矿山火灾事故的原因与预防对策,包括论文,读书报告,外文翻译英文原文和中文译文自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用摘 要我国是煤炭资源大国,全国分布着大大小小无数个煤矿,而火灾又是矿井的重大灾害之一,它直接威胁到矿井的安全生产,给井下工作人员的生命带来极大的威胁和伤害,对国...
此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
摘 要
Our country is a big country of coal resources,there are so many coal mines in our country.And fire is one of the major mine disaster which is a direct threat to the safety of the mine's production.It also brings a great threat and harm for the person who works in the mine and huge economic losses for our country.So it is necessary for us to prevent mine fire.In this paper, I proposed measures in three aspects including engineering, education and enforcement through the analysis of the causes of mine fires. Focus on the technical aspects of several different measures of internal fire, including their process, application results and their advantages and disadvantages. In preventing spontaneous combustion of coal mines in the process of spontaneous combustion of coal because the actual conditions and characteristics of the mine,it is difficult to play a single means completely satisfactory results.So we usually combined effects of a variety of fire prevention and control technology.Then combining two cases of specific accident case, firing on all causes of accidents in the analysis and eva luation, proposed specific measures for improvement in the further. At last, according to the mine fire measures’ study based on the trend in recent years, pointed out that the mine fire prevention measures should be strengthened through the development of human and financial resources into efforts, forming an integrated mine fire prevention system by the use of more advanced research tools.
KEY WORDS: mine fire; internal fire; external fire; fire prevention technology; trends
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景及研究意义 1
1.2本文的研究内容和技术路线 2
第二章 矿山火灾与原因 3
2.1矿山火灾及其分类 3
2.1.1根据火灾发生地点分类 3
2.1.2根据发火点对矿井通风的影响分类 3
2.1.3根据引火的热源不同分类 4
2.2矿山火灾的特点及危害 5
2.2.1产生大量的有毒有害气体 5
2.2.2引发瓦斯、煤尘爆炸 5
2.2.3毁坏设备设施 5
2.2.4引起矿井风流状态紊乱 5
2.2.5烧毁资源,冻结煤量,影响生产,造成重大经济损失 5
2.2.6环境污染 5
2.3矿山火灾原因 6
2.3.1内因火灾的原因 6
2.3.2外因火灾的原因 9
2.4矿山火灾案例分析一 10
2.4.1事故简介(河北艾家沟煤矿火灾事件) 10
2.4.2事故原因分析 10
2.4.3事故防治措施 11
2.5矿山火灾案例分析二 12
2.5.1事故简介(某煤矿自燃火灾事故) 12
2.5.2事故原因 13
2.5.3事故教训 13
第三章 矿山外因火灾的预防对策 15
3.1工程技术方面的对策 15
3.2教育方面的对策 18
3.3管理(法制)方面的对策 18
第四章 矿山内因火灾预防技术现状与展望 20
4.1预防技术现状 20
4.1.1预防性灌浆防火技术 20
4.1.2阻化剂防灭火技术 23
4.1.3惰气防灭火技术 25
4.1.4均压防灭火技术 27
4.1.5凝胶防灭火技术 28
4.1.6三相泡沫灭火技术 29
4.1.7矿井火灾的预测预报 31
4.1.8开采技术措施 33
4.2展望 35
第五章 结论 38
参 考 文 献 37
附 录 1 41
附 录 2 55
附 录 3 63
致 谢 73
摘 要
Our country is a big country of coal resources,there are so many coal mines in our country.And fire is one of the major mine disaster which is a direct threat to the safety of the mine's production.It also brings a great threat and harm for the person who works in the mine and huge economic losses for our country.So it is necessary for us to prevent mine fire.In this paper, I proposed measures in three aspects including engineering, education and enforcement through the analysis of the causes of mine fires. Focus on the technical aspects of several different measures of internal fire, including their process, application results and their advantages and disadvantages. In preventing spontaneous combustion of coal mines in the process of spontaneous combustion of coal because the actual conditions and characteristics of the mine,it is difficult to play a single means completely satisfactory results.So we usually combined effects of a variety of fire prevention and control technology.Then combining two cases of specific accident case, firing on all causes of accidents in the analysis and eva luation, proposed specific measures for improvement in the further. At last, according to the mine fire measures’ study based on the trend in recent years, pointed out that the mine fire prevention measures should be strengthened through the development of human and financial resources into efforts, forming an integrated mine fire prevention system by the use of more advanced research tools.
KEY WORDS: mine fire; internal fire; external fire; fire prevention technology; trends
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1选题背景及研究意义 1
1.2本文的研究内容和技术路线 2
第二章 矿山火灾与原因 3
2.1矿山火灾及其分类 3
2.1.1根据火灾发生地点分类 3
2.1.2根据发火点对矿井通风的影响分类 3
2.1.3根据引火的热源不同分类 4
2.2矿山火灾的特点及危害 5
2.2.1产生大量的有毒有害气体 5
2.2.2引发瓦斯、煤尘爆炸 5
2.2.3毁坏设备设施 5
2.2.4引起矿井风流状态紊乱 5
2.2.5烧毁资源,冻结煤量,影响生产,造成重大经济损失 5
2.2.6环境污染 5
2.3矿山火灾原因 6
2.3.1内因火灾的原因 6
2.3.2外因火灾的原因 9
2.4矿山火灾案例分析一 10
2.4.1事故简介(河北艾家沟煤矿火灾事件) 10
2.4.2事故原因分析 10
2.4.3事故防治措施 11
2.5矿山火灾案例分析二 12
2.5.1事故简介(某煤矿自燃火灾事故) 12
2.5.2事故原因 13
2.5.3事故教训 13
第三章 矿山外因火灾的预防对策 15
3.1工程技术方面的对策 15
3.2教育方面的对策 18
3.3管理(法制)方面的对策 18
第四章 矿山内因火灾预防技术现状与展望 20
4.1预防技术现状 20
4.1.1预防性灌浆防火技术 20
4.1.2阻化剂防灭火技术 23
4.1.3惰气防灭火技术 25
4.1.4均压防灭火技术 27
4.1.5凝胶防灭火技术 28
4.1.6三相泡沫灭火技术 29
4.1.7矿井火灾的预测预报 31
4.1.8开采技术措施 33
4.2展望 35
第五章 结论 38
参 考 文 献 37
附 录 1 41
附 录 2 55
附 录 3 63
致 谢 73