development work carried outlike a raging fire in the world. Electric vehicle battry is used instead of the conventional gasoline as vehicle energy ,to reduce the dependence on oil resources in the very great degree.
But the battery charge and discharge is one of the key technoligies which restricts the development of EC.In this anticl, it takes bidirectional control of the bidirectional DC/DC converter for energy fiow,to realize implementation of intwgrated charge discharge and control structure optimization of election vehicles and enhance the Vehicle’soperation performance.
Firstly, in the background the study of vehicles, I expound the influence on the topoiogy of DC/DC converter control technology of
converter and decide to use the half bridge converter topology as bidirectional DC/DC converter for the design.I not onlt elaborate the working principle of half bridge converter but also give the way of eparameter design and efficiency analysis method.
Secondly,I analy the main components of bi-directional DC/DC converter loss,and do the analysis and calculation of each part of the loss.Then, I also discuss the main factors affecting the overall efficiency of the converter and the factors.
The last, in the paper, I make detailed analysis on the operation mode of half bridge converter. According to the design requirement of bidirectional DC/DC converter, Component parameters of half bridge converter is determined. I use the simulation software MATLAB/smiulikn to establish two-way the simulation model of DC/DC converter, and the simulation results prove the correctness of theory analysis and calculation. On this basis,I also discuss the implementation of bi-directional DC/DC converter in the actual system.
Key words Electric vehicle Bidirectional DC-DC converter Topological structure Efficiency and loss Simulation
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题提出的背景及意义 1
1.1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.2 课题研究意义 2
1.2 电动汽车概念及发展现状 2
1.2.1 电动汽车分类 2
1.2.2 电动汽车发展现状 2
1.3 双向DC/DC变换器在电动汽车上的应用 3
1.3.1 双向DC/DC变换器作用 3
1.3.2 DC/DC变换器与电动汽车的发展历程 4
1.4 课题主要的研究内容 7
1.5 本章小结 8
第二章 双向DC/DC变换器概述 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 双向DC/DC变换器概念 9
2.3 双向DC/DC变化器拓扑结构分析[19][20] 10
2.3.1 单向DC/DC变换器拓扑结构 10
2.3.2 双向DC/DC变换器拓扑结构 12
2.4 双向DC/DC变换器工作原理 13
2.4.1 双向Buck/Boost变换器 13
2.4.2 双向半桥变换器 14
2.4.3 双向Cuk变换器 15
2.4.4 双向SEPIC变换器 16
2.4.5 双向DC/DC变换器的设计要求 17
2.5 双向变换器的比较[25][26] 18
2.5.1 元器件承受的电压应力 18
2.5.2 元器件承受的电流应力 18
第三章 双向半桥DC/DC变换器拓扑结构分析及电路参数设计 24
3.1 引言 24
3.2 双向半桥变换器拓扑结构分析 24
3.2.1 升压变换器模式 24
3.2.2 降压变换器模式 25
3.3 双向DC/DC变换器稳态特性分析 26
3.3.1 双向输出特性分析 26
3.4 变换器电路参数设计[27]-[32] 28
3.4.1 开关元件开关频率 28
3.4.2 储能电感的设计 28
第四章 双向变换器仿真研究 33
4.1 简介MATLAB/Simulink软件 33
4.2 建立仿真模型 34
4.3 设置仿真参数 35
4.4 仿真的实验结果 36
4.4.1 变换器正向工作仿真图 36
4.4.2 变换器反向工作仿真图 37
第五章 双向变换器损耗分析及效率计算 39
5.1 双向DC/DC变换器的主要损耗 39
5.2.1 功率开关元件1GBT的损耗 39
5.2.2 续流二极管的损耗 40
5.2.3 滤波电容的损耗 41
5.2.4 电感的损耗 42
5.3 双向DC/DC变换器的损耗和效率计算 42
5.4 小结 43
第六章 结论与展望 44
6.1 结论 4..
