基于zigbee的无线压力测量,基于zigbee的无线压力测量1.73万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用目录引 言a1课题背景a2课题意义b第一章短距离无线技术介绍与对比11.1.1 ieee802.11标准11.1.2 蓝牙技术11.1.3 irda通信技术21.1.5 zigbee技术31.2 课题内容及论文结构3第二章总体...
此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
引 言 A
1课题背景 A
2课题意义 B
第一章 短距离无线技术介绍与对比 1
1.1.1 IEEE802.11标准 1
1.1.2 蓝牙技术 1
1.1.3 IrDA通信技术 2
1.1.5 ZigBee技术 3
1.2 课题内容及论文结构 3
第二章 总体方案设计 4
2.1 总体方案 4
2.2 关键技术的介绍 4
2.2.1 ZigBee技术简介 4
2.2.2 ZigBee网络拓扑结构 6
2.2.3 ZigBee协议体系结构 7
2.3 ZigBee芯片的选取 14
2.3.1 CC2420介绍 15
2.3.2 CC2430介绍 16
2.3.3 芯片比较选择 18
2.4 液晶显示的选择 18
2.4.1 LCD1602 19
2.4.2 LCD 12864 20
2.4.3液晶的比较选择 23
2.5 本章小结 23
第三章 系统硬件设计 24
3.1 硬件结构设计 24
3.2 ZigBee模块电路 25
3.3.1液晶显示电路 26
3.3.2电源电路 26
3.3.3 串口转换电路 27
3.3.4 天线电路 27
3.4 本章小结 28
第四章 系统软件设计 29
4.1IAR开发环境 29
4.2 Z—Slack协议栈介绍 30
4.3 显示程序设计 32
4.4本章总结 33
第五章 系统测试实验 34
5.1 系统实验过程与结果 34
5.1.1 实验内容 34
5.1.2 系统实验过程 34
5.1.3 系统实验结果 34
5.2本章小结 35
结 论 36
致 谢 37
附录A 软件设计源程序 40
A.1 主程序 40
A.2液晶驱动程序 43
A.3数据接收子程序 48
附录B 52
摘要: ZigBee技术是一种短距离、复杂度低、功耗低、传播速率低、成本低的双向无线通信技术。主要用于距离短、功耗低且传输速率不高的各种电子设备之间进行数据传输以及典型的有周期性数据、间歇性数据和低反应时间数据传输的应用。
关键词: 无线数据采集 ZigBee技术 CC2430 LCD1062 IAR
Based on the ZigBee wireless pressure measurement
Abstract: ZigBee technology is a kind of close, low complexity and low cost, low power consumption, low rate of two-way wireless communication technology. Is mainly used for short distance and low power consumption and transmission rate is not high to data transmission between various kinds of electronic equipment, as well as the typical periodic data, intermittent data and low response time data transmission applications.
This paper focuses on the part of data acquisition based on ZigBee, using ZigBee terminal sensors to collect all kinds of parameters to pass to the gateway, then using cable will be the gateway to transmit the data to the central control computer, analyze the data by computer.
According to project requirement analysis to the principles of system design, performance requirements, choose CC2430 as the design of main chip, tells the story of the wireless data acquisition technology, and compares the liquid crystal display device, choose LCD1062 LCDS. According to the scheme, draw the structure diagram, map Protel principle, introduces the power supply circuit, serial interface conversion circuit, the antenna circuit. According to the design requirements, choose the IAR development environment, the application steps are introduced.
Keywords: The wireless data acquisition ZigBee technology CC2430 LCD1062 IAR
引 言 A
1课题背景 A
2课题意义 B
第一章 短距离无线技术介绍与对比 1
1.1.1 IEEE802.11标准 1
1.1.2 蓝牙技术 1
1.1.3 IrDA通信技术 2
1.1.5 ZigBee技术 3
1.2 课题内容及论文结构 3
第二章 总体方案设计 4
2.1 总体方案 4
2.2 关键技术的介绍 4
2.2.1 ZigBee技术简介 4
2.2.2 ZigBee网络拓扑结构 6
2.2.3 ZigBee协议体系结构 7
2.3 ZigBee芯片的选取 14
2.3.1 CC2420介绍 15
2.3.2 CC2430介绍 16
2.3.3 芯片比较选择 18
2.4 液晶显示的选择 18
2.4.1 LCD1602 19
2.4.2 LCD 12864 20
2.4.3液晶的比较选择 23
2.5 本章小结 23
第三章 系统硬件设计 24
3.1 硬件结构设计 24
3.2 ZigBee模块电路 25
3.3.1液晶显示电路 26
3.3.2电源电路 26
3.3.3 串口转换电路 27
3.3.4 天线电路 27
3.4 本章小结 28
第四章 系统软件设计 29
4.1IAR开发环境 29
4.2 Z—Slack协议栈介绍 30
4.3 显示程序设计 32
4.4本章总结 33
第五章 系统测试实验 34
5.1 系统实验过程与结果 34
5.1.1 实验内容 34
5.1.2 系统实验过程 34
5.1.3 系统实验结果 34
5.2本章小结 35
结 论 36
致 谢 37
附录A 软件设计源程序 40
A.1 主程序 40
A.2液晶驱动程序 43
A.3数据接收子程序 48
附录B 52
摘要: ZigBee技术是一种短距离、复杂度低、功耗低、传播速率低、成本低的双向无线通信技术。主要用于距离短、功耗低且传输速率不高的各种电子设备之间进行数据传输以及典型的有周期性数据、间歇性数据和低反应时间数据传输的应用。
关键词: 无线数据采集 ZigBee技术 CC2430 LCD1062 IAR
Based on the ZigBee wireless pressure measurement
Abstract: ZigBee technology is a kind of close, low complexity and low cost, low power consumption, low rate of two-way wireless communication technology. Is mainly used for short distance and low power consumption and transmission rate is not high to data transmission between various kinds of electronic equipment, as well as the typical periodic data, intermittent data and low response time data transmission applications.
This paper focuses on the part of data acquisition based on ZigBee, using ZigBee terminal sensors to collect all kinds of parameters to pass to the gateway, then using cable will be the gateway to transmit the data to the central control computer, analyze the data by computer.
According to project requirement analysis to the principles of system design, performance requirements, choose CC2430 as the design of main chip, tells the story of the wireless data acquisition technology, and compares the liquid crystal display device, choose LCD1062 LCDS. According to the scheme, draw the structure diagram, map Protel principle, introduces the power supply circuit, serial interface conversion circuit, the antenna circuit. According to the design requirements, choose the IAR development environment, the application steps are introduced.
Keywords: The wireless data acquisition ZigBee technology CC2430 LCD1062 IAR