
中学生数学应用意识的培养研究,23000字39页目录第一章 引言11.1课题的提出11.2课题研究综述11.3研究思路21.4研究意义2第二章 中学生数学应用意识培养的理论基础及研究意义42.1理论依据42.1.1弗赖登塔尔教学原理42.1.2建构主义理论42.1.3元认知理论52.2中学阶段数学的应用意识的界定62.2...

此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布
23000字 39页
第一章 引言 1
1.1课题的提出 1
1.2课题研究综述 1
1.3研究思路 2
1.4研究意义 2
第二章 中学生数学应用意识培养的理论基础及研究意义 4
2.1理论依据 4
2.1.1弗赖登塔尔教学原理 4
2.1.2建构主义理论 4
2.1.3元认知理论 5
2.2中学阶段数学的应用意识的界定 6
2.2.1数学应用 6
2.2.2数学应用意识 6
第三章 对中学生数学应用意识的现状的调查与原因分析 7
3.1 学生数学应用意识和应用能力的调查与分析 7
3.1.1学生问卷调查及访谈结果与分析 7
3.1.2教师问卷的调查结果与分析 7
3.2我国中学数学应用意识薄弱的成因 9
3.2.1我国数学课程设置存在忽视数学应用的现象 9
3.2.2理论型教材忽视培养应用意识的需求 9
3.2.3评价体系在应用意识和能力考查方面的缺位 10
3.2.4教师教学中对培养数学应用意识缺乏能动性 10
第四章 培养中学生数学应用意识和能力的几点思考 11
4.1对教师观念的思考 11
4.1.1教师需转化自己的教学理念 11
4.1.2提高教师自身的素质 11
4.2对教材内容和编排方式的思考 12
4.3对教材编排体系的思考 12
4.3.1现实—建构—应用 13
4.3.2实际问题—理论—实际问题 13
4.3.3实践—认识—实践 14
4.4对数学教学的思考 14
4.4.1教学原则 14
4.4.2教学设计 15
结束语 27
致谢 28
参考文献: 29
附件一:中学生数学应用意识淡薄成因调查问卷 30
附件二:教师的数学应用意识调查表 32
摘要: 自古以来,数学在学科上都有着其独一无二的魅力和地位,现在,数学已经发展成为独立于自然科学之外,同时又与社会科学并驾齐驱的一门科学,数学的应用价值得到了前所未有的体现。人们对数学的需求不断增加,但对于如何应用数学的意识却越来越薄弱!数学来源于实践,又反过来为实践服务,运用课本知识来解决实际问题,这是中学生需要掌握的必备素质。能够运用所学的数学知识解决实际问题,使学生形成“用数学”的意识。新的数学课程标准已经把发展学生的数学应用意识作为一个重要的教学目标,因此,如何培养和发展中学生的数学应用意识,已经成为当前中学数学教育改革的重要问题。
关键词:数学教学 数学应用意识 学生的培养
Study on the cultivation of students' mathematics application consciousness
Abstract: Since ancient times, math on the discipline has its unique charm and status, mathematics has become independence from the natural sciences, and social science and natural science of science, mathematics application obtained the unprecedented value. With the increasing demand of mathematics, how to apply the consciousness of mathematics is weaker and weaker! Mathematics come from practice and in turn serve into practice and use the textbook knowledge to solve practical problems, the students need to master the necessary quality. Learning to use mathematics knowledge to solve practical problems causes the student to form the consciousness of using mathematical, new mathematics curriculum standard has taken the development of student's mathematics application consciousness as an important teaching goal. Therefore, how to cultivate and develop students' mathematics application consciousness has become an important problem in the current middle school mathematics education reform.
Theoretically in this paper fully illustrates the concept, significance, consciousness of mathematics application consciousness of mathematics application situation at home and abroad. Through questionnaire survey and interviews of teachers and students. The student's application test and the case study, the teaching material of mathematics application survey find factors hindering the research on the middle school students' mathematics application include: mathematics classroom settings, mathematics teaching material contents, the quality of teachers as well as the present eva luation system, and analyzing the application problems such as lack of consciousness in mathematics education. Needle for these questions in this study guided by the theory and in combination with the actual situation on the basis of the corresponding measures are given.From the school, it makes full use of class of potential students in the excavated mathematics application ability, develop extracurricular knowledge to build student's mathematics application consciousness. Finally, the basis of practice has made the summary, this study puts forward in the summary about how to improve the solution of middle school students' mathematics application consciousness in our country, and related suggestions for further research.
