

车用后视镜折叠器设计,车用后视镜折叠器auto folding machine摘要:汽车后视镜俗称倒车镜,是汽车主动安全装置,是驾驶员坐在驾驶室座位上直接获取汽车后方、侧方和下方等外部信息的工具。但是车辆在行车过程中难免发生一些意外事故,后视镜作为安装在车辆上宽度最宽的零部件,在造成相擦的情况下,最易受到冲击,为了最大程度避免擦伤,就需要后...
分类: 论文>机械工业论文


此文档由会员 旅顺人5 发布

Auto Folding Machine

摘 要:汽车后视镜俗称倒车镜,是汽车主动安全装置,是驾驶员坐在驾驶室座位上直接获取汽车后方、侧方和下方等外部信息的工具。但是车辆在行车过程中难免发生一些意外事故,后视镜作为安装在车辆上宽度最宽的零部件,在造成相擦的情况下,最易受到冲击,为了最大程度避免擦伤,就需要后视镜有折叠功能。随着汽车产品市场观念的不断更新和变化,市场对轿车后视镜安全性、操作方便性、经久耐用性及豪华美观性等方面提出了更高的要求。特别是汽车电子技术的发展,给后视镜产品的功能升级带来了更大的空间,也促使了这一类操纵简单,安装便捷,价格低廉的汽车后视镜自动调节装置的问世。因此,对汽车后视镜的机构原理有所了解是必不可少的。汽车后视镜属于重要安全件,它的镜面、外形和操纵都颇讲究。后视镜的质量及安装都有相应的行业标准,不能随意。后视镜折叠器指汽车两侧的后视镜在必要时可以折叠收缩起来。这种功能在城市路边停车时特别有用,后视镜折叠后能节省很大的空间。多数情况下,后视镜折叠按钮位于主驾驶位控制玻璃升降按钮区域附近,但也有些车型是例外,比如换挡底座区域。


Auto folding machine
Abstract: Commonly known as side mirror car rearview mirror is an important vehicle active safety devices, is sitting in the cab driver's seat direct access to external information, tools, steering a car rear-view mirror of the inner core components, to control the door mirror The up and down about adjustments to the driver a proper perspective. With the rapid development of automobile industry momentum, has also led to the development of automotive mirrors industry as a core component of the steering rear view mirrors are continuously optimized and improved, electrically adjustable steering now has been widely by the world States of motor vehicles and parts manufacturers are used. Made at this stage in the major luxury cars steering electric mirrors Eaton purchased in foreign and domestic companies are also using the method of reverse mapping of the imitation, but imitation resulted in poor production results are poor, when the steering operation noise, high currents, these domestic generic products only for some of the domestic market and the small car factory maintenance. The design of the existing share in the foreign company's Electric Power Steering internal planetary gear to carry out optimization to improve design, reduce the steering gear ratio within the gear box, in order to reduce noise, reduce the current, lower power consumption, and maintain electric Steering the original shape and size and structure to enable it to Eaton's products are interchangeable, the localization of the electric steering mirrors.

Keywords: Rearview mirror, Auto folding machine, worm and gear , Reducer

第一章 引 言 - 1 -
1.1国内外汽车后视镜发展状况 - 1 -
1.2后视镜国产化现状、要求 - 3 -
1.3研究意义 - 4 -
第二章 电动后视镜折叠器工作原理与结构 - 5 -
2.1 电动后视镜折叠器工作原理 - 5 -
2.2 折叠器设计结构 - 7 -
第三章 电动折叠器的设计 - 10 -
3.1第一级蜗轮蜗杆传动的设计 - 10 -
3.2第二级蜗轮蜗杆传动的设计 - 12 -
3.3齿轮传动装置的设计 - 14 -
第四章 结论与展望 - 18 -
4.1结论 - 18 -
4.2展望 - 18 -
结 语 - 19 -
致 谢 - 20 -
参考文献 - 22 -