
汽车号牌识别系统毕业设计,13000字自己原创的毕业论文,已经通过校内系统检测,重复率低,仅在本站独家出售,大家放心下载使用目录摘要iiabstractiii第一章 汽车号牌识别技术介绍11.0 引言11.1 汽车号牌识别系统11.1.1 汽车号牌识别系统简介11.1.2 车牌识别技术发展与研究现状21.1.3 识别系统...

此文档由会员 jiji888 发布
目 录
摘要 II
Abstract III
第一章 汽车号牌识别技术介绍 1
1.0 引言 1
1.1 汽车号牌识别系统 1
1.1.1 汽车号牌识别系统简介 1
1.1.2 车牌识别技术发展与研究现状 2
1.1.3 识别系统中应用的技术 3
1.2 汽车号牌识别系统的应用 5
1.2.1 汽车号牌识别系统于智能交通系统的应用 5
第二章 基于ARM平台的硬件设计 6
2.1 Cortex M3单片机简介 6
2.2 单片机系统的硬件介绍 6
第三章 基于ARM平台的软件设计及算法介绍 9
3.1 软件运行的流程框图 9
3.2 各步骤程序详解 10
3.2.1初始化系统 10
3.2.2 主界面 10拍照 10图片浏览与图像识别 11 图像处理 13
第四章 方案验证 17
4.1拍摄后原图 17
4.2 经过灰度均衡二值化后的图像 17
4.3经过膨胀处理后的图像 18
4.4 经过提取边框,字符分割,字符归一化后的图像 18
4.5 最终输出结果 19
结论 20
附录1:致谢 21
附录2:参考文献 22
附录3:各步骤算法程序 24
附录4:硬件原理图 35
摘要 汽车号牌识别技术是实现智能交通系统的关键技术,对交通事业的发展起着十分重要的作用,进而影响的经济发展速度及人们的生活质量。车牌识别系统运用图像采集技术、图像识别算法,能够实时准确地识别出车牌的数字、字母及汉字字符,进而实现电脑化监控和管理车辆。识别系统的软件则是由具有车牌识别功能的图像分析和处理软件,以及能够具体满足应用需求的后台管理软件组成。车牌识别系统主要分为图像预处理、车牌定位、字符分割和字符识别等主要步骤。
针对不同的步骤,本文研究分析了现有的理论算法,并提出了具有实际应用意义的解决方案。 1.在图像预处理模块,因为人眼对于不同颜色分量的敏感度不同,图像灰度化采用加权平均值法;二值化过程中阈值的选取至关重要,本文采用恒定阈值法,效果理想;去噪过程采用的是膨胀腐蚀算法以及噪点去除算法;2.车牌定位采用固定图像位置定位,主要适用于汽车收费站,停车场等车辆位置固定的场所; 3.在车牌字符分割模块,使用了垂直投影分割法,该方法基于车牌的垂直投影,能够将字符准确的分割开,利于车牌字符识别: 4.本文对车牌数字和车牌字母采用统一的处理方法,数字字母识别采用提取边框区域,分割单位矩形,各系数统计计数,数据综合计算,字库比对识别;根据上述方法原理,基于ARM开发平台进行软硬件设计,编写了车牌识别软件,并下载验证。
License Plate Recognition System
Abstract car number plate recognition technology is the key technology of intelligent transportation system ,and plays a very important role in the development of transport ,thus affect the pace of economic development and quality of life . using image acquisition , image recognition algorithm,License plate recognition system can accurately identify the real-time license plate numbers, letters and Chinese characters , thus achieving monitoring and management the vehicle by computer . Identification system software is consist of the license plate recognition software,which can analysis and deal with image , and backstage management software that have the ability to meet specific application requirements. License plate recognition system is divided into image preprocessing , license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition.
For different steps , this paper analyzes the existing theory and algorithms, and proposed solutions to practical application significance . 1 In the image pre-processing module , because of the different sensitivity of the human eye for different color components , grayscale images using the weighted average method ; the process of selecting the binary threshold is crucial , we use a constant threshold method and get the desired effect ; denoising algorithm and corrosion expansion algorithm are used in the denoising process ; 2 license plate location using a fixed image location positioning, primarily for automotive toll stations, car parks and other vehicle position fixed place ; 3 in license plate character segmentation module , using the vertical projection segmentation method , which is based on the license plate of the vertical projection , can accurately separate the characters , conducive to the license plate character recognition : 4 this article license adopt a unified approachplate for the numbers and letters of lcense plate , Dgital character recognition adopt extractng border area , segment unit rectangul,statistic and count every coefficients, the ntegrated computaton of data ; according to the principle of the method , based on the ARM development platform for hardware and software design , write the license plate recognition software , and download verified.
