
自动定时喷灌控制系统的研究,2.28万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 灌溉在农业生产中起着不可替代的作用,是农业生产中最重要的环节之一。本课题设计了自动化灌溉的控制系统,能够在一天内分四个时段对灌溉进行定时控制,并且设计了多种灌溉模式,可以根据不同的设置进行不同方式的灌溉,能够适用于多种环境。...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘要 灌溉在农业生产中起着不可替代的作用,是农业生产中最重要的环节之一。本课题设计了自动化灌溉的控制系统,能够在一天内分四个时段对灌溉进行定时控制,并且设计了多种灌溉模式,可以根据不同的设置进行不同方式的灌溉,能够适用于多种环境。系统提供四个独立定时器,八个可分配灌溉区域,并提供可选的多种模式,能够适应多种需求,并为系统的扩展预留了接口,能够支持区域数目的扩展,以及传感器方案的升级。在定时控制的基础上,本系统通过采集环境温度,湿度参数估算出植物潜在蒸散量,依据植物潜在蒸散量计算出植物对水分的有效吸收量,从而得出有效灌溉的水量,进而对系统预设的灌溉时间进行修正,使灌溉用水的利用率达到最大。通过将土壤水分参数参与灌溉控制,从而达到控制水资源浪费,提高灌溉效率的目的。本课题设计的控制系统使用了七英寸的电阻式触摸屏控制面板,人机交互界面丰富,便于操作,易于扩展升级。
关键词 农业灌溉 单片机 潜在蒸散量 人机交互界面 分时任务调度
Research on automatic timing irrigation control system
Abstract In the agricultural industry, the irrigation is an essential and crucial process. The subject designed various irrigation mode and can irrigate in different methods according to the user’s configuration which make the system can apply to various environment. The irrigation system provides four independent timer, eight assignable irrigation areas and various irrigation mode. The irrigation system also remained interface for system update and maintenance which can extend more sensors and irrigation areas. Based on regular timing control, the irrigation system conserves water and even improves the efficiency of water used to irrigate by adjusting the preset timer, which depend on Potential Evapotranspiration estimated by air temperature and soil moisture. And the irrigation system has a various, efficient and upgradeable man-machine interface which equip 7-inch touch screen.
The dissertation discusses the smart irrigation system overview first, which include the design concept of the control circuit and software architecture. And then elaborate the hardware design and software design. The hardware design include design of control circuit and interface circuit. And the software design consist of the smart irrigation system architecture, the 32-bit microcontroller program design, the control algorithm of irrigation, the design and optimize of the touch screen program, the Time-sharing task scheduling. And according to the result of experiment, the subject accomplish the expected target. The smart irrigation system can make an efficient, water-saving irrigation,which can adjust the configuration of irrigation while climate is change. When there is a precipitation the system will decrease the time of irrigation to save water resource and when there is a drought the system will increase irrigation. The smart irrigation system reduce the labour power of irrigation and contributes to popularizing the smart management of agricultural industry.
