
xx市历年交通事故分析与对策措施的研究,包括论文,读书报告,英文文献原文和中文翻译译文自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘 要 随着经济的迅速腾飞以及人民日益增长的物质文化需要,“交通”这一词汇并不陌生,已经彻底地走进了人们的生活中,它满足了人们出行的需要,它便捷、快速...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要
With the rapid growth of our economy and the people’s growing material and cultural needs, ”traffic” is no stranger to the vocabulary, it has thoroughly into people’s lives, it meets the needs of people travel, it is convenient, fast and popular. However, traffic as economic and social development of basic industry, its development must be the premise of safety and security, the reality is not optimistic. According to official statistics, from 2001 to date, China’s annual number of death due to road traffic accidents are about 100 thousand people, this far exceeds the number of other types of death and casualties production safety.
As China’s development of better Zhenjiang city, traffic accidents every year is not uncommon. Therefore, in order to improve the level of research and management aspects of road traffic in Zhenjiang, reduce the incidence of road traffic accidents, This paper will present situation Zhenjiang road traffic accidents were fully explore the causes, explore appropriate countermeasures against the causes of traffic accidents.
In this paper, in addition to routine analysis, the main use of gray correlation analysis method to study the date to calculate the 25 aspects of the accident statistics of the city of Zhenjiang are associated with the number of traffic accidents in Zhenjiang city, Zhenjiang city injuries and Zhenjiang city’s death toll. Sort were obtained with these three factors associated: in terms of Zhenjiang city on the number of accidents, mainly losses, population, roads, street lights and vehicles; in terms of the number of injured of Zhenjiang city, mainly bridges, losses, population, roads and vehicles; in terms of the number of deaths of Zhenjiang city, mainly bridges, health care, vehicles, roads and population. These factors according to the order from good to bad to classify integration, finally, targeted measures mainly made from 10 areas, these are: population, roads, vehicles, drivers, bridges, transportation, street lighting, medical, GRP and insurance. The hope is that it can helpful to improve road traffic of Zhenjiang city.
KEY WORDS: traffic safety; people; vehicle; road; causes; countermeasures; grey relational
目 录
第一章 前言 5
第二章 道路交通事故概况 6
2.1国外概况 6
2.2国内概况 8
2.3xx近年交通安全状况 9
第三章 交通事故成因分析 10
3.1人的因素分析 10
3.1.1驾驶员的因素 10
3.2车辆因素分析 13
3.2.1车辆直接因素 13
3.2.2车辆间接因素 13
3.3道路因素分析 14
3.3.1道路线形因素 14
3.3.2视距因素 14
3.3.3其他道路因素 15
第四章 灰色关联分析 16
4.1灰色关联方法简介 16
4.2收集整理数据 18
4.3确定参考数列 18
4.4计算绝对差值 24
4.5计算关联系数 24
4.6计算关联度 25
4.7结果分析 30
第五章 交通事故对策措施 34
5.1基于灰色关联分析结果的对策措施 34
5.2人的对策措施 36
5.2.1驾驶员的对策措施 36
5.2.2非驾驶员的对策措施 38
5.3车辆对策措施 39
5.3.1车辆设计的对策措施 39
5.3.2车辆维护的对策措施 40
5.4道路对策措施 40
5.4.1道路线形的对策措施 41
5.4.2视距的对策措施 43
5.4.3其他道路因素的对策措施 43
第六章 结论与展望 44
6.1结论 44
6.2展望 45
参考文献 46
致谢 47
附录一 48
附录二 56
附录三 70
摘 要
With the rapid growth of our economy and the people’s growing material and cultural needs, ”traffic” is no stranger to the vocabulary, it has thoroughly into people’s lives, it meets the needs of people travel, it is convenient, fast and popular. However, traffic as economic and social development of basic industry, its development must be the premise of safety and security, the reality is not optimistic. According to official statistics, from 2001 to date, China’s annual number of death due to road traffic accidents are about 100 thousand people, this far exceeds the number of other types of death and casualties production safety.
As China’s development of better Zhenjiang city, traffic accidents every year is not uncommon. Therefore, in order to improve the level of research and management aspects of road traffic in Zhenjiang, reduce the incidence of road traffic accidents, This paper will present situation Zhenjiang road traffic accidents were fully explore the causes, explore appropriate countermeasures against the causes of traffic accidents.
In this paper, in addition to routine analysis, the main use of gray correlation analysis method to study the date to calculate the 25 aspects of the accident statistics of the city of Zhenjiang are associated with the number of traffic accidents in Zhenjiang city, Zhenjiang city injuries and Zhenjiang city’s death toll. Sort were obtained with these three factors associated: in terms of Zhenjiang city on the number of accidents, mainly losses, population, roads, street lights and vehicles; in terms of the number of injured of Zhenjiang city, mainly bridges, losses, population, roads and vehicles; in terms of the number of deaths of Zhenjiang city, mainly bridges, health care, vehicles, roads and population. These factors according to the order from good to bad to classify integration, finally, targeted measures mainly made from 10 areas, these are: population, roads, vehicles, drivers, bridges, transportation, street lighting, medical, GRP and insurance. The hope is that it can helpful to improve road traffic of Zhenjiang city.
KEY WORDS: traffic safety; people; vehicle; road; causes; countermeasures; grey relational
目 录
第一章 前言 5
第二章 道路交通事故概况 6
2.1国外概况 6
2.2国内概况 8
2.3xx近年交通安全状况 9
第三章 交通事故成因分析 10
3.1人的因素分析 10
3.1.1驾驶员的因素 10
3.2车辆因素分析 13
3.2.1车辆直接因素 13
3.2.2车辆间接因素 13
3.3道路因素分析 14
3.3.1道路线形因素 14
3.3.2视距因素 14
3.3.3其他道路因素 15
第四章 灰色关联分析 16
4.1灰色关联方法简介 16
4.2收集整理数据 18
4.3确定参考数列 18
4.4计算绝对差值 24
4.5计算关联系数 24
4.6计算关联度 25
4.7结果分析 30
第五章 交通事故对策措施 34
5.1基于灰色关联分析结果的对策措施 34
5.2人的对策措施 36
5.2.1驾驶员的对策措施 36
5.2.2非驾驶员的对策措施 38
5.3车辆对策措施 39
5.3.1车辆设计的对策措施 39
5.3.2车辆维护的对策措施 40
5.4道路对策措施 40
5.4.1道路线形的对策措施 41
5.4.2视距的对策措施 43
5.4.3其他道路因素的对策措施 43
第六章 结论与展望 44
6.1结论 44
6.2展望 45
参考文献 46
致谢 47
附录一 48
附录二 56
附录三 70