

分类: 论文>电气自动化/电力论文



原文档由会员 jiji888 发布



摘要:随着数控技术及切削刀具的飞跃发展,数控机床正在不断向高速、超高速、高精、高效、高智能化的方向发展,但迄今为止,作为数控机床三大高新技术之一(高速电主轴、数控系统、送给驱动)的高速电主轴中机械轴承的寿命问题仍然是个难题,使用寿命和转速成了非常突出的矛盾的两个方面。20世纪出现了磁悬浮轴承(简称磁轴承),用磁悬浮轴承支承的电机,转子要完全实现悬浮需要在其五自由度上施加控制力,即需要2个径向磁轴承和1个轴向推力磁轴承,是主动控制磁悬浮轴承。采用这种磁悬浮轴承支承技术,电主轴可以在5000~80 000r/min的转速下运行上万小时。但这种主动磁轴承AMB存在电机轴向长度加长,电机的临界转速和输出功率受到限制,磁轴承需要一定数量的铁芯和励磁线圈、体积大、成本高,大大影响了磁轴承支承的高速电机的使用范围和广泛应用。磁悬浮电机出现给磁轴承支承技术带来革命性的改变,它将控制轴向运动的磁轴承,改为集轴向——径向于一体的磁轴承,在产生轴向方向的推力的同时,又能产生径向悬浮力,轴向—径向磁轴承大大减少了体积,提高了轴向利用率,既可实现微型化,又可突破较大功率和超高转速的限制,具有广阔的有应用前景。

关键词:电主轴 磁悬浮异步电机 改进型内模解耦控制 matlab仿真 TMS320F2812 DSP 数字控制系统

The internal model decoupling control of high speed
CNC machine tools spindle
Abstract: With the rapid development of digital technology and the cutting tool,the CNC machine tools is becoming more and more High-speed、ultra high-speed、high-precision、high efficiency and high intelligence.But so far,the machine bearing’s life issues of the high speed spindle which is one of the CNC machine’s three high-tech (high speed spindle,CNC system,giving the driver) is still a problem and it’s life and speed became very prominent contradictions.In the 20th century,the magnetic bearings (referred to as magnetic bearings) appeared.If the motor which is supported by magnetic bearings wants to fully realize the need for rotor suspension,it requires to be imposed control on its rotor in five degrees of freedom.In other words,the motor needs two radial magnetic bearings and an axial thrust magnetic bearing which is belong to active control of magnetic bearing.Using this magnetic levitation bearing technology,the spindle can run thousands of hours at 5000~80000r/min speed.But the axial length of active magnetic bearing AMB motor is too longer and the critical speed and power output of the motor is limited.At the same time,the magnetic bearing requires a certain amount of core and excitation coil and the volume is big,the cost is high,so it greatly affected the use range and wide application of the motor which is supported by magnetic bearings.The appearance of magnetic levitation motors bring revolutionary changes to magnetic bearing technology.It changes the magnetic bearing which controls the axial movement to the axial-radial movement.The new magnetic bearing not only produces the axial direction of thrust,but also produces radial force.The axial -radial magnetic bearings greatly reduce the volume and improve the axial utilization.And they can achieve miniaturization,break the high speed limit and ultra power.In conclusion,the magnetic levitation motors have broad application prospect.
This topic used magnetic levitation motor in CNC machine tool spindle,forming the high speed CNC machine tools spindle which integrates the functions of bearing-less induction motor with magnetic bearing.By analyzing the operation mechanism of the high speed CNC machine tools spindle,building its mathematical model,using the internal model decoupling control strategy,making the research of the high speed CNC machine tools spindle’s nonlinear decoupling control and establishing the MATLAB simulation model to study the simulation of it.In the end,the control system of bearingless induction motor is designed,it can validate the proposed control strategy and provide reliable experimental platform for further study.

Key words:Electric spindle Bearingless induction motor Modified internal model decoupling control Matlab simulation TMS320F2812 DSP Digital Control System

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 数控机床高速电主轴的现状与发展 1
  1.1.1 国内外高速电主轴技术的研究现状 1
  1.1.2 高速电主轴技术的发展 2
1.2 磁悬浮电机的研究背景与发展概况 3
  1.2.1 磁悬浮电机的研究背景 3
  1.2.2 磁悬浮电机的发展概况 3
1.3 内模控制的概述与发展 6
  1.3.1 内模控制概述 6
  1.3.2 内模控制的发展 6
1.4 本文的主要工作及内容安排 7
第二章 磁悬浮异步电机的数学模型及性能分析 9
2.1磁悬浮异步电机的运行机理 9
  2.1.1 两种电磁力的介绍 9
  2.1.2 磁悬浮异步电机悬浮机理 10
2.2磁悬浮异步电机悬浮力分析 12
  2.2.1洛伦兹力 12
  2.2.2麦克斯韦力 13
2.3磁悬浮异步电机的数学模型 15
  2.3.1 旋转部分数学模型 16
  2.3.2径向悬浮力数学模型 17
  2.3.3 运动方程模型 17
第三章 基于改进型内模控制的磁悬浮异步电机控制 19
3.1内模控制的基础理论 19
  3.1.1内模控制器结构 19
  3.1.2 内模控制的主要性质 21
  3.1.3 改进型内模控制器结构 21
3.2 改进型内模控制在磁悬浮异步电机控制系统中的应用 23
  3.2.1 电流内模控制器 23
  3.2.2 悬浮力独立控制 25
  3.2.3 径向位移内模控制器 26
3.3 系统仿真研究 27
第四章 磁悬浮异步电机数字控制系统研究 32
4.1 TMS320F2812 DSP简介 33
4.2 硬件电路设计 34
  4.2.1 主电路 34
  4.2.2 驱动电路 37
  4.2.3 系统保护电路 37
  4.2.4 检测电路 39
  4.2.5 辅助电源 42
  4.2.6 硬件平台构成 42
4.3 软件设计 43
  4.3.1 控制系统软件资源分配 43
  4.3.2 主程序和初始化子程序 44
  4.3.3 中断子程序 45
  4.3.4 SVPWM算法子程序 48
  4.3.5电机转子角度及转速计算子程序 48
  4.3.6 PWM脉冲产生子程序 51
4.4 实验结果与分析 51
第五章 总结与展望 53
5.1 论文的主要工作 53
5.2 展望 53
致谢 55
参考文献 56