Key words : camera : the license plate image ; image preprocessing ; character segmentation ; character recognition ; ARM microcontroller
目 录
摘要 II
Abstract III
第一章 汽车号牌识别技术介绍 1
1.0 引言 1
1.1 汽车号牌识别系统 1
1.1.1 汽车号牌识别系统简介 1
1.1.2 车牌识别技术发展与研究现状 2
1.1.3 识别系统中应用的技术 3
1.2 汽车号牌识别系统的应用 5
1.2.1 汽车号牌识别系统于智能交通系统的应用 5
第二章 基于ARM平台的硬件设计 6
2.1 Cortex M3单片机简介 6
2.2 单片机系统的硬件介绍 6
第三章 基于ARM平台的软件设计及算法介绍 9
3.1 软件运行的流程框图 9
3.2 各步骤程序详解 10
3.2.1初始化系统 10
3.2.2 主界面 10拍照 10图片浏览与图像识别 11 图像处理 13
第四章 方案验证 17
4.1拍摄后原图 17
4.2 经过灰度均衡二值化后的图像 17
4.3经过膨胀处理后的图像 18
4.4 经过提取边框,字符分割,字符归一化后的图像 18
4.5 最终输出结果 19
结论 20
附录1:致谢 21
附录2:参考文献 22
附录3:各步骤算法程序 24
附录4:硬件原理图 35
摘要 汽车号牌识别技术是实现智能交通系统的关键技术,对交通事业的发展起着十分重要的作用,进而影响的经济发展速度及人们的生活质量。车牌识别系统运用图像采集技术、图像识别算法,能够实时准确地识别出车牌的数字、字母及汉字字符,进而实现电脑化监控和管理车辆。识别系统的软件则是由具有车牌识别功能的图像分析和处理软件,以及能够具体满足应用需求的后台管理软件组成。车牌识别系统主要分为图像预处理、车牌定位、字符分割和字符识别等主要步骤。
针对不同的步骤,本文研究分析了现有的理论算法,并提出了具有实际应用意义的解决方案。 1.在图像预处理模块,因为人眼对于不同颜色分量的敏感度不同,图像灰度化采用加权平均值法;二值化过程中阈值的选取至关重要,本文采用恒定阈值法,效果理想;去噪过程采用的是膨胀腐蚀算法以及噪点去除算法;2.车牌定位采用固定图像位置定位,主要适用于汽车收费站,停车场等车辆位置固定的场所; 3.在车牌字符分割模块,使用了垂直投影分割法,该方法基于车牌的垂直投影,能够将字符准确的分割开,利于车牌字符识别: 4.本文对车牌数字和车牌字母采用统一的处理方法,数字字母识别采用提取边框区域,分割单位矩形,各系数统计计数,数据综合计算,字库比对识别;根据上述方法原理,基于ARM开发平台进行软硬件设计,编写了车牌识别软件,并下载验证。
License Plate Recognition System
Abstract car number plate recognition technology is the key technology of intelligent transportation system ,and plays a very important role in the development of transport ,thus affect the pace of economic development and quality of life . using image acquisition , image recognition algorithm,License plate recognition system can accurately identify the real-time license plate numbers, letters and Chinese characters , thus achieving monitoring and management the vehicle by computer . Identification system software is consist of the license plate recognition software,which can analysis and deal with image , and backstage management software that have the ability to meet specific application requirements. License plate recognition system is divided into image preprocessing , license plate location, character segmentation and character recognition.
For different steps , this paper analyzes the existing theory and algorithms, and proposed solutions to practical application significance . 1 In the image pre-processing module , because of the different sensitivity of the human eye for different color components , grayscale images using the weighted average method ; the process of selecting the binary threshold is crucial , we use a constant threshold method and get the desired effect ; denoising algorithm and corrosion expansion algorithm are used in the denoising process ; 2 license plate location using a fixed image location positioning, primarily for automotive toll stations, car parks and other vehicle position fixed place ; 3 in license plate character segmentation module , using the vertical projection segmentation method , which is based on the license plate of the vertical projection , can accurately separate the characters , conducive to the license plate character recognition : 4 this article license adopt a unified approachplate for the numbers and letters of lcense plate , Dgital character recognition adopt extractng border area , segment unit rectangul,statistic and count every coefficients, the ntegrated computaton of data ; according to the principle of the method , based on the ARM development platform for hardware and software design , write the license plate recognition software , and download verified.
Key words : camera : the license plate image ; image preprocessing ; character segmentation ; character recognition ; ARM microcontroller