
金属圆柱阵列传光特性的研究,基于表面等离子子体的16000字 48页摘要表面等离子体耦合电子和电磁场沿着金属表面传播的振荡。由于其在亚波长光学器件的潜在应用它在过去十年里引起了极大的关注。相比传统的介质波导,表面等离子体激元可用于输送低于衍射极限的能量。quinten等人理论上提出了金属纳米球沿链传播能量的可能性。然后m...

此文档由会员 sbsiji00 发布基于表面等离子子体的金属圆柱阵列传光特性的研究
16000字 48页
摘要 表面等离子体耦合电子和电磁场沿着金属表面传播的振荡。由于其在亚波长光学器件的潜在应用它在过去十年里引起了极大的关注。
关键词 表面等离子体 纳米 衍射极限 麦克斯韦方程
Research on surface plasmon assisted light propagation in metallic cylinder arrays
Abstract Surface plasmons (SPs) are coupled oscillations of electrons and electromagnetic fields which propagate along the metallic surfaces. It has attracted great attention in the last ten years due to its potential applications in subwavelength optics.
In contrast to the conventional dielectric waveguide, the surface plasmons can be used to transport energy below the diffraction limit. Quinten et al. Theoretically suggested the possibility of propagating energy along a chain of metallic nanospheres. Then Maier et al. and Brongersma et al. studied this type of structure further both in theory and experiments.
The 2D structure corresponding to spheres is the infinitely long cylinders. When a cylinder is much longer than the wavelength of incident light, it can be considered infinitely long, and then the Maxwell equations reduce into TE mode and TM mode. Since the fields with magnetic component parallel to the axis of the metallic cylinder (TM mode) can stimulate the SPs, arrays of such cylinders can be used to construct the 2D Plasmon waveguides.
Key words: Surface plasmons (SPs) namometer diffraction limit Maxwell equations
第一章 简介 1
1.1表面等离子体 1
1.1.1表面等离子体的基本概念 1
1.1.2 表面等离子体的色散关系 3
1.1.3表面等离子体的发展历史 6
1.2表面等离子体在周期结构中的传输 7
1.3 表面等离子体的应用 9
1.3.1波导与光子芯片 9
1.3.2新型光源 9
1.3.3 光刻 10
第二章 时域有限差分方法 11
2.1时域有限差分方法的介绍 11
2.2 麦克斯韦方程与Yee元胞 11
2.3 FDTD Solutions软件介绍及其应用 12
第三章 金属圆柱阵列的时域有限差分研究:等离子体波导和Y-分束器 14
3.1 90°分束角的Y型分束器的研究 14
3.2通过FDTD软件进行双链的建模 18
3.3分束角为90°的Y型分束器 31
3.4变化分束角之后的Y型分束器 35
3.4.1分束角为45°的Y型分束器 35
3.4.2分束角为120°的Y型分束器 37
总结与展望 39
致谢 40
参考文献 41