

基于stm32的网储互补直流控制系统,基于stm32的网储互补直流控制系统3.26万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 随着新能源应用的推广,光伏、风能发电应用越来越广泛,尤其是光伏系统发出来的直接是直流电,而相当一部分的用电设备如电视机、led电灯等都是使用的直流电,如果用直流供电系统给这些设备供电,就省去了光伏发电系统的逆变环节...
分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 jiji888 发布



摘要 随着新能源应用的推广,光伏、风能发电应用越来越广泛,尤其是光伏系统发出来的直接是直流电,而相当一部分的用电设备如电视机、LED电灯等都是使用的直流电,如果用直流供电系统给这些设备供电,就省去了光伏发电系统的逆变环节和用电设备的AC/DC转换环节。简化了供电系统结构,也避免了转换过程的能量损耗。
本设计基于STM32 ARM7内核的处理器设计一款8路直流电源控制系统,控制8回路直流负载,每回路功率额定功率100W。系统采用蓄电池和市电双回路供电,蓄电池电能来自于光伏发电系统。优先使用蓄电池的电能,当蓄电池供电不足时采用市电供电。系统可以通过上位机控制每个回路的开关,同时在上位机显示每个回路的负载电流。
关键词: 互补供电 直流供电系统 STM32 TR-Thread 上位机

Design of Complementary DC Power Supply Control System
Based On STM32 MCU
Abstract Along with the popularization and application of new energy, photovoltaic,wind power is applied more and more widely, especially photovoltaic system directly generats DC current , and a considerable part of the electric equipment such as TV, LED lamps are used the DC power, if DC power supply system gives power to these devices directly, eliminating the need of inverter for photovoltaic power generation system and the AC/DC conversion of electrical equipment . DC power supply system for DC load power supply eliminates the inverter AC/DC conversion processes, simplifies thestructure of power supply system, but also avoid the loss of energy in conversion process.
The design of an 8 circuit DC power supply control system is based on STM32 ARM7 processor. It controls 8 DC loads, each loop can supply 100W. System uses the battery and electric as power supply, battery power from photovoltaic power generation system. Give priority to the use of battery power supply, when the battery power supply is insufficient, the electric power will be used. System has PC remote control function,each loop can be controlled through the PC, and the load current of each circuit can be displayed in PC.
In the design process, first finishing the design of power supply circuit schematic using STM32 as the main control chip, the power supply system has eight loop, each loop can be independently controlled. Using switching power supply or battery power supply, circuit switch is controlled by an electronic switch, each circuit is equipped with overvoltage and overcurrent protectionfunction. And the sound and light alarm to attract the attention of the operator.The whole system can detection circuit, power supply voltage.
Then make the PCB boards according to the system schematic,the board is divided into two parts,which is the main circuit and control circuit, two circuit boards are connected by cable. Then Welding the board and debugging it to work properly.
Then starting program the STM32 MCU, the control programing is based on the RT-Thread operating system, after a long time writing and trying to complete all the functions, measurement and monitoring includes the underlying hardware initialization procedures, multitasking system change, scheduling correctly between each circuit, Measuring and monitoring systerm parameters. The systerm can stably work for a long time.
Finally, this system can comunicate with computer using high efficiency and stable protocol, achieving the exchange of information through the serial port. Principal computer can control circuit and monitoring power system parameters directly.
Key Words Complementary Power Supply DC Power Supply System STM32 RT-Thread Host Computer

第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 网储互补直流电源控制系统研究背景及意义 1
1.1.1 网储互补直流电源控制系统研究的历史背景 1
1.1.2 网储互补直流电源控制系统研究的意义 2
1.2 网储互补直流控制系统的概述 2
1.3 本文主要设计内容 4
第二章 控制电路的设计 6
2.1 处理器的选择与外围电路的设计 6
2.1.1 STM32主要性能 7
2.1.2 处理器电路 8
2.1.3看门狗电路 8
2.1.4 I/O扩展电路设计 10
2.2 模数转换电路的选择与设计 10
2.2.1 模数转换电路设计 12
2.2.2 电压基准电路设计 15
2.2.3 模拟开关电路设计 16
2.3 实时钟电路设计 17
2.3.1 时钟产生电路基本原理 17
2.3.2 实时钟芯片的选择 17
2.4 工作电源设计 18
2.4.1 线性电源简介 19
2.4.2 开关电源的优缺点 19
2.4.3 低压DC/DC电源设计 20
2.5 控制板中其他电路的设计 21
2.5.1 继电器开关电路的设计 21
2.5.2 蜂鸣器报警电路的设计 23
第三章 主电路的设计 24
3.1 电子开关选择及驱动电路的设计 24
3.1.1 电子开关的选择 24
3.1.2 驱动电源的设计 25
3.1.2 驱动电路的设计 27
3.2 电流采样和短路保护电路的设计 28
3.2.1 电流采样电路的设计 28
3.2.2 短路保护电路的设计 29
第四章 系统程序设计 31
4.1 RT-Thread嵌入式操作系统 32
4.1.1 嵌入系统发展历史及现状 32
4.1.2  嵌入式操作系统简介 33
4.1.3  RT-Thread操作系统简介 34
4.2 控制程序设计 36
4.2.1  软件开发环境Keil MDK简介 36
4.2.2 系统初始化程序设计 37
4.2.3 硬件模块初始化程序设计 39
4.2.4 创建线程模块 39
4.2.5 创建定时器模块 40
4.2.6 串口通信模块 40
4.3 上位机操作界面 41
第五章 总结与展望 43
5.1 总结 43
5.2 展望 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46
附录A 电路图 48
附录B 实物图 50
附录C 控制程序 51