

此文档由会员 旅顺人5 发布
摘 要
关键词:多功能护理床; 模拟运动; 护理; 经济性
To adjust the current situation and the lack of domestic industry, this article put forward a design method of nursing bed. The design is committed to meet the needs of the overwhelming majority of patients with limited mobility, and give a industry-wide solution to the current price problem.Based on the domestic care industry surveys and interviews,Combining aspects of knowledge reference,We mainly use some of the most simple mechanical structure,On the one hand a simple mechanical transmission with high reliability, on the other hand, the budget can be reduced to the maximum extent, to reduce the production cycle.In addition, taking into account the patient's grassroots economic strength, the nursing bed is committed to achieve the lowest cost of the basic functions of nursing beds.Although the investigation learned that there are many domestic and foreign advanced technology we can learn,the nursing bed is designed primarily to consider supporting the back, roll, curved legs, as well as a few basic functions potty drive.Design process including design sports bodies to determine the size of the movement, the movement to establish the model, the simulation exercise.
Keywords: Multifunctional nursing bed; Analog Movement; Nurse; Economy
目 录
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 多功能护理床行业的背景和发展意义 1
1.2 本课题的主要方法和研究进展 1
第2章 多功能护理床总体方案的设计 2
2.1 多功能护理床的设计要求和指标 2
2.2 多功能护理床整体方案的设计 3
2.2.1护理床的整体尺寸 3
2.2.2护理床中各个位姿下床板转动角度 3
2.2.3多功能护理床的承载能力指标 4
2.3 多功能护理床的运动方案设计级选 5
2.3.1支背机构的比较分析和选定 6
2.3.2曲腿机构的比较分析和选定 8
2.3.3侧翻机构的比较分析和选定 10
2.3.4便盆机构的分析选定 12
2.4 多功能护理床的参数设计 12
2.4.1支背尺寸的确定 13
2.4.2曲腿尺寸的的确定 14
2.4.3侧翻机构的尺寸确定 15
2.4.4便盆机构尺寸确定 15
便盆机构尺寸确定图如下: 15
第3章 多功能护理床的运动模拟仿真 17
3.1支背模块 17
3.2曲腿模块 18
3.3侧翻模块 19
3.4便盆模块 20
结 论 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附 录 1 在校期间获得的专利 24
摘 要
关键词:多功能护理床; 模拟运动; 护理; 经济性
To adjust the current situation and the lack of domestic industry, this article put forward a design method of nursing bed. The design is committed to meet the needs of the overwhelming majority of patients with limited mobility, and give a industry-wide solution to the current price problem.Based on the domestic care industry surveys and interviews,Combining aspects of knowledge reference,We mainly use some of the most simple mechanical structure,On the one hand a simple mechanical transmission with high reliability, on the other hand, the budget can be reduced to the maximum extent, to reduce the production cycle.In addition, taking into account the patient's grassroots economic strength, the nursing bed is committed to achieve the lowest cost of the basic functions of nursing beds.Although the investigation learned that there are many domestic and foreign advanced technology we can learn,the nursing bed is designed primarily to consider supporting the back, roll, curved legs, as well as a few basic functions potty drive.Design process including design sports bodies to determine the size of the movement, the movement to establish the model, the simulation exercise.
Keywords: Multifunctional nursing bed; Analog Movement; Nurse; Economy
目 录
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 多功能护理床行业的背景和发展意义 1
1.2 本课题的主要方法和研究进展 1
第2章 多功能护理床总体方案的设计 2
2.1 多功能护理床的设计要求和指标 2
2.2 多功能护理床整体方案的设计 3
2.2.1护理床的整体尺寸 3
2.2.2护理床中各个位姿下床板转动角度 3
2.2.3多功能护理床的承载能力指标 4
2.3 多功能护理床的运动方案设计级选 5
2.3.1支背机构的比较分析和选定 6
2.3.2曲腿机构的比较分析和选定 8
2.3.3侧翻机构的比较分析和选定 10
2.3.4便盆机构的分析选定 12
2.4 多功能护理床的参数设计 12
2.4.1支背尺寸的确定 13
2.4.2曲腿尺寸的的确定 14
2.4.3侧翻机构的尺寸确定 15
2.4.4便盆机构尺寸确定 15
便盆机构尺寸确定图如下: 15
第3章 多功能护理床的运动模拟仿真 17
3.1支背模块 17
3.2曲腿模块 18
3.3侧翻模块 19
3.4便盆模块 20
结 论 21
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
附 录 1 在校期间获得的专利 24