
双频宽带特性的科赫雪花分形天线设计,37900字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘要 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,天线作为无线通信设备的重要组成部分,是影响通信系统整体性能的关键部件,在全球定位系统、卫星通信和个人移动终端等系统中有广泛的应用。鉴于人们对于移动通信的要...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,天线作为无线通信设备的重要组成部分,是影响通信系统整体性能的关键部件,在全球定位系统、卫星通信和个人移动终端等系统中有广泛的应用。鉴于人们对于移动通信的要求逐渐升高,通信频段被划分给各种应用,且频段相互之间不连续,亟需具有结构简单、体积小、重量轻、剖面低、成本低和能够同时工作在多个频段且性能优异的天线。
本文在充分理解天线基本理论的基础上,着重分析宽带天线的理论、设计方法,基于分形理论设计了一种开槽的双频宽带特性的科赫(以下称Koch)雪花分形天线。天线的结构紧凑,两个工作频段宽覆盖了第二代移动通信DCS(数字蜂窝系统,Digital cellular system)/PCS(个人通信业务,Personal communication system)频段、第三代移动通信TD-SCDMA(时分同步的码分多址技术,Time Dicision-Synchronization Code Divcision Multiple AccessTime)频段和WiMax(全球微波互联接入或无线城域网,Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)频段等无线通信频段。同时,天线在各个工作频段内有良好的方向辐射性。天线模型经过商用软件(HFSS)仿真分析,并对天线的样品进行了实物测量,仿真结果与测量结果有较好的一致性。
关键词: 天线;宽带;双频段;Koch雪花分形天线
A kind of dual-band antenna applied in DCS/PCS/TD-SCDMA and WiMax
Abstract With the rapid development of mobile communication technologies, antenna has been playing an important role in wireless communication devices,which is the most vital component that affects the whole communication systems’ performance.Antennas are widely applied in the global positioning system (GPS), satellite communications and personal mobile terminal.Given the rising requirement of mobile communications, communication frequency band is divided to various applications, and the frequencies are discontinuity between each other, which urgently needs antennas that have the advantages of simple structure, small volume, light weight, low profile, low cost, and can also efficiently work in multiple frequency bands .
This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of broadband antenna theories and design methods,based on the fully understanding of the basic theories of antennas.This paper presents a Dual-Band Koch fractal antenna which is based on the fractal theory . The proposed antenna has a compact structure, and the frequency bands cover the wireless communication band DCS/PCS in the second generation of mobile communication, TD-SCDMA in the third generation of mobile communication, and WiMax. Analysis of antenna is done using Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS v 10). A prototype of the dual-band antenna is fabricated and measured results are compared with simulated results. A good agreement is achieved between measured and simulated antenna characteristics.
Keywords: antenna; broadband; double frequency band; Koch factual antenna
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
§1.1 宽带天线的发展状况 1
§1.2 双频段天线的发展状况 3
§1.3 课题的研究背景及意义 4
§1.4 论文的内容简介 5
第二章 天线基本理论 6
§2.1 电波传输 6
2.1.1 地波传输 6
2.1.2 对流层电波传播 6
2.1.3 电离层电波传播 7
2.1.4 地-电层电波传播 8
2.1.5 外大气层及行星际空间电波传播 8
§2.2 天线概述 9
2.2.1 天线的发展 9
2.2.2 天线的作用 11
2.2.3 天线的参数 11
2.2.4 天线的分类 14
§2.3 天线的发展趋势 15
§2.4 天线的分析方法 16
§2.5 天线仿真软件简介 17
§2.6 本章小结 19
第三章 宽带天线 20
§3.1 宽带技术 20
3.1.1 宽带天线的定义 20
3.1.2 限制天线带宽的因素 20
3.1.3 宽带技术的优势 21
3.1.4 宽带技术的应用 22
§3.2 宽带天线的分类 23
§3.3 常见的宽带天线 25
§3.4 宽带天线的实现方法 30
§3.5 宽带天线的设计 32
3.5.1 宽带天线的设计要求 32
3.5.2 宽带天线的难点 33
§3.6 本章小结 35
第四章 双频段天线 36
§4.1 双频段天线的分类 36
§4.2 常见的双频段天线 37
§4.3 双频段天线的实现方法 39
§4.4 本章小结 40
第五章 宽带双频段天线的设计及仿真 41
