

led语音收发机的设计与优化,led语音收发机的设计与优化16700字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘 要可见光通信是基于led的新兴无线光通信技术。它具有发射功率高、寿命长、不占用无线电频谱、无电磁干扰和节约能源等优点,能够实现照明和通信的双重功能。白光led又具有响应时间短和调制速率高的特...
分类: 论文>通信/电子论文


此文档由会员 jiji888 发布



摘 要


Visible light communication is a new kind of wireless optical communication that based on LED technology.It has high transmission power, long life, no take up radio spectrum, no electromagnetic interference and the advantages of energy saving to realize the double function of illumination and communications.White LED has the characteristics of short response time and high modulation rate, it can design out the indoor visible light communication transceiver system based on white LED.This graduation design is aimed at a typical indoor communication system model, using the grid algorithm, simulation of channel impulse response of the model, and analyzed under different signal modulation coding method of receiving performance, come to the conclusion that this system has certain feasibility.On the basis of the above theoretical analysis, the graduation design also has participated in the LED voice communication transceiver hardware and software design and optimization work.
Purpose of this paper is based on the LED indoor visible light wireless communication transceiver theoretical basis, to develop LED voice communication system transceiver design and performance optimization.The first chapter, this paper discusses the research background, research significance, research status and the main content of the design and method;The second chapter mainly discusses the phonetic transceiver simulation analysis of the data needed, including the layout of the indoor LED,the establishment of the channel model and transmission rate and modulation mode;The third chapter, the LED voice communication system, the design of the hardware, experiment scheme and how to use Protel structures, circuit diagram is given;The fourth chapter, using Keil software for analysis and interpretation of the transceiver embedded programs.The fifth chapter, the follow-up work of this system is summarized and prospected.
Key words : visible light communication, simulation, hardware design, software development

第一章 前 言 1
1.1 课题研究的背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究的现状 1
1.3 课题研究的主要内容及方法 2
第二章 LED语音收发机的仿真模型 3
2.1 室内LED可见光通信的典型应用 3
2.2 室内光通信系统的布局设计 4
2.3 室内LED可见光通信系统的关键技术 6
2.4 信号模型原理 7
2.5 均方根时延和可见光直流增益 8
2.6 用网格循环算法技术信道冲激响应 12
2.7 典型室内无线信道模型确立和应用 13
2.8 直射光与一次反射光的接收功率 14
2.9 不同信号传输速率的光信号接收质量 16
2.10 OOK信号仿真分析和性能评价 18
2.11 2PPM信号仿真分析和性能评价 20
第三章 语音收发机硬件的设计 22
3.1 LED与PD光收发器件的设计思路 22
3.2 电路设的重点 22
3.3 LED驱动调制电路的设计要求与注意事项 23
3.4 实验方案及电路搭建 23
第四章 语音收发机的嵌入式开发部分 29
4.1 发送和接收的软件程序流程 29
4.2 发送端 29
4.3 接收端 32
第五章 总结与展望 35
致 谢 35
参考文献 36