
机械在鞋厂运用的研究,20000字 47页摘要随着中国经济的发展,中国的制鞋业在全世界中占了一个很大的份额,全球产鞋量约为150亿双,而中国制造已经超过了100亿双。然而,一枝独秀的中国制鞋业已经开始了新的裂变,在国际贸易壁垒、人民币升值、原材料价格上涨以及劳动力短缺,特别是国家新的劳动合同法实施的影响下,一直处于强势地...

此文档由会员 山村野夫 发布
20000字 47页
关键词 穿鞋带机 劳动力 效率 Pro/e 三维建模
The research of the use of intelligent machinery in the footwear
AbstractWith the development of China's economy , the industry of China's footwear accounts for a large share in the world,the whole number of shoes of global production is about 15 billion pairs, while made in China has exceeded 10 billion pairs. However, a new greet change has taken place in the thriving industry of footwear in China. Under the influence of the international trade barriers, RMB appreciation, rising raw material prices and labor shortages, especially the implementation of the country's new labor contract law, the Chinese footwear industry which has always been in a strong position is facing severe challenges and tests. It is imminent for China 's footwear industry to upgrade, which must transmit heavy and monotonous work into a fully automated assembly line.
After the vamp has been processed well and before the plug is inserted in shoes, footwear usually puts laces on the vamp and then inserts the plug to emulation the human feet wear shoes and ties the laces well then come into the processes of the dash, polishing, in addition to sulfur stereotypes, glue, co-end. And the shoes to wear lace is the most labor-intensive processes, lacing machine is a hot research direction in today's footwear industry. Although there has been some machine-generated, but they still have a lot of issues to be resolved: such as the functional optimization, cost reduction and so on. The research of lacing machine is a very challenging job. In the view of market outlook, lacing machine can greatly reduce labor intensity and improve labor efficiency; in the view of function, lacing machine achieves the liberation of labor. Therefore, the investigation and research of lacing machine is very meaningful and significant. Based on existing research, the article analyzed some lacing machine's performance index, which includes work principle, work performance, strengths and weaknesses, work efficiency and so on. The article designs a kind of intelligent mechanical arm devices –Lacing Machine and achieves it by means of three-dimensional modeling by using Proe software.
KeywordsLacing Machine Labor force Efficiency Pro/e Three-dimensional modeling
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3研究意义 2
第二章 国内外研究现状分析 3
2.1目前国内主要技术方案 3
2.2方案分析 3
2.3方案总结: 4
第三章 方案设计 5
3.1整体方案设计 5
3.2各机构的选择与设计 7
3.2.1鞋模的设计 7
3.2.2定位夹板的设计 7
3.2.3工作台的设计 9
3.2.4机械手的设计 10
3.2.5升降台的设计 11
3.2.6机架的设计 12
第四章 造型设计 13
4.1使用的软件介绍 13
4.2 proe的三维造型 13
第五章 总结与发展 17
5.1 总结 17
5.2存在的问题 17
5.3 发展 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 A 22
附录 B 24
附录 C 27
附录 D 30
20000字 47页
关键词 穿鞋带机 劳动力 效率 Pro/e 三维建模
The research of the use of intelligent machinery in the footwear
AbstractWith the development of China's economy , the industry of China's footwear accounts for a large share in the world,the whole number of shoes of global production is about 15 billion pairs, while made in China has exceeded 10 billion pairs. However, a new greet change has taken place in the thriving industry of footwear in China. Under the influence of the international trade barriers, RMB appreciation, rising raw material prices and labor shortages, especially the implementation of the country's new labor contract law, the Chinese footwear industry which has always been in a strong position is facing severe challenges and tests. It is imminent for China 's footwear industry to upgrade, which must transmit heavy and monotonous work into a fully automated assembly line.
After the vamp has been processed well and before the plug is inserted in shoes, footwear usually puts laces on the vamp and then inserts the plug to emulation the human feet wear shoes and ties the laces well then come into the processes of the dash, polishing, in addition to sulfur stereotypes, glue, co-end. And the shoes to wear lace is the most labor-intensive processes, lacing machine is a hot research direction in today's footwear industry. Although there has been some machine-generated, but they still have a lot of issues to be resolved: such as the functional optimization, cost reduction and so on. The research of lacing machine is a very challenging job. In the view of market outlook, lacing machine can greatly reduce labor intensity and improve labor efficiency; in the view of function, lacing machine achieves the liberation of labor. Therefore, the investigation and research of lacing machine is very meaningful and significant. Based on existing research, the article analyzed some lacing machine's performance index, which includes work principle, work performance, strengths and weaknesses, work efficiency and so on. The article designs a kind of intelligent mechanical arm devices –Lacing Machine and achieves it by means of three-dimensional modeling by using Proe software.
KeywordsLacing Machine Labor force Efficiency Pro/e Three-dimensional modeling
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3研究意义 2
第二章 国内外研究现状分析 3
2.1目前国内主要技术方案 3
2.2方案分析 3
2.3方案总结: 4
第三章 方案设计 5
3.1整体方案设计 5
3.2各机构的选择与设计 7
3.2.1鞋模的设计 7
3.2.2定位夹板的设计 7
3.2.3工作台的设计 9
3.2.4机械手的设计 10
3.2.5升降台的设计 11
3.2.6机架的设计 12
第四章 造型设计 13
4.1使用的软件介绍 13
4.2 proe的三维造型 13
第五章 总结与发展 17
5.1 总结 17
5.2存在的问题 17
5.3 发展 18
致谢 19
参考文献 20
附录 A 22
附录 B 24
附录 C 27
附录 D 30