
xx汽车公司职业健康安全管理体系的建立与实施,包括论文,调研报告,英文外文文献和中文翻译译文自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘 要通过建立职业健康安全管理体系为企业提高职业健康安全绩效提供一个科学、有效的管理手段,推动职业健康安全法规和制度的贯彻执行,提高职业健康安全...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要
Through the establishment of OHSMS for enterprises to provide a scientific, effective management means to improve the occupation health and safety performance, to promote the implementation of the occupation health and safety regulations and system,to improve the occupation health and safety management level, and use scientific and effective management measures to reduce business occupation diseases and accidents.
The preparation work before the establishment of the system including the leadership decision and support, the establishment of the writing group, the training of relevant personnel, the initial state of the review etc. ,to know the Company occupation safety and health status and identification the risk within the scope of the harmful factors. Planning and design of the OHSMS, establish the standard procedure and control the operation of the system after the preparation work. Found dangerous and harmful factors existing or potential and put forward the countermeasures and measures by establishment and operation of the OHSMS. Conducting Internal audit and management review of the OHSMS after every new cycle to update target and index, so that the occupation health safety condition have a further improvement and to achieve the continuous improvement requirements.
In the aspect of safety management of CMA, the establishment and implementation of OHSMS can improve its management system and the self-discipline mechanism In order to achieve the purpose of the active prevention of accident and ensure employee safety and health. And improve the level of safety management and safety performance of enterprises, promote the implementation of the safety regulations and make the employee health and safety to obtain the full safeguard.
KEY WORDS:OHSMS;system files;establish;implement
目 录
摘 要 I
1 引言 1
2 职业健康安全管理体系 2
2.1 体系的简介 2
2.1.1 国内职业健康安全管理体系的产生 2
2.1.2 为公司建立体系的目的 2
2.1.3 体系的优势 3
2.2建立体系的必要性 3
2.2.1 职业健康安全管理体系是企业原有管理的升华 3
2.2.2 职业健康安全管理体系的建立,可以提高企业的安全管理水平 3
3 职业健康安全管理体系的建立 5
3.1 体系建立前的准备 5
3.1.1 领导层的决策、承诺与支持 5
3.1.2 成立体系编写小组 5
3.1.3 体系相关内容的学习与培训 5
3.2 进行初始状态评审 5
3.2.1 初始评审内容 5
3.2.1 初始评审步骤 6
3.3 危险有害因素的辨识与控制 6
3.3.1 各车间危险有害因素的辨识 6
3.3.2 风险的主要控制措施 7
3.4 体系策划与设计 7
3.4.1 确定企业职业健康安全方针 7
3.4.2 确定各职能部门的组织结构和职责 7
3.4.3 职业健康安全目标和方案 8
3.5 编写体系文件 8
3.5.1 管理手册的编写 8
3.5.2 程序文件的编写 40
3.5.3 工作指导书和记录的编写 74
4 职业健康安全管理体系的运行和保持 78
4.1 职业健康安全管理体系的试运行 81
4.1.1对职业健康安全体系文件进行宣贯 81
4.1.2体系文件的分发和定位 81
4.1.3实施职业健康安全管理方案 81
4.2职业健康安全管理体系的实施和保持 82
4.2.1严格监测体系的运行情况 82
4.2.2对不符合要及时采取有效的纠正和预防措施 82
4.2.3定期开展内部审核和管理评审 82
4.2.4对体系不断地进行持续改进 82
5 结束语 83
致谢 83
参考文献 84
附录一 调研报告 85
附录二 外文资料翻译 93
附录三 外文翻译原文 101
摘 要
Through the establishment of OHSMS for enterprises to provide a scientific, effective management means to improve the occupation health and safety performance, to promote the implementation of the occupation health and safety regulations and system,to improve the occupation health and safety management level, and use scientific and effective management measures to reduce business occupation diseases and accidents.
The preparation work before the establishment of the system including the leadership decision and support, the establishment of the writing group, the training of relevant personnel, the initial state of the review etc. ,to know the Company occupation safety and health status and identification the risk within the scope of the harmful factors. Planning and design of the OHSMS, establish the standard procedure and control the operation of the system after the preparation work. Found dangerous and harmful factors existing or potential and put forward the countermeasures and measures by establishment and operation of the OHSMS. Conducting Internal audit and management review of the OHSMS after every new cycle to update target and index, so that the occupation health safety condition have a further improvement and to achieve the continuous improvement requirements.
In the aspect of safety management of CMA, the establishment and implementation of OHSMS can improve its management system and the self-discipline mechanism In order to achieve the purpose of the active prevention of accident and ensure employee safety and health. And improve the level of safety management and safety performance of enterprises, promote the implementation of the safety regulations and make the employee health and safety to obtain the full safeguard.
KEY WORDS:OHSMS;system files;establish;implement
目 录
摘 要 I
1 引言 1
2 职业健康安全管理体系 2
2.1 体系的简介 2
2.1.1 国内职业健康安全管理体系的产生 2
2.1.2 为公司建立体系的目的 2
2.1.3 体系的优势 3
2.2建立体系的必要性 3
2.2.1 职业健康安全管理体系是企业原有管理的升华 3
2.2.2 职业健康安全管理体系的建立,可以提高企业的安全管理水平 3
3 职业健康安全管理体系的建立 5
3.1 体系建立前的准备 5
3.1.1 领导层的决策、承诺与支持 5
3.1.2 成立体系编写小组 5
3.1.3 体系相关内容的学习与培训 5
3.2 进行初始状态评审 5
3.2.1 初始评审内容 5
3.2.1 初始评审步骤 6
3.3 危险有害因素的辨识与控制 6
3.3.1 各车间危险有害因素的辨识 6
3.3.2 风险的主要控制措施 7
3.4 体系策划与设计 7
3.4.1 确定企业职业健康安全方针 7
3.4.2 确定各职能部门的组织结构和职责 7
3.4.3 职业健康安全目标和方案 8
3.5 编写体系文件 8
3.5.1 管理手册的编写 8
3.5.2 程序文件的编写 40
3.5.3 工作指导书和记录的编写 74
4 职业健康安全管理体系的运行和保持 78
4.1 职业健康安全管理体系的试运行 81
4.1.1对职业健康安全体系文件进行宣贯 81
4.1.2体系文件的分发和定位 81
4.1.3实施职业健康安全管理方案 81
4.2职业健康安全管理体系的实施和保持 82
4.2.1严格监测体系的运行情况 82
4.2.2对不符合要及时采取有效的纠正和预防措施 82
4.2.3定期开展内部审核和管理评审 82
4.2.4对体系不断地进行持续改进 82
5 结束语 83
致谢 83
参考文献 84
附录一 调研报告 85
附录二 外文资料翻译 93
附录三 外文翻译原文 101