
光导纤维切割形状检测与识别方法研究,22200字 50页 摘 要随着光纤通信的发展,方便快捷的检测光纤端面质量的仪器对于维护光纤通讯网络的有效连接具有重大的意义。本文设计的基于便携式光纤端面检测仪器,体积小,便于场外作业。根据在实际通讯中对光纤端面质量的要求,将采集到的图像在dsp中实时进行处理,并按照标准判定光纤端面的...

此文档由会员 山村野夫 发布
22200字 50页
摘 要
(2)在 DSP 处理器中设计了光纤端面检测仪器的图像采集程序和显示程序,并且设计了人机交互模块,加强了该软件的适应性。
(3)设计了光纤连接器端面图像的处理程序,先用 Canny 算法检测图像边缘,提出改进的 Hough 算法进行光纤包层圆的定位和区域划分。根据图像光照分布提出了分区域二值化方法,并且采用圆度定义区分端面的质量。
关键词:光纤端面检测,图像采集,图像处理,Canny 算法,DSP处理器
With the development of optical fiber communication, it is great significance to detect the fiber end conveniently for network connections.In this paper, we designed a portable optical fiber end-detection equipment. It is small and easy to operate in the outdoors.According to the actual communication quality requirements for fiber end face, The images were collected by the DSP processor for processing at real time and determined quality of the fiber end face according to the standards. The system has a good human-computer interaction, good storage model, and fully functions.
Major work of this dissertation:
(1)The entire system was designed. It includes optical system, lighting systems, image acquisition system and hardware platform choices.
(2)The image acquisition and display process of the fiber end face detection equipment on the DSP processor was achieved by invoking the bottom driver. The human-computer interaction module was designed to adjust the threshold of the parameter, and the adaptability of the software was enhanced.
(3)The whole image processing program of the equipment was designed. The Canny edge detection algorithm was designed to detect the edge of good quality and continuous. An improved Hough algorithm was proposed to detect the position of the fiber cladding. Binary process was used regional separation according to the lightdistribution of the fiber end image. The stain and the scratch on the fiber end image was distinguished according to the definition of roundness.
(4)The entire system was assembled, tested and experimented.
KEY WORDS : Fiber end detection, image acquisition, image processing, Canny algorithm, DSP processor
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 光纤端面检测系统的研究背景 1
1.1.1 光纤通讯的发展 1
1.1.2 光纤连接器端面检测的意义 2
1.1.3 光纤端面质量检测的现有方法 3
1.1.4 光纤端面质量检测的现有产品 4
1.2 嵌入式系统的特点 6
1.2.1 嵌入式系统的硬件介绍 7
1.2.2嵌入式系统的软件介绍 7
1.2.3 嵌入式系统的特点 8
1.3 本论文的研究目的及主要内容 9
1.3.1 本论文的研究目的 9
1.3.2 本论文的主要内容 9
第二章 便携式光纤端面检测系统设计 11
2.1 光纤端面检测仪的总体结构 11
2.2 光学成像系统和照明系统 12
2.3 光纤端面检测仪的图像采集部分 15
2.4 光纤端面检测仪的硬件部分 15
2.5 光纤端面检测仪的软件部分 16
2.5.1 光纤端面检测仪的上层应用程序开发 17
2.6 本章小结 18
第三章 便携式光纤端面检测仪图像采集和预处理 19
3.1 图像数据的获取和显示 19
3.1.1 图像数据的获取 19
3.1.2 图像数据的绘制和显示 21
3.2 光纤端面图像检测预处理 23
3.2.1 数字图像处理方法和基本流程 23
3.2.2 图像的预处理 24
3.2.3 图像的边缘检测及阈值分割 25
3.3 本章小结 36
第四章:系统的器件展示及部分程序运行结果 37
4.1 便携式光纤连接端面检测仪的开发板 37
4.2 部分程序运行结果 37
4.3 本章小结 38
第五章 总结与展望 39
5.1 总结 39
5.2 展望 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41
22200字 50页
摘 要
(2)在 DSP 处理器中设计了光纤端面检测仪器的图像采集程序和显示程序,并且设计了人机交互模块,加强了该软件的适应性。
(3)设计了光纤连接器端面图像的处理程序,先用 Canny 算法检测图像边缘,提出改进的 Hough 算法进行光纤包层圆的定位和区域划分。根据图像光照分布提出了分区域二值化方法,并且采用圆度定义区分端面的质量。
关键词:光纤端面检测,图像采集,图像处理,Canny 算法,DSP处理器
With the development of optical fiber communication, it is great significance to detect the fiber end conveniently for network connections.In this paper, we designed a portable optical fiber end-detection equipment. It is small and easy to operate in the outdoors.According to the actual communication quality requirements for fiber end face, The images were collected by the DSP processor for processing at real time and determined quality of the fiber end face according to the standards. The system has a good human-computer interaction, good storage model, and fully functions.
Major work of this dissertation:
(1)The entire system was designed. It includes optical system, lighting systems, image acquisition system and hardware platform choices.
(2)The image acquisition and display process of the fiber end face detection equipment on the DSP processor was achieved by invoking the bottom driver. The human-computer interaction module was designed to adjust the threshold of the parameter, and the adaptability of the software was enhanced.
(3)The whole image processing program of the equipment was designed. The Canny edge detection algorithm was designed to detect the edge of good quality and continuous. An improved Hough algorithm was proposed to detect the position of the fiber cladding. Binary process was used regional separation according to the lightdistribution of the fiber end image. The stain and the scratch on the fiber end image was distinguished according to the definition of roundness.
(4)The entire system was assembled, tested and experimented.
KEY WORDS : Fiber end detection, image acquisition, image processing, Canny algorithm, DSP processor
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 光纤端面检测系统的研究背景 1
1.1.1 光纤通讯的发展 1
1.1.2 光纤连接器端面检测的意义 2
1.1.3 光纤端面质量检测的现有方法 3
1.1.4 光纤端面质量检测的现有产品 4
1.2 嵌入式系统的特点 6
1.2.1 嵌入式系统的硬件介绍 7
1.2.2嵌入式系统的软件介绍 7
1.2.3 嵌入式系统的特点 8
1.3 本论文的研究目的及主要内容 9
1.3.1 本论文的研究目的 9
1.3.2 本论文的主要内容 9
第二章 便携式光纤端面检测系统设计 11
2.1 光纤端面检测仪的总体结构 11
2.2 光学成像系统和照明系统 12
2.3 光纤端面检测仪的图像采集部分 15
2.4 光纤端面检测仪的硬件部分 15
2.5 光纤端面检测仪的软件部分 16
2.5.1 光纤端面检测仪的上层应用程序开发 17
2.6 本章小结 18
第三章 便携式光纤端面检测仪图像采集和预处理 19
3.1 图像数据的获取和显示 19
3.1.1 图像数据的获取 19
3.1.2 图像数据的绘制和显示 21
3.2 光纤端面图像检测预处理 23
3.2.1 数字图像处理方法和基本流程 23
3.2.2 图像的预处理 24
3.2.3 图像的边缘检测及阈值分割 25
3.3 本章小结 36
第四章:系统的器件展示及部分程序运行结果 37
4.1 便携式光纤连接端面检测仪的开发板 37
4.2 部分程序运行结果 37
4.3 本章小结 38
第五章 总结与展望 39
5.1 总结 39
5.2 展望 39
致 谢 40
参考文献 41