
电动汽车用混合励磁磁通切换电机电磁分析,2.19万字我自己原创的毕业论文,仅在本站独家提交,大家放心使用摘要 永磁磁通切换电机拥有功率密度高、转矩密度高、转子结构简单、反电势高度正弦、冷却方便等优点而得以迅速发展。但是由于永磁体固有特点,电机的气隙磁密基本保持恒定,难以调节,这就制约了磁通切换电机在宽调速场合的应用。为解...

原文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘要 永磁磁通切换电机拥有功率密度高、转矩密度高、转子结构简单、反电势高度正弦、冷却方便等优点而得以迅速发展。但是由于永磁体固有特点,电机的气隙磁密基本保持恒定,难以调节,这就制约了磁通切换电机在宽调速场合的应用。为解决这一问题,本文研究了一种混合励磁磁通切换电机。该电机定子带有导磁桥结构,电机主磁场由定子中永磁体和励磁绕组两个励磁源共同作用产生,调节励磁电流的大小和方向就能够达到调节电机主磁场的目的。该电机继承了永磁磁通切换电机的诸多优点,同时还具有更宽的调速范围和更大的启动转矩,特别适合应用于电动汽车等对转矩转速高要求的领域。
关键词: 磁通切换 铁氧体 混合励磁 导磁桥 齿槽转矩
Analysis of Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Motor for Electric Vehicles
Abstract The flux switching motors have been developing rapidly since they have high power density, high torque density and robust rotor structure. Meanwhile their back EMF is highly sinusoidal and they are convenient to chill-down. However, the air-gap magnetic field of the motor remains constant and its flux-weakening capability is poor, which leads to a small speed range. To solve this problem, a kind of hybrid excitation flux switching motor is proposed. The proposed motor with magnetic bridge has two kinds of excitation source, the main magnetic field is changed by controlling the direction and amplitude of the excitation current. The proposed motor has the advantage of conventional flux switching motor, as well as a wider speed range and a greater starting torque, which is suitable for electric vehicles.
This paper analyzes the principle of conventional flux switching motor, then analyzes the hybrid excitation flux switching motor. The basic unit of the model and mathematical equations are set up based on theoretical analysis. The magnetic field with current variation and principle of adjusting the main magnetic field is analyzed in this paper.
The model of hybrid excitation flux switching motor is set up based on Maxwell. The paper calculate the flux, EMF, torque, inductance of the motor, then analyzes the influence of excitation current to flux, EMF, inductance. As a result, it is found that hybrid excitation flux switching motor has a wider magnetic field range.
In addition, a kind of hybrid excitation motor with ferrite instead of rare-earth magnet is proposed in this paper. Then we analyze the performance of two motors and it is found that the ferrite hybrid excitation motor has the good performance as that using rare-earth magnets.
Keyword: Flux Switching Ferrite Hybrid Excitation Magnetic Bridge Cogging Torque
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2磁通切换电机介绍 1
1.3课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.4本文的主要研究内容 1
第二章 电动汽车及驱动系统介绍 1
2.1电动汽车的优点 1
2.2电动汽车的分类 1
2.3电动汽车的发展状况 1
2.3.1国外发展状况 1
2.3.2国内发展状况 1
2.4电动汽车驱动系统 1
2.5本章小结 1
第三章 混合励磁磁通切换电机基本结构和理论分析 1
3.1电机的基本结构 1
3.2基本原理 1
3.2.1磁通切换原理和磁路基本单元 1
3.2.2绕组互补性 1
3.2.3定转子极对数配合 1
3.3混合励磁磁路分析 1
3.4磁路模型和数学方程的建立 1
3.4.1基本单元磁路模型 1
3.4.2混合励磁磁通切换电机的数学模型 1
3.5本章小结 1
第四章 混合励磁磁通切换电机设计与分析 1
4.1混合励磁电机初步设计 1
4.1.1电机主要尺寸与相绕组设计 1
4.1.2励磁参数设计 1
4.2混合励磁磁通切换电机数值计算分析 1
4.2.1空载磁场 1
4.2.2空载磁链与反电势 1
4.2.3电感计算 1
4.2.4输出转矩 1
4.2.5齿槽转矩 1
4.3 电励磁磁动势对电机参数的影响 1
4.3.1电励磁磁动势对磁链、反电势的影响 1
4.3.2电励磁磁动势对电感影响 1
4.4本章小结 1
第五章 铁氧体混合励磁磁通切换电机 1
5.1电机结构 1
5.2电机性能分析 1
5.2.1气隙磁密 1
5.2.2三相空载磁链及反电势 1
5.2.3输出转矩 1
5.3两电机性能对比 1
5.3.1气隙磁密 1
5.3.2相磁链幅值 1
5.3.3输出转矩 1
