激光冲击cu诱导等离子体光谱实验分析,激光冲击cu诱导等离子体光谱实验分析16600字 36页摘要在信息化社会,科学技术总是日星月异。尤其是在激光领域,不断有突破性的研究进展。从二十世纪以来,发展过来的激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术libs(laser induced breakdown spectroscopy)在物质元素研究和分析领域取得一大成果。lib...
此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布
16600字 36页
摘要在信息化社会,科学技术总是日星月异。尤其是在激光领域,不断有突破性的研究进展。从二十世纪以来,发展过来的激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术LIBS(Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)在物质元素研究和分析领域取得一大成果。LIBS已经在工业领域的各个发光面起着相当重要的作用。回顾一下激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术的发展历程,我们从时间上,整个过程可分成三阶段:从六十年代到七十年代之间,实验室中普遍采用光电火花源来诱导等粒子,虽然和之前的实验方法相比,得到的光谱品质有所改善但是还是没有达到我们要求的高度,它主要表现在较差的检测能力,在分析光谱精度过程中尤为体现出来;到了七十年代和八十年代之间,计算机技术的发展不断的向前推进,时空分辨技术得到了更加广泛的应用,我们可以改变材料周围的环境参量,再使用激光去冲击材料诱导等离子体;从九十年代至今,科技跨越式的发展导致一轮又一轮的科技产品不断地更新,最终产生了LIBS技术。这个突破对于瞬态光谱的研究有了本质上的推动和促进,与此同时,也为经后在激光光谱研究领域开辟了一番新的天地。
关键词 激光冲击 等离子体 光电检测 光谱分析
The impact of transient laser-induced plasma spectroscopy experiments Cu analysis
Abstract with the development of the technology of laser,Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy named shortly LIBS leads to a new time when we start to analyze the element substance ,which emerged in 2000s. This technology has been applied in various industry fields.for LIBS ,it went through about three period: we often use optic-electric fire to induce plasma in the labor.though the optic spectrum we get in that way has been improved ,it still can not meet our command.it is weak in detecting ,especially when it is applied in analysis of spectrum accuracy.when it comes to the 1960s ,in the following 10 years ,the PC technology is developing fast as it was .temporal special resolution has been applied in the broaden field. maybe we can change the environment parameters surrounding the target material or something dealing about material itself.and then we can use LASER to lash the material for the plasma .from the 1990s to this day,technology has stepped stride.it goes on from that time to next time and never delays,which leads to the technology LIBS.the breakthrough can motivate the research of the instantaneous spectrum in the potential.and also due to it,a new research area has been exploited about the spectrum studied by laser.
what we need to point is that as a analysis detecting technology including various branches of subjects ------laser induced plasma for spectrum LIBS,is an important studying project on optic-interacted substantial especially on interacted mental abstention
during a long time ,LIBS has always been applied on the mining collection ,analyzing environment,laser processing ,laser lashing and so on.LIBS can detect the microscopic substantiation LIBS can be done on the physical structure of the material microstructure and chemical composition of the composition of macroscopic matter detection and analysis, and is not limited to the size of the sample to be detected. Currently, researchers are continuing to explore laser-induced process, various parameters such as gas environment surrounding the target, the target's own impact on the chemical properties of the physical characteristics of the experiment.
In this lecture. we firstly introduce the main equipments we need in the experiment and some information in detail about the equipment.what we use counts much,the choice of the devices can affect the spectrum and the accuracy of the last analysis .and then we need to introduce the principal about the laser lashing Cu to induce he plasma and its detection about spectrum on shot time. besides.we point out the method we need to detect in the experiment. next,we start to experiment,gather data,analyzing spectrum.we can control the energy of laser at a constant level.change the kind of delay to get different spectrum.after comparing and analyzing ,we seem to get a proper law which can help to apply LIBS to industry field .
KEY WORDS: LASER lash Plasma optic-electric detection s..
16600字 36页
摘要在信息化社会,科学技术总是日星月异。尤其是在激光领域,不断有突破性的研究进展。从二十世纪以来,发展过来的激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术LIBS(Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy)在物质元素研究和分析领域取得一大成果。LIBS已经在工业领域的各个发光面起着相当重要的作用。回顾一下激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术的发展历程,我们从时间上,整个过程可分成三阶段:从六十年代到七十年代之间,实验室中普遍采用光电火花源来诱导等粒子,虽然和之前的实验方法相比,得到的光谱品质有所改善但是还是没有达到我们要求的高度,它主要表现在较差的检测能力,在分析光谱精度过程中尤为体现出来;到了七十年代和八十年代之间,计算机技术的发展不断的向前推进,时空分辨技术得到了更加广泛的应用,我们可以改变材料周围的环境参量,再使用激光去冲击材料诱导等离子体;从九十年代至今,科技跨越式的发展导致一轮又一轮的科技产品不断地更新,最终产生了LIBS技术。这个突破对于瞬态光谱的研究有了本质上的推动和促进,与此同时,也为经后在激光光谱研究领域开辟了一番新的天地。
关键词 激光冲击 等离子体 光电检测 光谱分析
The impact of transient laser-induced plasma spectroscopy experiments Cu analysis
Abstract with the development of the technology of laser,Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy named shortly LIBS leads to a new time when we start to analyze the element substance ,which emerged in 2000s. This technology has been applied in various industry fields.for LIBS ,it went through about three period: we often use optic-electric fire to induce plasma in the labor.though the optic spectrum we get in that way has been improved ,it still can not meet our command.it is weak in detecting ,especially when it is applied in analysis of spectrum accuracy.when it comes to the 1960s ,in the following 10 years ,the PC technology is developing fast as it was .temporal special resolution has been applied in the broaden field. maybe we can change the environment parameters surrounding the target material or something dealing about material itself.and then we can use LASER to lash the material for the plasma .from the 1990s to this day,technology has stepped stride.it goes on from that time to next time and never delays,which leads to the technology LIBS.the breakthrough can motivate the research of the instantaneous spectrum in the potential.and also due to it,a new research area has been exploited about the spectrum studied by laser.
what we need to point is that as a analysis detecting technology including various branches of subjects ------laser induced plasma for spectrum LIBS,is an important studying project on optic-interacted substantial especially on interacted mental abstention
during a long time ,LIBS has always been applied on the mining collection ,analyzing environment,laser processing ,laser lashing and so on.LIBS can detect the microscopic substantiation LIBS can be done on the physical structure of the material microstructure and chemical composition of the composition of macroscopic matter detection and analysis, and is not limited to the size of the sample to be detected. Currently, researchers are continuing to explore laser-induced process, various parameters such as gas environment surrounding the target, the target's own impact on the chemical properties of the physical characteristics of the experiment.
In this lecture. we firstly introduce the main equipments we need in the experiment and some information in detail about the equipment.what we use counts much,the choice of the devices can affect the spectrum and the accuracy of the last analysis .and then we need to introduce the principal about the laser lashing Cu to induce he plasma and its detection about spectrum on shot time. besides.we point out the method we need to detect in the experiment. next,we start to experiment,gather data,analyzing spectrum.we can control the energy of laser at a constant level.change the kind of delay to get different spectrum.after comparing and analyzing ,we seem to get a proper law which can help to apply LIBS to industry field .
KEY WORDS: LASER lash Plasma optic-electric detection s..