Key Words agricultural irrigation Microcontroller potential evapotranspiration human-computer interaction interface Time-sharing task scheduling
目 录
第一章 绪 论 2
1.1研究背景及意义 2
1.2 控制系统综述 2
第二章 系统硬件设计 2
2.1 控制电路设计 2
2.2 传感器模组 2
2.3 电气控制柜实物电路 2
第三章 系统软件设计 2
3.1 控制系统设计 2
3.2 STM32微控制器编程 2
3.3 分时任务调度程序设计 2
3.4 CPU时钟模块程序设计 2
3.5 ADC采样模块程序设计 2
3.6 实时时钟模块设计 2
3.7 触屏界面设计 2
3.8 算法的优化思路 2
第四章 控制系统的实现 2
4.1 定时灌溉算法实现 2
4.2 环境参数采集 2
4.3 植物潜在蒸散量算法分析 2
4.3.1 温度估算法分析 2
4.3.2 辐射量估算法 2
4.3.3 联合估算法 2
4.4 智能灌溉控制算法实现 2
第五章 实验结果 2
总 结 2
致 谢 2
参考文献 2
附录A 程序源代码 2
摘要 灌溉在农业生产中起着不可替代的作用,是农业生产中最重要的环节之一。本课题设计了自动化灌溉的控制系统,能够在一天内分四个时段对灌溉进行定时控制,并且设计了多种灌溉模式,可以根据不同的设置进行不同方式的灌溉,能够适用于多种环境。系统提供四个独立定时器,八个可分配灌溉区域,并提供可选的多种模式,能够适应多种需求,并为系统的扩展预留了接口,能够支持区域数目的扩展,以及传感器方案的升级。在定时控制的基础上,本系统通过采集环境温度,湿度参数估算出植物潜在蒸散量,依据植物潜在蒸散量计算出植物对水分的有效吸收量,从而得出有效灌溉的水量,进而对系统预设的灌溉时间进行修正,使灌溉用水的利用率达到最大。通过将土壤水分参数参与灌溉控制,从而达到控制水资源浪费,提高灌溉效率的目的。本课题设计的控制系统使用了七英寸的电阻式触摸屏控制面板,人机交互界面丰富,便于操作,易于扩展升级。
关键词 农业灌溉 单片机 潜在蒸散量 人机交互界面 分时任务调度
Research on automatic timing irrigation control system
Abstract In the agricultural industry, the irrigation is an essential and crucial process. The subject designed various irrigation mode and can irrigate in different methods according to the user’s configuration which make the system can apply to various environment. The irrigation system provides four independent timer, eight assignable irrigation areas and various irrigation mode. The irrigation system also remained interface for system update and maintenance which can extend more sensors and irrigation areas. Based on regular timing control, the irrigation system conserves water and even improves the efficiency of water used to irrigate by adjusting the preset timer, which depend on Potential Evapotranspiration estimated by air temperature and soil moisture. And the irrigation system has a various, efficient and upgradeable man-machine interface which equip 7-inch touch screen.
The dissertation discusses the smart irrigation system overview first, which include the design concept of the control circuit and software architecture. And then elaborate the hardware design and software design. The hardware design include design of control circuit and interface circuit. And the software design consist of the smart irrigation system architecture, the 32-bit microcontroller program design, the control algorithm of irrigation, the design and optimize of the touch screen program, the Time-sharing task scheduling. And according to the result of experiment, the subject accomplish the expected target. The smart irrigation system can make an efficient, water-saving irrigation,which can adjust the configuration of irrigation while climate is change. When there is a precipitation the system will decrease the time of irrigation to save water resource and when there is a drought the system will increase irrigation. The smart irrigation system reduce the labour power of irrigation and contributes to popularizing the smart management of agricultural industry.
Key Words agricultural irrigation Microcontroller potential evapotranspiration human-computer interaction interface Time-sharing task scheduling
目 录
第一章 绪 论 2
1.1研究背景及意义 2
1.2 控制系统综述 2
第二章 系统硬件设计 2
2.1 控制电路设计 2
2.2 传感器模组 2
2.3 电气控制柜实物电路 2
第三章 系统软件设计 2
3.1 控制系统设计 2
3.2 STM32微控制器编程 2
3.3 分时任务调度程序设计 2
3.4 CPU时钟模块程序设计 2
3.5 ADC采样模块程序设计 2
3.6 实时时钟模块设计 2
3.7 触屏界面设计 2
3.8 算法的优化思路 2
第四章 控制系统的实现 2
4.1 定时灌溉算法实现 2
4.2 环境参数采集 2
4.3 植物潜在蒸散量算法分析 2
4.3.1 温度估算法分析 2
4.3.2 辐射量估算法 2
4.3.3 联合估算法 2
4.4 智能灌溉控制算法实现 2
第五章 实验结果 2
总 结 2
致 谢 2
参考文献 2
附录A 程序源代码 2