
汽车检具设计——后座椅总成检具设计,12000字 42页摘 要 检具是工业生产企业为控制产品的各种机械尺寸而特制的一种专用测量工具,适用于大批量生产的产品,如汽车零部件等,以替代卡规、塞规、三坐标测量机等测量工具。 检具这个行业是中国新起行业,行业的发展让中国在汽车制造业方面,节约了大量成本,提高了很高的质量。所以在可预测的时间内,检具将在汽车行业起了巨...

此文档由会员 山村野夫 发布12000字 42页
摘 要
关键词:检具 汽车座椅 项目启动过程
Seizure of industrial production enterprises for various mechanical size control products and special a special measuring tool, suitable for mass productionproducts, such as automobile parts, in order to replace the gauge, plug gauge,three coordinate measuring machine and measuring tools.
Submit this industry is a new industry China, the development of the industry toChinese in automobile manufacturing, saving a lot of cost, improve the quality of high. So in the predictable time, fixture will play a significant role in the automobile industry.
The subject of the rear seat assembly fixture to do research and study deeply,mainly focus on product R & D and production practice. According to theseizure of the development process and project process writing. Customers from the measurement data and the analysis of body products, GD& T drawings, thinking the 3D modeling process fixture structure and the measurement mode; then UG 3D modeling, for typical parts modeling methods were introduced; then, at UG in CAD software, the parts of the 2D drawing are introduced; again design of fixture parts molding are analyzed; finally,combined with the actual production, the assembly and debugging and test thevice gages, thinking of specific link.
Key word: A special measuring tool Gauge The car seat Project process
目 录
第一章 汽车检具的简介 6
1.1 关于检具发展的简介 6
1.2 关于检具结构的简单剖析 7
第二章 UG软件和中望CAD+软件的简介 8
2.1 UG软件的简单介绍 8
2.2 中望CAD+软件的简单介绍 8
第三章 汽车座椅检具的设计 10
3.1 汽车座椅及其环境件的简单介绍 10
3.2 汽车座椅总成检具的制作和分析思路 12
3.3 典型零件的UG三维造型过程 20
3.3.1 常用建模命令的介绍 20
3.3.2 模拟块的制作过程 23
3.3.3 底板的三维成型 26
3.3.4 定位块和支架的三维建模 27
3.3.5 其它标准件和常见运动件的建模 28
3.3.6 翻转机构和滑移机构的建模分析 29
3.4 检具的零件出图 30
3.4.1 关于检具的零件出图过程 31
3.4.2 就UG软件对检具零件的出图进行的简单介绍 32
第四章 典型零件的加工工艺过程 35
4.1 工艺的简单介绍 35
4.2 典型零件工艺 35
第五章 检具的装配、调试与检验 37
第六章 总结与展望 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42