驱动冗余并联机器人的滑模控制,2.18万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 相对于传统机器人来说,并联机器人起步晚,发展不成熟,但是并联机器人具有刚度大,精度高,运行速度快等特点,并且在如今科技发展迅速、工业生产控制精度和强度要求日益提高的情况下,并联机器人的优势正在逐步扩大,形成了一个新兴的研究...
此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘要 相对于传统机器人来说,并联机器人起步晚,发展不成熟,但是并联机器人具有刚度大,精度高,运行速度快等特点,并且在如今科技发展迅速、工业生产控制精度和强度要求日益提高的情况下,并联机器人的优势正在逐步扩大,形成了一个新兴的研究热点,但是,并联机器人结构复杂,多耦合,控制难度大,因此,国内外专家学者对并联机器人作了大量的研究工作,其中运用滑模理论作为并联机器人的控制策略以其独特的优势成为一种很好的并联机器人控制方法。
关键词:并联机器人 动力学建模 滑模控制 MATLAB仿真
Sliding Mode Control for a Novel Parallel Manipulator with
Actuation Redundancy
Abstract Compared to traditional robots, parallel robots started late, and the development of robot are not all-around, but parallel robot have high rigidity, high precision, speed and other characteristics, and the of in today's situation, the science and technology rapidly developed, the demand of industrial control precision and intensity are increasing,Next, the advantages of parallel robots are gradually expanding to form a new research focus, however, parallel robot structure is complex, multi-coupling, control is difficult, therefore, experts and scholars on the parallel robot made a lot of research work, which use sliding mode control strategy theory as parallel robot with its unique advantages to become a good parallel robot control methods.
In this paper, the sliding mode control system to ensure rapid convergence in a finite time to equilibrium. And the control law is continuous analysis of chattering sliding mode control issues, so as to weaken provides the necessary theoretical support buffeting.
Then, the paper parallel mechanism in-depth analysis, 3-DOF parallel mechanism drive redundancy control model, and analyze the requirements and moving platform parallel mechanism based on kinematics, inverse solution is derived model space agency, according to the controlled object Features, select the appropriate control scheme, the subject of parallel mechanism driven by servo mode variable structure control strategy, combined with the specific model design variable structure control algorithm, using MATLAB simulation, debugging, analysis of simulation results, variable structure algorithm design verification the accuracy and reliability, and ultimately achieve the desired control effect, and summarizes the performance of sliding mode control method.
Keywords: parallel manipulator dynamic model sliding mode control MATLAB simulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1并联机器人的概述 1
1.1.1并联机器人的起源及发展 1
1.1.2并联机器人的分类 3
1.1.3并联机器人的特点 4
1.1.4并联机器人的应用 5
1.2并联机器人研究现状 7
1.2.1机构学研究 7
1.2.2运动学研究 8
1.2.3动力学建模方法研究 9
1.2.4控制方法研究 11
1.3课题研究的目的及意义 12
第2章 并联机构描述及运动学分析 14
2.1自由度并联机构描述 14
2.2运动学逆解分析 15
2.3雅克比矩阵 17
第3章 动力学建模 19
3.1动能推导 19
3.1.1动平台动能 19
3.1.2三支架动能 20
3.1.3滑块动能 21
3.2势能推导 22
3.3动力学建模 23
第4章 系统硬件设计 26
4.1并联机器人控制系统硬件体系结构 26
4.2控制系统主要硬件组成部分 27
第5章 并联机器人滑模控制器设计 32
5.1滑模变结构控制基本理论 32
5.1.1滑动变结构控制的概念 33
5.1.2滑动模态的到达条件及趋近律 35
5.1.3滑模变结构的抖振问题 37
5.2滑模控制器设计 39
5.3系统仿真及分析 41
第5章 全文总结 43
致 谢 44
参考文献 45
摘要 相对于传统机器人来说,并联机器人起步晚,发展不成熟,但是并联机器人具有刚度大,精度高,运行速度快等特点,并且在如今科技发展迅速、工业生产控制精度和强度要求日益提高的情况下,并联机器人的优势正在逐步扩大,形成了一个新兴的研究热点,但是,并联机器人结构复杂,多耦合,控制难度大,因此,国内外专家学者对并联机器人作了大量的研究工作,其中运用滑模理论作为并联机器人的控制策略以其独特的优势成为一种很好的并联机器人控制方法。
关键词:并联机器人 动力学建模 滑模控制 MATLAB仿真
Sliding Mode Control for a Novel Parallel Manipulator with
Actuation Redundancy
Abstract Compared to traditional robots, parallel robots started late, and the development of robot are not all-around, but parallel robot have high rigidity, high precision, speed and other characteristics, and the of in today's situation, the science and technology rapidly developed, the demand of industrial control precision and intensity are increasing,Next, the advantages of parallel robots are gradually expanding to form a new research focus, however, parallel robot structure is complex, multi-coupling, control is difficult, therefore, experts and scholars on the parallel robot made a lot of research work, which use sliding mode control strategy theory as parallel robot with its unique advantages to become a good parallel robot control methods.
In this paper, the sliding mode control system to ensure rapid convergence in a finite time to equilibrium. And the control law is continuous analysis of chattering sliding mode control issues, so as to weaken provides the necessary theoretical support buffeting.
Then, the paper parallel mechanism in-depth analysis, 3-DOF parallel mechanism drive redundancy control model, and analyze the requirements and moving platform parallel mechanism based on kinematics, inverse solution is derived model space agency, according to the controlled object Features, select the appropriate control scheme, the subject of parallel mechanism driven by servo mode variable structure control strategy, combined with the specific model design variable structure control algorithm, using MATLAB simulation, debugging, analysis of simulation results, variable structure algorithm design verification the accuracy and reliability, and ultimately achieve the desired control effect, and summarizes the performance of sliding mode control method.
Keywords: parallel manipulator dynamic model sliding mode control MATLAB simulation
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1并联机器人的概述 1
1.1.1并联机器人的起源及发展 1
1.1.2并联机器人的分类 3
1.1.3并联机器人的特点 4
1.1.4并联机器人的应用 5
1.2并联机器人研究现状 7
1.2.1机构学研究 7
1.2.2运动学研究 8
1.2.3动力学建模方法研究 9
1.2.4控制方法研究 11
1.3课题研究的目的及意义 12
第2章 并联机构描述及运动学分析 14
2.1自由度并联机构描述 14
2.2运动学逆解分析 15
2.3雅克比矩阵 17
第3章 动力学建模 19
3.1动能推导 19
3.1.1动平台动能 19
3.1.2三支架动能 20
3.1.3滑块动能 21
3.2势能推导 22
3.3动力学建模 23
第4章 系统硬件设计 26
4.1并联机器人控制系统硬件体系结构 26
4.2控制系统主要硬件组成部分 27
第5章 并联机器人滑模控制器设计 32
5.1滑模变结构控制基本理论 32
5.1.1滑动变结构控制的概念 33
5.1.2滑动模态的到达条件及趋近律 35
5.1.3滑模变结构的抖振问题 37
5.2滑模控制器设计 39
5.3系统仿真及分析 41
第5章 全文总结 43
致 谢 44
参考文献 45