Keyword:Mathematics eaching athematics application consciousness The cultivation of the students
23000字 39页
第一章 引言 1
1.1课题的提出 1
1.2课题研究综述 1
1.3研究思路 2
1.4研究意义 2
第二章 中学生数学应用意识培养的理论基础及研究意义 4
2.1理论依据 4
2.1.1弗赖登塔尔教学原理 4
2.1.2建构主义理论 4
2.1.3元认知理论 5
2.2中学阶段数学的应用意识的界定 6
2.2.1数学应用 6
2.2.2数学应用意识 6
第三章 对中学生数学应用意识的现状的调查与原因分析 7
3.1 学生数学应用意识和应用能力的调查与分析 7
3.1.1学生问卷调查及访谈结果与分析 7
3.1.2教师问卷的调查结果与分析 7
3.2我国中学数学应用意识薄弱的成因 9
3.2.1我国数学课程设置存在忽视数学应用的现象 9
3.2.2理论型教材忽视培养应用意识的需求 9
3.2.3评价体系在应用意识和能力考查方面的缺位 10
3.2.4教师教学中对培养数学应用意识缺乏能动性 10
第四章 培养中学生数学应用意识和能力的几点思考 11
4.1对教师观念的思考 11
4.1.1教师需转化自己的教学理念 11
4.1.2提高教师自身的素质 11
4.2对教材内容和编排方式的思考 12
4.3对教材编排体系的思考 12
4.3.1现实—建构—应用 13
4.3.2实际问题—理论—实际问题 13
4.3.3实践—认识—实践 14
4.4对数学教学的思考 14
4.4.1教学原则 14
4.4.2教学设计 15
结束语 27
致谢 28
参考文献: 29
附件一:中学生数学应用意识淡薄成因调查问卷 30
附件二:教师的数学应用意识调查表 32
摘要: 自古以来,数学在学科上都有着其独一无二的魅力和地位,现在,数学已经发展成为独立于自然科学之外,同时又与社会科学并驾齐驱的一门科学,数学的应用价值得到了前所未有的体现。人们对数学的需求不断增加,但对于如何应用数学的意识却越来越薄弱!数学来源于实践,又反过来为实践服务,运用课本知识来解决实际问题,这是中学生需要掌握的必备素质。能够运用所学的数学知识解决实际问题,使学生形成“用数学”的意识。新的数学课程标准已经把发展学生的数学应用意识作为一个重要的教学目标,因此,如何培养和发展中学生的数学应用意识,已经成为当前中学数学教育改革的重要问题。
关键词:数学教学 数学应用意识 学生的培养
Study on the cultivation of students' mathematics application consciousness
Abstract: Since ancient times, math on the discipline has its unique charm and status, mathematics has become independence from the natural sciences, and social science and natural science of science, mathematics application obtained the unprecedented value. With the increasing demand of mathematics, how to apply the consciousness of mathematics is weaker and weaker! Mathematics come from practice and in turn serve into practice and use the textbook knowledge to solve practical problems, the students need to master the necessary quality. Learning to use mathematics knowledge to solve practical problems causes the student to form the consciousness of using mathematical, new mathematics curriculum standard has taken the development of student's mathematics application consciousness as an important teaching goal. Therefore, how to cultivate and develop students' mathematics application consciousness has become an important problem in the current middle school mathematics education reform.
Theoretically in this paper fully illustrates the concept, significance, consciousness of mathematics application consciousness of mathematics application situation at home and abroad. Through questionnaire survey and interviews of teachers and students. The student's application test and the case study, the teaching material of mathematics application survey find factors hindering the research on the middle school students' mathematics application include: mathematics classroom settings, mathematics teaching material contents, the quality of teachers as well as the present eva luation system, and analyzing the application problems such as lack of consciousness in mathematics education. Needle for these questions in this study guided by the theory and in combination with the actual situation on the basis of the corresponding measures are given.From the school, it makes full use of class of potential students in the excavated mathematics application ability, develop extracurricular knowledge to build student's mathematics application consciousness. Finally, the basis of practice has made the summary, this study puts forward in the summary about how to improve the solution of middle school students' mathematics application consciousness in our country, and related suggestions for further research.
Keyword:Mathematics eaching athematics application consciousness The cultivation of the students