摘要 石油资源枯竭和环境污染成为近年来国内外共同关注的重大问题,电动汽车的研发工作在全世界如火如荼地展开,电动汽车是用电池代替传统的汽油作为车载能源,在很大程度减小对石油资源的依赖,而蓄电池及其充放电技术是制约电动汽车发展的关键技术 之一,本文采用双向DC/DC变换器进行能量流动的双向控制,实现充放电一体化,优化电动汽车的控制结构的同时提升了整车的运行效率及性能。
关键词 电动汽车 双向DC/DC变换器 拓扑 效率和损耗 仿真
Research on double closed loop control bidirectional DC-DC converter based on electric vehicle
Abstract Petroleum resource delpletion and environmental pollution has become the major issues of common concern at home and abroad in recent years. Eectricse vehicle research and development work carried outlike a raging fire in the world. Electric vehicle battry is used instead of the conventional gasoline as vehicle energy ,to reduce the dependence on oil resources in the very great degree.
But the battery charge and discharge is one of the key technoligies which restricts the development of EC.In this anticl, it takes bidirectional control of the bidirectional DC/DC converter for energy fiow,to realize implementation of intwgrated charge discharge and control structure optimization of election vehicles and enhance the Vehicle’soperation performance.
Firstly, in the background the study of vehicles, I expound the influence on the topoiogy of DC/DC converter control technology of
converter and decide to use the half bridge converter topology as bidirectional DC/DC converter for the design.I not onlt elaborate the working principle of half bridge converter but also give the way of eparameter design and efficiency analysis method.
Secondly,I analy the main components of bi-directional DC/DC converter loss,and do the analysis and calculation of each part of the loss.Then, I also discuss the main factors affecting the overall efficiency of the converter and the factors.
The last, in the paper, I make detailed analysis on the operation mode of half bridge converter. According to the design requirement of bidirectional DC/DC converter, Component parameters of half bridge converter is determined. I use the simulation software MATLAB/smiulikn to establish two-way the simulation model of DC/DC converter, and the simulation results prove the correctness of theory analysis and calculation. On this basis,I also discuss the implementation of bi-directional DC/DC converter in the actual system.
Key words Electric vehicle Bidirectional DC-DC converter Topological structure Efficiency and loss Simulation
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题提出的背景及意义 1
1.1.1 课题背景 1
1.1.2 课题研究意义 2
1.2 电动汽车概念及发展现状 2
1.2.1 电动汽车分类 2
1.2.2 电动汽车发展现状 2
1.3 双向DC/DC变换器在电动汽车上的应用 3
1.3.1 双向DC/DC变换器作用 3
1.3.2 DC/DC变换器与电动汽车的发展历程 4
1.4 课题主要的研究内容 7
1.5 本章小结 8
第二章 双向DC/DC变换器概述 9
2.1 引言 9
2.2 双向DC/DC变换器概念 9
2.3 双向DC/DC变化器拓扑结构分析[19][20] 10
2.3.1 单向DC/DC变换器拓扑结构 10
2.3.2 双向DC/DC变换器拓扑结构 12
2.4 双向DC/DC变换器工作原理 13
2.4.1 双向Buck/Boost变换器 13
2.4.2 双向半桥变换器 14
2.4.3 双向Cuk变换器 15
2.4.4 双向SEPIC变换器 16
2.4.5 双向DC/DC变换器的设计要求 17
2.5 双向变换器的比较[25][26] 18
2.5.1 元器件承受的电压应力 18
2.5.2 元器件承受的电流应力 18
第三章 双向半桥DC/DC变换器拓扑结构分析及电路参数设计 24
3.1 引言 24
3.2 双向半桥变换器拓扑结构分析 24
3.2.1 升压变换器模式 24
3.2.2 降压变换器模式 25
3.3 双向DC/DC变换器稳态特性分析 26
3.3.1 双向输出特性分析 26
3.4 变换器电路参数设计[27]-[32] 28
3.4.1 开关元件开关频率 28
3.4.2 储能电感的设计 28
第四章 双向变换器仿真研究 33
4.1 简介MATLAB/Simulink软件 33
4.2 建立仿真模型 34
4.3 设置仿真参数 35
4.4 仿真的实验结果 36
4.4.1 变换器正向工作仿真图 36
4.4.2 变换器反向工作仿真图 37
第五章 双向变换器损耗分析及效率计算 39
5.1 双向DC/DC变换器的主要损耗 39
5.2.1 功率开关元件1GBT的损耗 39
5.2.2 续流二极管的损耗 40
5.2.3 滤波电容的损耗 41
5.2.4 电感的损耗 42
5.3 双向DC/DC变换器的损耗和效率计算 42
5.4 小结 43
第六章 结论与展望 44
6.1 结论 4..