5.4本章小结 1
第六章 齿槽转矩抑制 1
6.1齿槽转矩的产生机理 1
6.2齿槽转矩的抑制 1
6.2.1转子斜极 1
6.2.2转子辅助槽 1
6.2.3转子大小极宽配合 1
6.2.4阶梯转子 1
6.3本章小结 1
结论 1
致谢 1
参考文献 1
摘要 永磁磁通切换电机拥有功率密度高、转矩密度高、转子结构简单、反电势高度正弦、冷却方便等优点而得以迅速发展。但是由于永磁体固有特点,电机的气隙磁密基本保持恒定,难以调节,这就制约了磁通切换电机在宽调速场合的应用。为解决这一问题,本文研究了一种混合励磁磁通切换电机。该电机定子带有导磁桥结构,电机主磁场由定子中永磁体和励磁绕组两个励磁源共同作用产生,调节励磁电流的大小和方向就能够达到调节电机主磁场的目的。该电机继承了永磁磁通切换电机的诸多优点,同时还具有更宽的调速范围和更大的启动转矩,特别适合应用于电动汽车等对转矩转速高要求的领域。
关键词: 磁通切换 铁氧体 混合励磁 导磁桥 齿槽转矩
Analysis of Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Motor for Electric Vehicles
Abstract The flux switching motors have been developing rapidly since they have high power density, high torque density and robust rotor structure. Meanwhile their back EMF is highly sinusoidal and they are convenient to chill-down. However, the air-gap magnetic field of the motor remains constant and its flux-weakening capability is poor, which leads to a small speed range. To solve this problem, a kind of hybrid excitation flux switching motor is proposed. The proposed motor with magnetic bridge has two kinds of excitation source, the main magnetic field is changed by controlling the direction and amplitude of the excitation current. The proposed motor has the advantage of conventional flux switching motor, as well as a wider speed range and a greater starting torque, which is suitable for electric vehicles.
This paper analyzes the principle of conventional flux switching motor, then analyzes the hybrid excitation flux switching motor. The basic unit of the model and mathematical equations are set up based on theoretical analysis. The magnetic field with current variation and principle of adjusting the main magnetic field is analyzed in this paper.
The model of hybrid excitation flux switching motor is set up based on Maxwell. The paper calculate the flux, EMF, torque, inductance of the motor, then analyzes the influence of excitation current to flux, EMF, inductance. As a result, it is found that hybrid excitation flux switching motor has a wider magnetic field range.
In addition, a kind of hybrid excitation motor with ferrite instead of rare-earth magnet is proposed in this paper. Then we analyze the performance of two motors and it is found that the ferrite hybrid excitation motor has the good performance as that using rare-earth magnets.
Keyword: Flux Switching Ferrite Hybrid Excitation Magnetic Bridge Cogging Torque
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景 1
1.2磁通切换电机介绍 1
1.3课题研究的目的和意义 1
1.4本文的主要研究内容 1
第二章 电动汽车及驱动系统介绍 1
2.1电动汽车的优点 1
2.2电动汽车的分类 1
2.3电动汽车的发展状况 1
2.3.1国外发展状况 1
2.3.2国内发展状况 1
2.4电动汽车驱动系统 1
2.5本章小结 1
第三章 混合励磁磁通切换电机基本结构和理论分析 1
3.1电机的基本结构 1
3.2基本原理 1
3.2.1磁通切换原理和磁路基本单元 1
3.2.2绕组互补性 1
3.2.3定转子极对数配合 1
3.3混合励磁磁路分析 1
3.4磁路模型和数学方程的建立 1
3.4.1基本单元磁路模型 1
3.4.2混合励磁磁通切换电机的数学模型 1
3.5本章小结 1
第四章 混合励磁磁通切换电机设计与分析 1
4.1混合励磁电机初步设计 1
4.1.1电机主要尺寸与相绕组设计 1
4.1.2励磁参数设计 1
4.2混合励磁磁通切换电机数值计算分析 1
4.2.1空载磁场 1
4.2.2空载磁链与反电势 1
4.2.3电感计算 1
4.2.4输出转矩 1
4.2.5齿槽转矩 1
4.3 电励磁磁动势对电机参数的影响 1
4.3.1电励磁磁动势对磁链、反电势的影响 1
4.3.2电励磁磁动势对电感影响 1
4.4本章小结 1
第五章 铁氧体混合励磁磁通切换电机 1
5.1电机结构 1
5.2电机性能分析 1
5.2.1气隙磁密 1
5.2.2三相空载磁链及反电势 1
5.2.3输出转矩 1
5.3两电机性能对比 1
5.3.1气隙磁密 1
5.3.2相磁链幅值 1
5.3.3输出转矩 1
5.4本章小结 1
第六章 齿槽转矩抑制 1
6.1齿槽转矩的产生机理 1
6.2齿槽转矩的抑制 1
6.2.1转子斜极 1
6.2.2转子辅助槽 1
6.2.3转子大小极宽配合 1
6.2.4阶梯转子 1
6.3本章小结 1
结论 1
致谢 1
参考文献 1