§5.1 设计原理 41
§5.2 天线的设计 41
5.2.1 Koch分形理论 41
5.2.2 天线的结构 43
§5.3 仿真分析 44
§5.4 结果分析 46
第六章 结论与展望 49
摘 要 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展,天线作为无线通信设备的重要组成部分,是影响通信系统整体性能的关键部件,在全球定位系统、卫星通信和个人移动终端等系统中有广泛的应用。鉴于人们对于移动通信的要求逐渐升高,通信频段被划分给各种应用,且频段相互之间不连续,亟需具有结构简单、体积小、重量轻、剖面低、成本低和能够同时工作在多个频段且性能优异的天线。
本文在充分理解天线基本理论的基础上,着重分析宽带天线的理论、设计方法,基于分形理论设计了一种开槽的双频宽带特性的科赫(以下称Koch)雪花分形天线。天线的结构紧凑,两个工作频段宽覆盖了第二代移动通信DCS(数字蜂窝系统,Digital cellular system)/PCS(个人通信业务,Personal communication system)频段、第三代移动通信TD-SCDMA(时分同步的码分多址技术,Time Dicision-Synchronization Code Divcision Multiple AccessTime)频段和WiMax(全球微波互联接入或无线城域网,Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)频段等无线通信频段。同时,天线在各个工作频段内有良好的方向辐射性。天线模型经过商用软件(HFSS)仿真分析,并对天线的样品进行了实物测量,仿真结果与测量结果有较好的一致性。
关键词: 天线;宽带;双频段;Koch雪花分形天线
A kind of dual-band antenna applied in DCS/PCS/TD-SCDMA and WiMax
Abstract With the rapid development of mobile communication technologies, antenna has been playing an important role in wireless communication devices,which is the most vital component that affects the whole communication systems’ performance.Antennas are widely applied in the global positioning system (GPS), satellite communications and personal mobile terminal.Given the rising requirement of mobile communications, communication frequency band is divided to various applications, and the frequencies are discontinuity between each other, which urgently needs antennas that have the advantages of simple structure, small volume, light weight, low profile, low cost, and can also efficiently work in multiple frequency bands .
This paper mainly focuses on the analysis of broadband antenna theories and design methods,based on the fully understanding of the basic theories of antennas.This paper presents a Dual-Band Koch fractal antenna which is based on the fractal theory . The proposed antenna has a compact structure, and the frequency bands cover the wireless communication band DCS/PCS in the second generation of mobile communication, TD-SCDMA in the third generation of mobile communication, and WiMax. Analysis of antenna is done using Ansoft High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS v 10). A prototype of the dual-band antenna is fabricated and measured results are compared with simulated results. A good agreement is achieved between measured and simulated antenna characteristics.
Keywords: antenna; broadband; double frequency band; Koch factual antenna
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
§1.1 宽带天线的发展状况 1
§1.2 双频段天线的发展状况 3
§1.3 课题的研究背景及意义 4
§1.4 论文的内容简介 5
第二章 天线基本理论 6
§2.1 电波传输 6
2.1.1 地波传输 6
2.1.2 对流层电波传播 6
2.1.3 电离层电波传播 7
2.1.4 地-电层电波传播 8
2.1.5 外大气层及行星际空间电波传播 8
§2.2 天线概述 9
2.2.1 天线的发展 9
2.2.2 天线的作用 11
2.2.3 天线的参数 11
2.2.4 天线的分类 14
§2.3 天线的发展趋势 15
§2.4 天线的分析方法 16
§2.5 天线仿真软件简介 17
§2.6 本章小结 19
第三章 宽带天线 20
§3.1 宽带技术 20
3.1.1 宽带天线的定义 20
3.1.2 限制天线带宽的因素 20
3.1.3 宽带技术的优势 21
3.1.4 宽带技术的应用 22
§3.2 宽带天线的分类 23
§3.3 常见的宽带天线 25
§3.4 宽带天线的实现方法 30
§3.5 宽带天线的设计 32
3.5.1 宽带天线的设计要求 32
3.5.2 宽带天线的难点 33
§3.6 本章小结 35
第四章 双频段天线 36
§4.1 双频段天线的分类 36
§4.2 常见的双频段天线 37
§4.3 双频段天线的实现方法 39
§4.4 本章小结 40
第五章 宽带双频段天线的设计及仿真 41
§5.1 设计原理 41
§5.2 天线的设计 41
5.2.1 Koch分形理论 41
5.2.2 天线的结构 43
§5.3 仿真分析 44
§5.4 结果分析 46
第六章 结论与展望 49