

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
关键字:MPI; FDTD; 并行
【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer technology, people require high performance computing continue to improve. Under the objective conditions, a single processor can not meet the problems of modern challenges in many areas with large-scale computing research in parallel processing is necessary.
In this paper, the characteristics of the FDTD method localized in the three-dimensional virtual topology of three-dimensional region segmentation;Build custom data types, eliminating the need for frequent data packing and unpacking, since the middle variables of packing and unpacking process reduction, thereby reducing communication overhead; using blocking data communications, improve the communication efficiency sub-domains. Through discussion of parallel FDTD method based on MPI parallel processing of border issues, and load balancing issues, so as to arrive parallel performance parallel FDTD algorithm. Finally, through the realization of C pointers to establish access to the three-dimensional topology, and made a simple test.
KEY WORD:MPI; FDTD; parallel
1.引言 1
1.1并行计算的研究现状及发展 1
1.2 本论文的研究意义及主要工作 2
2.并行计算基本理论 4
2.1 并行计算概述 4
2.2 并行计算环境 5
2.4 并行计算算法分类 8
2.5并行算法的设计 8
3.MPI消息传递机制及程序设计 10
3.1消息传递机制 10
3.2 MPI系统简介 10
3.3 MPI通讯模型 11
3.4 MPI数据类型 13
3.5 MPI实现 13
3.6 简单的MPI程序 14
3.7 MPI 并行程序设计模式 16
4.FDTD基本理论分析 18
4.1 FDTD基本原理 18
4.2 稳定性条件 19
4.3 吸收边界条件 20
4.4 譆@∏蜕⒊∏� 21
5.基于MPI的三维FDTD并行算法实现 23
5.1 创建三维笛卡尔拓扑结构 23
5.2 数据通信 25
5.3 三维FDTD并行计算的流程 28
6.基于MPI并行FDTD算法的C实现 32
6.1 三维笛卡尔拓扑结构的C实现 32
7.总结与展望 48
致谢 50
参考文献 51
关键字:MPI; FDTD; 并行
【Abstract】 With the rapid development of computer technology, people require high performance computing continue to improve. Under the objective conditions, a single processor can not meet the problems of modern challenges in many areas with large-scale computing research in parallel processing is necessary.
In this paper, the characteristics of the FDTD method localized in the three-dimensional virtual topology of three-dimensional region segmentation;Build custom data types, eliminating the need for frequent data packing and unpacking, since the middle variables of packing and unpacking process reduction, thereby reducing communication overhead; using blocking data communications, improve the communication efficiency sub-domains. Through discussion of parallel FDTD method based on MPI parallel processing of border issues, and load balancing issues, so as to arrive parallel performance parallel FDTD algorithm. Finally, through the realization of C pointers to establish access to the three-dimensional topology, and made a simple test.
KEY WORD:MPI; FDTD; parallel
1.引言 1
1.1并行计算的研究现状及发展 1
1.2 本论文的研究意义及主要工作 2
2.并行计算基本理论 4
2.1 并行计算概述 4
2.2 并行计算环境 5
2.4 并行计算算法分类 8
2.5并行算法的设计 8
3.MPI消息传递机制及程序设计 10
3.1消息传递机制 10
3.2 MPI系统简介 10
3.3 MPI通讯模型 11
3.4 MPI数据类型 13
3.5 MPI实现 13
3.6 简单的MPI程序 14
3.7 MPI 并行程序设计模式 16
4.FDTD基本理论分析 18
4.1 FDTD基本原理 18
4.2 稳定性条件 19
4.3 吸收边界条件 20
4.4 譆@∏蜕⒊∏� 21
5.基于MPI的三维FDTD并行算法实现 23
5.1 创建三维笛卡尔拓扑结构 23
5.2 数据通信 25
5.3 三维FDTD并行计算的流程 28
6.基于MPI并行FDTD算法的C实现 32
6.1 三维笛卡尔拓扑结构的C实现 32
7.总结与展望 48
致谢 50
参考文献 51