

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布电气毕业论文--35kV变电所设计
关键词:变电所 短路计算 整定保护 防雷措施
The design of a 35kV transformer substation
Abstract:In recent years, China's electric power system has developed rapidly. An AC 750kV system was grid into operation in Northwest, October, 2005.A ± 800kV system also be planned to build as soon as possible. At the same time, most countries around the world regard the proportion that Energy consumption proportion of total energy consumption and the pace of development of the power systems as a symbol to measure the level of national economic development and modernization. As a result, the development of power is the focus of every country in the world today. Power industry has become a basic industry of the national economy with social welfare and leadship of the national economy, influencing the national industrial production lifeline. It has become a strategic focus to achieve national economic modernization. It can be also said that electrification is a symbol of modern. There will be no modernization without electrification.
Technological advances can not only promote the development of the industry but also to promote the development of technology itself. The rapid development of the power system promotes the development of design and construction in the various components of the power system, system maintenance and operation, manufacturing and testing of power equipments and monitoring and control and integrated automation. Different levels of substation draw the majority of positive attention from electrical developers as an important part in the power system as well as hub and media in power transmission. How to design a substation according to the system requirements and load requirements combined with other aspects of environmental conditions in order to achieve high efficiency, low loss power transport, this requires us to continue to explore.
35kV substation is no longer to expanded in the cities of large electricity demand and economically developed coastal cities. However, in the vast rural areas, this power supply will exist for a long time because of the feature less investment, short construction period, easy installation, operation, maintenance and repair technology. Preliminary design of 35kV substation buck has been done based on certain information about power load of a small town. The first process of the design is selecting the required transformer model based on statistics and calculates of all loads. Than I make the main wiring design according to the nature of the load and reliability requirements. Designs contain short-circuit calculation; taking serious impacts on the system by short-circuit into account. Than, do some selection and calculation of main high-voltage electrical equipment ,such as breaker,disconnections ,voltage transformer and current transformer. It also conducted a lightning protection design and calculation, improves the security of the entire substation.
Key words: Transformer substation Short-circuit calculation Tuning protection Lightning protection
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
第二章 原始资料 3
1.1系统情况 3
第三章 变压器的选择 5
3.1 主变台数的选择 5
3.2 调压方式的选择 5
3.3 容量的选择 5
3.4 主变阻抗的选择 7
3.5 主变冷却方式的选择 7
3.6 是否选用自耦变压器 7
3.7 变压器各侧电压等级的选择 7
3.8 相数、绕组数和绕组连接方式的选择 8
3.9 变压器电压绕组材料的选择 8
3.10 主变压器保护 8
第四章 电气主接线设计 10
4.1 基本要求和原则 10
4.2 母线接线的选择 10
4.2.1 35kV侧 10
4.2.2 10kV侧 12
4.3 中性点接线方式 13
第五章 短路电流计算 15
5.1 短路的概念 15
5.2 短路电流计算的目的 15
5.3 短路电流计算的基本原理 15
5.3.1 基本假设 15
5.3.2 计算方法和步骤 16
5.4具体计算过程 16
5.4.1 负荷计算 16
5.4.2 短路电流计算 17
第六章 电气设备的选型与保护 20
6.1电气设备选择的重要性 20
6.2电气设备选择的一般条件 20
6.2.1 按正常工作条件选择电气设备 20
6.2.2 按短路情况校验热稳定性和动稳定性 21
6.3 相关电气设备的选择 22
6.3.1断路器、隔离开关 22 35kV侧断路器、隔离开关 22 10kV侧断路器、隔离开关 25
6.3.2熔断器 27 35kV侧熔断器 28 10kV侧熔断器 28
6.3.3 限流电抗器 29
6.3.4 电力线路 31 母线的选择及校验 31 输电线路的选择及校验 37
6.3.5 互感器 39 互感器的配置 39 电流互感器的选择和校验 40
第七章 继电保护 45
7.1 概述 45
7.2 继电保护的基本条件 45
7.3 本系统故障分析 46
7.3.1 系统线路主要的故障 46
7.3.2 电力变压器的故障 46
7.3.3 变压器的不正常情况 46
7.4 本变电所继电保护配置 46
7.4.1 35kV线路继电保护配置 46
7.4.2 10kV线路继电保护配置 46
7.4.3 主变压器继电保护配置 47 主保护 47 后备保护 48
第八章 防雷保护 49
8.1 变电所防雷概述 49
8.2 避雷针的选择 49
结论与展望 52
致谢 53
参考文献 54
附录I 变电所所需电气设备型号及具体参数 55
附录II 变电所电气部分主接线 58